Nine Heavens

Chapter 2231

Seeing Qinglei like this, Princess Yingyao didn't feel disappointed anymore and didn't ask any more questions. Her mind was devoted to laughing with everyone until Liu Qianlang and Qinglei entered the bridal chamber, and then the demon king's messenger led them back to their residences to rest.

It is said that after Liu Qianlang and Qing Lei happily accompanied the guests back to the dormitory, they immediately seemed to be different people.

"Hmph! How despicable you are, to humiliate the suzerain uncle and the others like this! Don't think I don't know. It's true that you held the fairy wedding celebration, dismantling the lion and beast clan in the center of the Demon Thunder Sect and the surrounding eight regions, and forming an alliance with the three spirit monster clan!

I, Qinglei, am not giving you face in Mengxian Zhouzhu Palace Pavilion, but I am afraid that my dignity, Qinglei, will make me feel ashamed.

Now it's just the two of us, even if I Qing Lei can't beat you, I will fight you to the death today! Look Ray! "

Qinglei tugged three times, threw away the bride's auspicious clothes, and then with a frosty face, he folded his hands and condensed out groups of green thunders, trying to attack Liu Qianlang.

"Haha... my lady, why is the Master of the Dream Immortal Universe willing to let you die? Don't be self-willed. When the Eternal Immortal was in the world of the universe in the body, I often heard that there are five people in the world who say that a woman should marry her husband. Chickens marry chickens and dogs follow dogs. Now that you are the queen of this dream fairy universe, how can you have the heart to kill your husband.

What you said just now is correct, but it is not in place. You should know that this Dream Immortal Lord is the Eternal Immortal who created the Eternal Immortal Realm, so the real long-term goal of this Dream Immortal Lord is not just to disintegrate the various domains of the Demon Thunder Sect , the Master of the Immortal Universe in this dream will eventually destroy the entire Destroying Universe Continent, and unify the Immortal Demon Realm! "

For Qinglei's attack, for Liu Qianlang at this moment, her Lion Soul Demon Thunder is like soap bubbles, only romantic but not lethal.

Liu Qianlang lightly caught the thunderbolts from Qinglei's attack, wiped them with his big hand, and then controlled them in the sea of ​​palms, and threw them into his mouth the next moment to eat popcorn.

Then, taking advantage of the situation, he held Qing Lei in his arms and kissed his forehead forcefully, raised his head and laughed loudly, when Qing Lei wanted to struggle, Liu Qianlang had already moved his soul, and brought Qing Lei into the sea of ​​demon souls.

"When I go out, you scoundrel, I won't let you go!"

Qinglei yelled in embarrassment in the sea of ​​Liu Qianlang's mind.

"Hehe, lady, the happy couch is in the Infinity Cage Flower Building of the Soul Gate. You just want to rest. You still have things to do as a husband, so you can stay in the empty room alone for a while..."

Liu Qianlang had a playful smile, this time he was completely different from him before, said some nasty and irritating words, sealed the Demon Soul Gate, and shot out of the newlywed bedroom.

Wind and sand fighting stars.

Sect Master Molei, the five domain masters of the Warcraft clan, and some of their subordinates are impressive enough, but within a few hours, the hurricane, vortex, and sand-filled wind, sand, and fighting stars have been beautified even more green mountains and clear waters.

The Wind and Sand Fighting Star has become a lucky star in a dazzling tourist attraction.


"Sovereign, what the hell is wrong, look how festive their central domain master's star is, with demonic birds flying around, flowers scattered in the sky, and demonic winds whirling and dancing, don't they wait for us to be there, the wedding of immortals and demons Already started?"

The special envoy of the Magic Lightning Beast Race, Heihu, the special envoy of the Magic Lightning Beast Race, was originally unwilling to open up any desolate stars for the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, so while working angrily, he shot his eyes towards the center of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm.

He suddenly discovered these situations, and then yelled wildly.


When the demons heard it, they all suddenly realized. Qi Qi stopped his hands and looked at the position where the special envoy of the Black Tiger Magic Electric Beast raised his finger.

"Wow! Hateful! You're right! Let's go, let's destroy the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm Mengxian Nebula, rescue Qing'er, ask where the two standard magic formula scrolls are, and then kill the three spirits together domain owner!

Unexpectedly, he is so ruthless, he is not only playing tricks on us, but also forming an alliance with the three spirit monster clans. They are provoking our five great monster clans! "

At this time, the master of Molei thought of Liu Qianlang's real purpose of holding the wedding celebration of immortals and demons, and was so angry that Lei Hong shot all over his body, roaring.

Then, with a wave of arms, the group of demons behind them responded, and they flew into the sky in an instant, all of which were thunder rainbows, lightning, evil winds, wild sand, magic hail... all kinds of attributes and means The demon elephants cover the sky, and they are about to attack the demon thunder tree demon domain Central rushed.


However, suddenly a golden rainbow thundered down from the sky above them, and a huge light curtain appeared from the sky under Fengsha Douxing, and at the same time, the roar of lions and thunder continued. The incomparably powerful Li Hao inside made them unable to move forward due to their flying figures.

"Why, are the Sect Master Molei and all the domain masters anxious to participate in the fairy-and-demon wedding ceremony between the Dream Fairy Zhou Lord and Princess Qinglei?

If you are because of this, then there is no need, just now, Ben Mengxian Zhou Zhugang and Princess Qinglei had a wedding night.

Now she is sleeping peacefully, hehe! Her sweet sleepy smile is so beautiful.

You see, the Master Mengxian Zhou is so confused that he even forgot that Molei Sect Master is still Qinglei's uncle. Even if you made a mistake, I should at least invite her uncle to participate in the wedding ceremony of Xianmo.

The same is true for Qing'er, no matter how much you respect my opinion, you shouldn't neglect your uncle.

But fortunately, there is a saying in the world, it is not too late to make up for it. No, this Mengxian Zhouzhu came here to tell Uncle Molei Zong, you can rest assured that Molei Sect Master Nebula Continent, Qing'er and I have already held the wedding ceremony of the fairy demon.

Now we are the envy of the dead, the unprecedented fairy and devil newly married and sweet fairy and devil lovers. "

I saw Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttering, and the elder sister in silver clothes slowly drifting down the golden curtain of the sky with the bright red Liuxia's magic sword, and said with an extremely calm expression.

"Tell me, you killed the Demon and Lion Kings, and Qing'er was not willing, but you abducted. Can the scrolls of the two standard magic formulas be with you?"

Sect Master Molei's majestic and huge lion body floated in front of the huge monster of the Beast Demon Race behind him, his eyes were like pools, he stared coldly at the little Liu Qianlang, and asked like a thunderous roar.

"Oh! Qing'er's uncle is really smart, right! I killed the Demon Lion King, mainly to avenge the old domain lord Demon Thunder Zhou Lord.

You treat us as the people of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm so easy to bully, even if we kill our domain masters, if I don’t kill them, will I keep some of them!

However, as for Qing'er, you're wrong, she fell in love with this Dream Immortal, Zhou Lord, and then threw herself into her arms on her own initiative. We are sincere, and the Master Mengxian Zhou abducted her to cater to her heart.

By the way, when it comes to the two major magic scrolls, this is what I want to tell you the most. You are right, the two scrolls of standard magic formula are in the hands of this dream fairy Zhou Lord.

However, if you have any crooked thoughts to take it away from me, it will be impossible. As you have seen just now, what I am performing is the city position eighth-level magic thunder god art on the two standard magic formula scrolls.

If I wanted to kill you all at once, you would have no room for change. However, this dream fairy universe master doesn't want to kill a few monsters on his fairy wedding day to pollute the joy.

So this Mengxian Zhouzhu came up with an idea, didn't he soon arrive at the Demon Thunder Sect's Destruction of the Universe Continent and the Destruction of the Universe Fighting Conference. The Dream Immortal Zhou Master wants to give you a fair chance to fight for the two major standard magic formula scrolls at the martial arts competition. What do you think? "

Liu Qianlang crossed his arms, drove without any defense, and smiled.

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