Nine Heavens

Chapter 2252 Empress of Thunder City

However, Young Master Jinzong did not come out of the palace, because when City Lord Molei left, he gave him a special look, obviously implying that he wanted to find him.

The young master of Jin Zong pretended to follow Mo Leihou for a while, seeing Mo Leihou disappearing outside the gate of the palace, soaring into the sky, he turned around and shot towards the back hall of Mo Leicheng Palace.

Not long after, the young master of Jinzong came to the outer hall of the bedroom of Lord Molei and Marquis Molei. Molei City sat on the seat behind the hall, half leaning against the chair wall, staring out of the hall with his eyes, obviously waiting for Jinzong The appearance of the young master.

When he saw the young master of the Jinzong entering the palace steadily, he was very happy, and his already charming face became more tender.

She watched Young Master Jin Zong walking towards her step by step, and she was not in a hurry to say anything, but stared at Young Master Jin Zong's handsome and straight figure and stern face, her eyes were full of veins.

"Ming'er came to ask An Niang, what order did Mother call Ming'er?"

Young Master Jin Zong looked at himself like this more than once after seeing Molei City, and he naturally understood the meaning in his heart. But the other party is the stepmother of his wife Cheng Xiang after all, and his mother-in-law, although seeing her like this, has been distracted for a long time, but still dare not make mistakes easily, so she pretended to be a very gentleman and asked.

"Hey! Am I that old? You're yelling like a mother. I'm not much older than Chengxiang. Now that the city lord is dead, I, Princess Molei, will be free again. I will call you when no one is around. I'll just throw the country away."

The Empress of Molei City sighed and said, then said with a shy face and charming eyes.

"This? Not good."

The young master of Jin Zong secretly rejoiced in his heart, but said otherwise.

"How bad, I already knew that you have been coveting me for a long time, but I didn't know that every time you secretly peeked at me taking a bath and changing clothes, I deliberately let you see all the beauty of spring, don't you feel a little bit, The princess likes you too?"

The Empress of Molei City was in the dark outer hall of the bedroom. At this moment, she and the young master of Jinzong were alone, and they were not afraid of being seen by others.

"Thank you for your love, but after all, you are the Empress of the Demon Thunder City, Chengxiang's mother-in-law. No matter how evil you are, you can only do as you said, otherwise you will be cast aside by all the demons if you dare to go one step further. , and even being killed, this Qingguo knows better than me."

The young master of Jin Zong faintly felt that this romantic Princess of the Demon Thunder Kingdom might be a stepping stone for him to step on the position of the Lord of the Demon Thunder City, so it seemed unintentional but intentional to imply that Qingguo would develop the relationship between the two.

"Yes, this is the reason why this princess hinted that you came here. Of course you can't do it as a son-in-law of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, but if you become the Lord of the Demon Thunder City, then the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City will be yours." That's it, you can justly marry me as your queen!"

The queen of Molei City expressed her true intention to find the young master of Jinzong.

"That's true, but Chengxiang?"

Young Master Jinzong almost jumped up for joy when he heard that Princess Qingguoqingguo wanted to support her position as Lord of Demon Thunder City, but she still made the last hypocritical moral statement.

"Hehe... Do you still say you love her in front of me? Chengxiang doesn't know the reason why you flattered her back then, but I know it very well. I secretly followed you into your top-secret wolf hideaway. I have seen all your plans to capture the Demon Thunder City.

The reason why I did not report you is because I like you, and I am waiting for the day when you will kill the Lord Molei. I thought I would have to wait for a long time, but I didn't expect the ending I expected to see to come so soon. "

Qingguo raised her head and smiled coquettishly, then Pingting stepped down from the hall, and snuggled into the arms of Young Master Jin Zong, lying on her head back, speaking fragrantly.

"Have you ever entered my wolf hideaway?"

Hearing the words, Young Master Jinzong felt a sudden fear in his heart. In the remote place of the Nebula Continent in Molei City, he had indeed secretly opened up a Demon Netherland. Cultivate an army of trillions of wolf demons to destroy the continent.

Young Master Jinzong asked with a guilty conscience.

"Don't be afraid. If I tell you about you very early, you can kiss me now... tonight. I am your noble person. Not only can I let you have my state lion demon soul, but also I will teach you the magic skills of the two standard magic formulas, the national position magic formula.

And these, as long as we have a good time tonight, you will have all of them, even if the eight great demons join forces, they will not be your opponent.

As for my ninth younger brother, Mo Leihou, there is no loss if he fails to be the Lord of Mo Lei. When he returns to the country of Mo Lei, he is still the dominant general of Mo Lei.

How about it, such a good condition, plus I am such a tempting beauty, my Ming'er, are you still not tempted, come and kiss me..."

Qingguo groaned and said, a pair of jade arms wrapped around the young master Jinzong's neck, and he raised his head to send a kiss.

Jin Zong had no reason to refuse. He laughed loudly, embraced Qingguo with both arms, and with a few lightning flashes, he invaded the bedroom of the Lord of Molei.


Three days later, the Empress of Molei City announced the rules of the battle for the Lord of Molei City as promised:

First, all those who participated in the competition for the Lord of the Demon Thunder City will be given seven days to use their magic powers to invade the Starfield of the Creation Universe Immortal Territory, whether it is destruction or capture of immortals, the results will be compared in the end.

Second, all those who participate in the competition for the Lord of the Demon Thunder City must make a life and death oath to break the eight sects and nine demon soul formations.

Thirdly, those who have passed the first two levels, fighting with the wheel, and those who cannot stand on the fighting platform in the end will be the new city lord of Molei City.

Such three items can be said to be fair and reasonable, and none of the Eight Great Sect Demons, Mo Leihou, and the young master of Jinzong have any objections. This time, it took only half an hour for the demons to go to the palace, and then they naturally went back to prepare for the first level the next day.

The demons walked out of the palace.

"Oh haha... the eight Zongmo boys, you have to work hard tomorrow, don't try to capture all the cubs who created the universe fairyland to repay your credit.

You, Grandpa Mo Leihou, never even look at those celestial sons. If you destroy it, you will destroy the nebula at the national level, and if you catch it, you will catch the fairy of the state. You will lose this first round, oh ha ha..."

Mo Leihou is still arrogant, and his self-servant is the standard lion and monster of the Mo Lei Kingdom, and he doesn't take the eight major demons into his eyes at all. and go.

"Bah! Looking at his virtues, he thought it was hundreds of billions of years ago. Now who is stronger and who is inferior, we will see for ourselves in seven days."


Hearing Mo Leihou's disgusting words, the eight great sects of demons spurned them one after another. After he left, they continued to curse.

Seeing this, the 108th Mo Lao and the 361 Mozun just sighed. Frankly speaking, neither Mo Leihou nor any of the high-ranking Mo Lei city lords among the eight major sects of demons were what they hoped for.

Then the situation was clearly in their favor, and all the demon elders and demon venerables could only sigh when they looked at the young master of the Jinzong who was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Hehe, all the old demons, the younger generation will prepare a banquet in the Chengxiang Palace. I wonder if you, all the old and demons, can do me a favor and have a drink together before the young master of the gold sect breaks through the barrier?"

These demon elders and demon venerables were full of worry, but the young master of Jinzong had a calm expression, and even stepped forward to invite all the demons to drink.


Except for the first Nine Demons, the Old Nine Demons, who had a vague relationship with the young master of the Jinzong, they all left without making excuses.

Then the young master of Jinzong didn't say much, and the eighteen demon elders and demon venerables left behind by the leader flew away towards his own Chengxiang Temple.

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