Nine Heavens

Chapter 2254 Eight Conspiracies

Princess Chengxiang can be said to be infatuated and innocent, but the eight major demons are not like that. They quickly realized the tricks of the young master of the Jinzong and the Empress Molei.

Just the night before the first round of the Battle of the City Lords began, the eight major sects of magic, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning gathered in secret.

"Sovereign masters, you should have noticed that the son-in-law of the Demon Thunder City Lord seems to be submissive and virtuous, but his eyes are as deep as the universe, and he is by no means an ordinary person.

Furthermore, the relationship between the Princess of the Demon Thunder and the Empress of the Demon Thunder City is really secretive. Isn't it obvious that she is inclined towards Young Master Jinzong?

Besides, Mo Leihou is still his own younger brother. If she finally intervenes with the strength and status of Princess Mo Lei, any one of us who wants to sit on the seat of the city lord is bound to ascend to heaven.

The most important thing is that the young master of the Jinzong has now recovered the two basic magic formulas of the Lion Demon Sect. If Princess Qingguo secretly orders and asks Mo Leihou and the young master of the Jinzong to strengthen their cultivation, their strength will be even higher. It can also advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

For this reason, the principal Demon Sect, Jin Luhu, secretly summoned everyone here today, hoping to discuss a way to deal with them. "

When the eight sect demons arrived, the Golden Demon Sect and the Golden Luhu Demon went straight to the point and said what he meant by calling everyone together.

"What the Golden Demon Sect said is true, but so what, the competition conditions offered by them are fair and reasonable, as for their tricks, that is their way of doing things.

And we can only rely on our ability, even if we don't have the chance to be the city lord this time, at least it's good to test each other's strength, and we can understand each other in the future. "

The suzerain of the Golden Demon Sect, Thunderbolt Python, was dressed in pitch black with scarlet blood spots. He turned the python's head, his eyes shot out bright red arcs, and said in a high-pitched voice, very harshly.

The reason why he spoke like this was very clear to the other sect demons present. This is his prejudice against the Golden Demon Sect. It is not clear how the Golden Luhu Demon is among the eight major sects of demons.

The reason why he suddenly summoned all the demons to come here was nothing more than thinking about how to use the demons and trying to find a way to become the Lord of the Demon Thunder City.

Therefore, none of the demons were surprised when they heard the harsh words of the Thunderbolt Python from the Electric Demon Sect.

"Ha ha……"

"Brother Perak, it seems that you have always had too much prejudice against this sect, and you don't know enough about this sect. This sect usually thinks too much for itself, and even harms the interests of all sects.

However, have you ever thought that if we are not united at this moment, if the ambitious young master of Jinzong or the domineering Mo Leihou sit on the position of city lord, will we still survive in the future? "

Hearing the Thunderbolt Python's words, the Golden Demon Sect's Golden Land Tiger Demon burst out laughing, then stopped suddenly, and leaned over to scan the seven sect demons seated on the left and right in a frightening way.

"Cut! The Golden Demon Sect Master is saying that if you become the city lord, our life will be easier!?"

The snow tortoise from the Nebula Continent of the Snow Demon Sect slowly raised its pale head, with a snowy glow all over its body, and sneered slowly.

"that is!"

All the demons echoed in their throats.

But for these, the Golden Demon Sect and the Golden Luhu Demon had long been prepared in their hearts, and laughed again, and then confessed:

"That will never happen, with my golden land tiger style, once I step on the throne of the city lord, then your nightmare will begin!

This suzerain will annex you one by one at all costs. It can be said that the demons of this sect have always hated the relatively independent space bureau of the ruined continent, surrounded by eight people in all directions.

What this sect wants is a completely unified Ruizhou Nebula Continent, only in the center there is no four sides and eight people to divide and rule, and the entire Ruizhou Continent is the only one.

However, I would like to ask all of you present, although this sect demon is crazy and domineering, but he dares to speak and do, don't you think the same as me?

Could it be that any of you high-ranking city lords, other Zongmo Nebula Continents, have a better life? "


All the sect demons couldn't help being dumbfounded when they heard the words.

", everyone is each other, we are the tortoise and the bastard, and we are all of the same virtue!"

The Golden Demon Sect was very dissatisfied with what the Snow Demon Turtle said just now, and now took the opportunity to scold the Snow Demon Turtle with a pun.

"Wow... woo... woah..."

When the Snow Demon Turtle heard the words, he was so angry that he hummed, but he couldn't refute it, which caused a burst of laughter around him.

The Golden Demon Sect's Golden Luhu Demon didn't wait for the left and right demons to answer, and said directly:

"Now we must work together to prevent the young master of Jinzong or Mo Leihou from taking the position, and our eight sect masters can join forces, regardless of each other, to jointly manage the affairs of the eight sects and the central Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect, and start the joint alliance. Alliance of Nova.

Since then, our sects have coexisted and prospered together. The Central Nebula has set up eight sect alliance palaces, which are only used for gatherings of sects. None of our sect demon nebulae will be settled in, only the people who work in the union alliance palaces dispatched by each of us.

In order to show the sincerity of the alliance, we can swallow star Gu and drink the energy of the alliance! If anyone has two hearts, or is disloyal to the Nova Alliance, the Star Gu will sprout, and the alliance will explode!

I don't know what the suzerains think, but if we don't want to continue to be subject to the domain lion and demon clan in the future, we can form an alliance and swear an oath.

Of course, the principal Land Rover will never force you, if you want to continue to endure the situation of being controlled by the Central Nebula Continent in the future, then today, the principal Golden Land Rover will not say anything, just serve as a feast for the suzerains, and toast for tomorrow's breakthrough ! "

The golden land tiger demon is cunning and cunning, and seeing that the left and right sect demons no longer show any more hostility towards him, he is obviously tempted.

At the end of the sentence, he deliberately retreated to advance, and said calmly.

"Okay! If it's as Sect Master Jin said, it won't do us any harm. Being able to go our own way, the Nebula Alliance, and the Post-Communist Central Committee are indeed what we want.

However, the native Demon Sect Blue Shadow Fox doesn't trust you, the Golden Land Tiger Demon. If other suzerains have no objections. The native Demon Sect Lan Yinghu thought that the Star Gu we swallowed should be refined on the spot, and Mengneng, each of us has the energy of the core of the suzerain. If anyone is disobedient, the souls of the other suzerains will move together, and the disobedient master will immediately burst out and die! "

The earth demon lord was full of orange blossoms, with blue eyes, blue rainbow shrunk, and said with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Of course, the Principal Land Rover Demon sincerely forms an alliance with Nebula, and naturally follows the law of fairness. Without the reminder from the Earth Demon Sect Master, the Principal Land Rover Demon will naturally obey the wishes of the brothers."

Lan Yinghu, the lord of the earth demon, originally spoke in a provocative tone, but it was expected that Jin Luhumo would never agree, and he must have done something in the star Gu or alliance energy, so he said this.

But to his great surprise, Jin Luhu Mo readily agreed, and very much agreed. The attitude of the Golden Land Tiger Demon surprised all the demons. After hearing the words, including the Blue Shadow Fox of the Earth Demon Sect, they all showed a little surprise and shame on their faces.

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