Nine Heavens

Chapter 2256 Devil Soul City Fragrance

Liu Qianlang stayed in the front hall of the master's dormitory of Molei City for a while, and after laughing at Princess Molei's Princess Qingguo and Molei Hou, he planned to go to the area where the young master Jinzong was located around the Nebula Continent of Molei Zong to remind him.

But after thinking about it, they are all a group of monsters, and they bite dogs, so what's wrong with me, it's better to watch the excitement.

So Liu Qianlang decided to fly to the sky of the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent, choose a favorable location, and analyze the situation and specific situation of the Demon Thunder City in detail.

After making up his mind, when Liu Qianlang was about to turn into a divine light and leave the hall, he suddenly saw a flash of magic light in front of him, and a witch with a faint grass-green figure appeared.

This witch was pretty, but her face was haggard and full of tears. Her green dull eyes looked at Liu Qianlang expectantly, and begged:

"Please, save me, I can't die!"

"Which monster are you? Can't you see that I am the fairy god of Chuangzhou Immortal Territory, and you actually asked me for help? What do you think..."

Liu Qianlang talked a lot incessantly, but the other party's faint phantom tilted his body and fainted.

Liu Qianlang saw it, damn it, isn't this just talking nonsense for a long time, so he planned to ignore it and leave.

But when she saw the pitiful emerald tears hanging from the corners of the witch's eyes, she suddenly remembered how her beloved wives shed tears for her, and instantly changed her mind.

So he raised his palm and condensed a torrent of magical energy in his palm, pouring it into her body frequently.

But for the other party, the devil's core was shattered, and the devil's heart disappeared. It was just a mass of demon obsession that was unwilling to dissipate, so what Liu Qianlang had to do was to help her maintain this mass of demon obsession.

After Liu Qianlang injected magic energy into this witch, she was secretly surprised when she saw her slumped phantom body gradually become pale grass green, and her crooked body stood up again. Unexpectedly, such a loyal and loyal woman exists in the continent of ruining the universe! ?

"Who are you?"

After seeing the witch's soul standing still, Liu Qianlang asked as gently as possible.

"Please don't kill me, I can't live without him!"

The witch didn't answer Liu Qianlang's question, but after seeing clearly that Liu Qianlang was the person who created the Universe Immortal Territory, she pleaded guiltyly.

"Hehe, do you still need me to kill you if you are like this? I ignored you just now, and you have long since lost your obsession.

Don't worry, although I, Liu Qianlang, is not a good person, since I saved you, I won't do you any harm. Tell me who he is, you are obviously tired of love, and you are unwilling to die. "

Liu Qianlang defined himself as getting out, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Immortal for not killing Ende. My name is Chengxiang, and I am the princess of Lord Molei. I said he is my husband, Young Master Jinzong! I love him, and I cannot live without him.

Now that Molei City Lord's father died not long ago, they were all vying for the position of City Lord, and her husband was among them, worried that he would be framed by them because he was honest and honest.

So he died of a serious illness, and he was unwilling to die. Cheng Xiang begged his evil benefactor to let Cheng Xiang see that her husband was safe, and then kill me before it was too late. Seeing that he was fine, I felt relieved. "

Chengxiang leaned over Wanfu and briefly introduced herself.

"Oh! Are you the young master of Jinzong's wife?"

Liu Qianlang asked in surprise, this surprised Liu Qianlang, and at the same time, Liu Qianlang was very funny, considering the virtue of the young master of the Jinzong, he actually has such an infatuated demon wife, and his reputation in Molei City is so overwhelming. Is this really fucking unreasonable or is the Young Master Jin Zong hiding too deeply.

He actually confuses the princess of Demon Thunder City to such an extent that even if she dies, she will never forget it!

"The little witch is the poor wife of the young master Jinzong."

The other party is very intellectual and reasonable, not like any monster's ferocious and vicious nature, which makes Liu Qianlang have a good impression of him.

"Do you know what your husband has done in Moleizong?"

Liu Qianlang asked tentatively.

"Of course I know. He has never told me anything my husband does. A few months ago, my husband went to the Demon Thunder Sect alone to fight against the Dream Immortal Zhou Lord there. He wisely and bravely took back the two standard magic formula scrolls.

I just hate that Mengxian Zhouzhu is too powerful. Although my husband took back the two standard magic formula scrolls, he couldn't stop that hateful Dreamxian Zhouzhu from slaughtering the entire Nebula Continent of the five major Warcraft clans, including the husband's family. The Demon Wolf Clan of the Earth Demon Sect was not spared either.

Your husband is really great. After he returned to Molei City, he was bedridden with pain and inner pain. He still did not forget the big and small events in Molei City. He asked me to send someone to inquire about Cheng Xiang The news outside the temple, and then tell him in detail.

Later, the father of the city lord practiced secretly because he was greedy for the high-level magic skills above the two standard magic formula scrolls, which led to his death.

After that, Molei City was in a mess. First, Uncle Molei Hou patrolled the position of Molei City Lord, and then the eight nebula lords around Molei City also came to fight for the position, making the husband miserable and sad because of the chaos in Molei City. Pain involved.

I am tired of all this, and so is my husband. Originally, I asked my husband to allow me to take me away from this black and white nebula, and my husband agreed.

He said, as soon as I recovered from my illness, I immediately fulfilled my wish, but who knew that my health was not up to par. After my husband visited me one day, I broke down and died.

Pity my husband, I don't know that I am like this, and I am still running around for my father's magic thunder city. How can I die with peace of mind when my husband is in such a situation.

So after I broke my heart, I couldn't let go of my husband, and I was even more worried about him, so I tried my best to gather a little obsession, just want to see my husband's safe day, so that I can rest assured.

I was trying my best to come here just now to listen to what they said. I wanted to know where my husband is now, and I wanted to see him. I don't want me to bump into you, because your immortal energy is low consumption, and my disability will disappear immediately, so I beg you to save my soul. "

This Chengxiang is really passionate, and the young master Jinzong really has the ability to make the witch in front of Liu Qianlang mention the young master Jinzong, her eyes are full of sweetness and longing for regret.


Liu Qianlang really wanted to tell this witch the truth about what happened in the Demon Thunder Sect, but Liu Qianlang suddenly felt very pity for her and didn't want to hurt her, so while cursing the young master of the Jinzong in his heart, he just sighed for the witch in front of him With a sound.

"It can be seen that you are a kind-hearted fairy god of the creation of the universe, can you help me find my husband, since you appear here, I think you must have encountered some trouble.

If you take me to find my husband, my husband is gentle, generous and righteous, knowing that you helped me, he will definitely help you out of gratitude! "

Seeing that Liu Qianlang had no malice towards her, Princess Chengxiang hesitated for a while, and asked Liu Qianlang to speak.

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