Nine Heavens

Chapter 226 Nine Dragons Jade Seal

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the upper, middle, and especially lower reaches of the Zangshi River.

This ancient turbid river was also a beautiful scenery in an ancient coconut country 30,000 years ago. There are countless cities on both sides of the river, surrounded by mountains and water, and each city is rich.

The vast river of the Zhuo River is full of sails all day long. On the long winding embankment, there are countless piers standing up and down, and each dock is full of people coming and going, day and night.

But all this ended with the demise of the ancient coconut country.

Now there is no vitality in this river, people can no longer see a live fish, not even a single aquatic plant grows, the clear river in the past has become dark and obscure, and resentment is everywhere.

Only the remnants of the wharf of the ancient Coconut Kingdom on the shore can prove that this river was once glorious.

Tan Tianying, the owner of Longyun Mountain Villa, a descendant of the royal family of the ancient Coconut Kingdom, Prince Wuyou, today's protector, no, three days later he will be the founding king of the new Coconut Kingdom.

Watching Liu Juan and others disappear from sight, although Prince Wuyou was a little amazed, he did not expect Liu Juan to be so powerful. A few hours ago, half a million golden armored warriors were wiped out in a blink of an eye without any effort.

It seemed that I really underestimated her, but Prince Wuyou was only slightly surprised.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, after all, they are alone and alone, no more than they have tens of thousands of zombie magic soldiers, and they have been in business for many years.

Right now, I hold three trump cards in my hand, each of which is Liu Juan's fatal blow, and one is the soul of Yiling who was killed by the ancient coconut country on the Mountain of the Oath of Allies. Just follow her orders, she can shoot and kill countless golden armored warriors with just one claw in the sky.

With such a backing, why not worry about the failure of major events. The other one can be regarded as a sorcerer who fell from the sky. It possesses powerful spells. It is good at casting poison, calling wind and rain, and divining the past, present and future. It is really like a tiger with wings added.

The last trump card is her own, rather it is Liu Juan's weakness. No matter how strong she is, she has one biggest weakness, that is, she is not vicious enough.

Prince Wuyou stared at the corpses rolling out of the corpse river under the moonlight. The corpses were glowing with a glaring white light, which was very strange.

When he came, Prince Wuyou thought that when he saw the ghosts of the ancient Coconut Kingdom, he would burst into tears.

So thinking of this, I never dared to come here before, even though it is not very far from Panshui City.

But Prince Wuyou realized that he was wrong. He always wanted to destroy Qingliu Kingdom, not just to avenge the dead souls of the ancient Coconut Kingdom.

Why? For glory and wealth? For the sake of being the only one, and for dominating the world?

Maybe it's all, maybe it's not, if there are no accidents in three days, I will be the king of Xinye Kingdom, but at this time, Prince Wuyou's mind is infinitely confused, and he doesn't even feel a little excitement.

Occasionally, there would be a gust of wind on the infinitely extended bank of the river where the corpses were stored, and Prince Wuyou trembled.

Looking up at the direction where Liu Juan and the others flew, there are towering mountains covered with snow all year round, and it will always be a white world.

That is the grave that Liu Juan found for herself. My child, don’t blame Uncle Tan. Maybe it’s all fate. Build a clothes tomb and worship it forever. Prince Wuyou murmured in his heart.

"Yo! Lord Protector, oh, no! Your Highness the New Emperor, I guess you will be here.

Under normal circumstances, the night before a person who is about to achieve a great cause, they will pay homage to a family to remember something! "

A slim woman suddenly floated in the darkness, and landed quietly beside Prince Wuyou, looked him up and down charmingly, and then said.

Following the sound, a faint smell of thousands of lotuses wafted over, lingering in Prince Wuyou's breath. Although he was already familiar with this smell and couldn't be more familiar with it, when Prince Wuyou smelled it, his mind was still worried. one swing.

Prince Wuyou glanced sideways at the woman beside him, and was surprised to find that this woman turned out to be a beauty one in a million, with a dancing waist, a charming face, and a pair of smart eyes, shining with all kinds of temptations.

If Prince Wuyou hadn't seen the fire dragon tortoise she was playing with, he would have almost mistakenly thought that he had met a fairy.

A gust of cold wind hit, Prince Wuyou woke up instantly, and said in a deep voice:

"Is everything ready?"

The father-in-law did not answer, but smiled delicately, flashing his beautiful eyelashes and said:

"Apart from the great cause of Jiangshan, does His Highness the New Emperor not care about other things, for example, I have successfully cultivated the Yin-Yang Different Body Magic Art?

Now I am a real daughter, don’t call me Dagong Daoist anymore, I will change my name to Yelu Yangze, Gege. "

The father-in-law said tremblingly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Prince Wuyou laughed loudly and said:

"Okay! Yelu Yangze, let's say that business matters. Tomorrow's action is a matter of life and death. We can only succeed and not fail. We must let that girl Liu Juan hand over the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal!

When the great event is accomplished, I promise you that I will give you one-third of the treasures of Qingliu Kingdom! My worry-free prince is a person who keeps his promises and trusts in righteousness. These treasures are my reward for helping me for many years. "

"Oh! The new emperor is generous, but I heard that Saint Wu Zun brought you not only more than a thousand fellow Shui tribes, but also countless wealth!

Especially that Venerable Wu, she is still a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the city and the country! " Yelu Yangze said with charming eyes.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Prince Wuyou, and said:

"I can't hide anything from you, but I didn't hide this matter from you, when Venerable Wu came with his clan that day, weren't you there?

However, I am very surprised how you saw Wu Zun's face.

Let's be honest, until now, I have never seen what Venerable Wu looks like, because she is always surrounded by a layer of lavender smoke, and her face is covered with a veil, and I have never seen her take it off. "

"You don't need to worry about this. I have some good news that you didn't expect!"

Yelu Yangze said mysteriously.

"Good news, could it be that girl Liu took the initiative to hand over the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal!"

Prince Wuyou joked.

"Ge Ge, you really said it, it is true, I came all the way to tell you this, what do you say, when I was arranging the troops, I came to report that the whole streets and alleys of Panshui City were just a stick of incense. The time is filled with notices on the imperial list, you see."

While speaking, Yelu Yangze handed Prince Wuyou a rolled-up imperial notice.

Prince Wuyou's eyes flashed with excitement, and he hurriedly opened it, only to see the words written on it:

Empress Qixiang was unable to inherit the great cause of the Qingliu Kingdom. On the 20th day of the Frost Moon in the 32,190th year of the Qingliu Kingdom, she officially handed over the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal, which was said to be located in the Duke Huguo, the leader of the Qingliu Kingdom's martial arts alliance Wuyou. Prince.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, it will be the day of Empress Qixiang's cremation, hereby!

After reading the text, Prince Wuyou's gaze quickly moved to the lower right corner of the imperial list, where bright red marks were shining, and the four strong characters of "Emperor Willow Hengchang" immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Yes, these four characters are exactly the handwriting on the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks.

Prince Wuyou's hands trembled involuntarily. He didn't feel the joy of victory just now, but now, Emperor Wuyou was a little bit mad.

He hugged Yelu Yangze and turned around wildly for several times, only to be shocked when he heard her giggling, and suddenly threw Yelu Yangze down and said with a smile:

"Please don't blame the national teacher, I was really excited just now, I was rude!"

Yelu Yangze straightened the strands of hair hanging from his shoulders, and said softly:

"As long as His Highness the new emperor is happy, the slave family is fine."

After speaking, a layer of blush appeared on his face.

Prince Wuyou looked at the imperial list for a while, raised his head, cast his eyes on the vast sky, and said to himself after a long time:

"She is really willing to hand over the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal, and she is willing to accept the sky cremation? Why did she do this? Could it be for the people of Qingliu Kingdom!

How come, didn't she also kill 500,000 golden armored warriors?

She is so powerful, she could have competed with us, why did she choose to give up! ? "

Hearing this, Yelu Yangze combed her hair meticulously, her eyes were dazed, as if she was also thinking.

"It's a scam!"

"There must be an ambush!"

The two thought for a while, and said the above words in unison. Then they looked at each other, as if they suddenly remembered something, they shot into the dim moonlight one after another like lightning.

It was already late at night, and the bedroom was pitch black, but Liu Juan sat silently in this boundless darkness, without any sleepiness at all.

But she was holding a mass of bright red color in her hand, like a mass of flames burning and beating.

This flame is exactly that Prince Wuyou, his own Uncle Tan, the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal passed down by Qingliu Kingdom for more than 30,000 years that his so-called father has been patrolling.

Liu Juan caressed gently, every time she touched, a drop of emerald tears fell, fell on the jade seal, splashed on the Yinpo clothing, causing the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine star gemstones to sparkle brightly. glow.

Liu Juan calculated that it has been three and a half years since she came to Qingliu Kingdom in the blink of an eye. Although she was repeatedly disturbed by the rebellion of the Land of Lu Clan, the nobleman with the surname of Long, and the Prince Wuyou during this period of time, she was still under the control of King Sixiang, Yun, etc. With the assistance of Xiangguo, Shendu Wulang, and Prime Minister You Fangzheng, he still did something for the Qingliu Kingdom. In retrospect, I don't know if he is worthy of this jade seal.

I really don't want to persist any longer. If I insist on persisting, as the Queen of the Long clan, I will definitely continue to be rebelled by high-ranking officials. In this way, I will not only fail to bring peace to the Qingliu country, but also bring disaster to the country and the people. , the charge of the demon queen taking power.

In this way, the world will be more chaotic, and the people of Li will be more miserable and restless. Instead of this, why don't you take the initiative to hand over the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal to Prince Wuyou, as he said, it will be heavy for the whole day, without hurting anyone, and it will last forever!

Another emerald tear splashed on the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal, that tear condensed into a point of origin on the Fireworks Jade, flashed strangely for a few times, and slowly entered the body of the Fireworks Jade.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, when I hand over the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal, is also the time to be cremated in the sky. From then on, I will forget all the memories of the world, enter the cold sky and snowy land, and live a lonely life. I don't know if it is ten thousand years or hundreds of millions of years.

But no matter what the result is, I can only do this. Maybe the master in the dream when I was a child is right, what kind of Emerald Soul Empress is I.

well! Liu Juan sighed, stopped thinking, and concentrated on stroking the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks, her emerald tears still kept flowing.

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