Nine Heavens

Chapter 2272 The third auspicious robe

They are?

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt very curious, so he habitually reclined on his waterfall curtain cloud bed, imagining wine clouds.

It is not convenient to drink in a large altar, and the small cup is hidden on the head of the enemy leader, which is a position tens of feet above the old man of the white-headed demon, so listen carefully to what they say.

"Baitou Zunzun, what is the meaning of this? Tomorrow, the city lord of the Jinzong will be overjoyed, and the Queen Yili of Qingguo City can naturally be the queen. Now why is the Zunzun refining a female demon city lord!?"

Below, a black-headed demon wearing a big green robe stood up and looked around at the same surprised demon as himself, and asked the fooled white-headed demon.

"Hey! There is a saying that there are unpredictable things in the sky, and there are always misfortunes and blessings for people. If the black-headed demon lord asks this, I, the old white-headed demon, will be heartbroken!"

When the black-headed demon asked this question, the white-headed demon immediately looked sad, beat his chest and stamped his feet, and burst into tears, showing a state of pain.


Embarrassment flickered on the face of the black-headed old demon, and he felt uncomfortable. After looking at each other with hundreds of demons around him again, he couldn't help but ask in shame:

"The subordinates are dull, and the reason why, please tell me clearly."

"Hi! The Lord of Jinzong's magic blessing is worrying! You don't know that the young master of Jinzong, in order to fight for the position of the city lord, is eager for quick success and quick benefits. His various magical skills and magic power increased dramatically, and finally won the position of the city lord with our help.

However, the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes, and our wish to keep the demon of the Demon Thunder City as the new city lord may come to nothing.

The dragon soul inside the eldest princess's magic dragon ball reminds the eldest princess that the young master of the Jinzong will soon die, and the future of the Nebula Continent of Molei City is worrying!

The dragon soul told the eldest princess that now only after the death of the Jinzong city lord, the eldest princess will immediately take over as the new city lord, and all crises in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City can be resolved.

But the eldest princess resolutely opposed it. First, she missed seeing the city lord, and second, she respected the Jinzong city lord, and said nothing.

Therefore, the Demon Dragon Soul entered my dream, asking me to think of a way for the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City no matter what, so that the Eldest Princess would take the throne immediately after the death of the Jinzong City Lord.

But you also understand the eldest princess's temper, how could she listen to what I, the old white-headed demon, would have listened to? In desperation, I, the old white-headed demon, had no choice but to summon hundreds of old demons to discuss a big plan! "

The old white-headed demon spoke with sincerity, and his nose burst into tears, which made the monsters in the hall moan and sigh.

"How could this happen! The Lord of the Jinzong is so blessed! My lord, I don't know if the Demon Dragon Soul has asserted when the Lord of the Jinzong will die. Even if the eldest princess is persuaded, we also need a time to discuss the recommendation!"

Regarding the words of the white-headed demon, none of the one hundred and seven demons and the three hundred and sixty-one demons doubted it. The reason for this is very simple, because the Demon Dragon Ball is by no means an easy thing, even the Demon Thunder Emperor, who is the king of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, never owned it.

The magic dragon ball is the object of the abyssal dragon demon in the center of the entire demon world in the ruined continent. The mother of the eldest princess, the Empress of the Demon Lei Kingdom, gave her an old relationship with a dragon demon in the Abyss Cave Dragon Demon for unknown reasons. It was given to the eldest princess after birth.

To put it more clearly, the eldest princess is not the biological daughter of the current king of Molei, but the illegitimate daughter of the Empress of Molei City and a dragon demon in the deep hole.

The origin of this will be discussed later, but for the time being.

If it is said that it is rare to have magic dragon balls in any nebula area of ​​the ruined continent, then the monsters that can awaken the dragon soul in the magic dragon balls are simply legendary.

And this kind of legend happened to the eldest princess Qingguo, which should be the reason for her inborn abnormality, and it is also the root cause of her father, Demon Lei Huang, hating her.

It's not surprising when I think about it, my queen was robbed of love by a dragon demon, and gave birth to a terrifying dragon girl. Not only can I not kill her, but I still call her my daughter, and what's more, she is still the eldest princess. In other words, the queen married by Emperor Molei is second-hand.

Because of the magic and weirdness of the Dragon Ball, the one hundred and seven demon elders and the three hundred and sixty-one demon masters believed in the words of the white-headed demon. Always persuade the eldest princess to give her advice.

The old white-headed demon was overjoyed when he heard what the old black-headed demon said. He heard that all the demons did not object to the eldest princess's domination of the country. He had succeeded in his first attempt, and the next thing would be easy.

"This Demon Dragon Soul never reminded him, he just wants to wear the robe and add body at any time!"

The old white-headed demon raised his sleeves to wipe away his tears, speaking of infinite melancholy.

"Put the robe on your body!?"

There was a sound of astonishment from His Highness.

"This is not very good. Holding the robes to the palace is an act of magic. We are holding the robes to the palace. How embarrassing is this for the Jinzong City Lord!"

The black-headed demon always looked embarrassed, and it was difficult to accept such an approach in his heart.

"Of course we can't do this blatantly. This deity can always hide the city lord's magic robe of the city lord of Qingguo in the sea of ​​sleeves. If the city lord of Jinzong is fine, we will pay homage to the universe every day.

However, once the city lord of the Jinzong retreated to the universe and disappeared, we had no choice but to force the palace to take over. No matter what, we will add a long princess to protect our eternal happiness and safety in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City. What do you think? "

The old white-headed demon paused for a while, looked around at His Highness' group of demons, and then quickly threw out the second step that he had discussed with the eldest princess Qingguo long ago.

"This is a good way. It can maintain the dignity of the Jinzong City Lord and will not interfere with the order of the dynasty. But even if this matter can avoid the Jinzong City Lord's humiliation, it is still a painful thing!

And if the eldest princess Qingguo is determined not to accept the position of the new city lord, what should she do? "


"that is!"


His Highness sighed.


"My lord is also worried about this section, but after much deliberation, I really have no other way.

But one thing is certain, the eldest princess Qingguo will never ignore the future of the Molei City Nebula Continent, so as long as we are honest, we will definitely get gold and stone!

When we fell down, Qunai Qunzun knelt down and prayed sincerely, maybe she would agree, but all the venerables must unite as one, swear to the death and kneel forever, if the eldest princess is not in power, we will not be able to kneel forever.

There is a saying in the world that people's hearts are made of flesh, not to mention that the eldest princess has always been benevolent, compassionate and sympathetic to the world!

We sincerely request that she will break through the pain in the end, just for the survival of the Nebula Continent of Molei Nation, she should be ordered in the face of danger! "

The old white-headed demon said that the eldest princess is virtuous and virtuous, with infinite majesty and beauty, and His Highness and the group of demons nodded frequently, agreeing very much.

In their eyes, the eldest princess she usually sees is really like this. It can be said that dirty people have tricks, and vicious devils can act.

"It seems that we have no choice but to do so. We only hope that the matter of our Lord of the Demon Thunder City will be safe as soon as possible, and the Dongfang Xianneng will appear frequently. The external troubles in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City are already clear, and we can't continue to worry about ourselves!"


"The old black-headed demon is right!"

Hearing that the black-headed demon elder agreed, His Highness and all the demons also agreed.

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