Nine Heavens

Chapter 2278

"Giggle... angry!"

"What's the matter, this is the natural capital and ability of this eldest princess, so what if you fight and kill, in the end, you can't escape the temptation of this eldest princess's beauty, and you are defeated on this eldest princess' couch.

This long princess is a person who likes to do things happily and enjoy killing people, so you just accept your fate, in less than a quarter of an hour, this long princess's magic power will refine your last trace of soul energy.

oh! Needless to say, you stinky wolf still has a trace of remorse in the end, is it because you regret that you can no longer spend a good night with the eldest princess, cluck..."

The eldest princess Qingguo slightly shook the pitch-black plantain-shaped fan with one hand, and played with the golden fluttering hair with the other hand, smiling coquettishly.

"You're right, for a fool like you, I really hope to have you forever, but it's definitely not because of you and me, but because of my poor Xiang'er.

After everything was gone, I finally found out how good Xiang'er was to me and how much she loved me, but I was bewitched by you and killed her with my own hands, as well as the relative she cared about the most, Lord Molei, and the one who was raped by you. I turned a blind eye to you assassinating her brothers, and I'm terribly sorry for her!

The reason why I keep this trace of remorse is not because I am greedy for life and afraid of death, but because I want to keep my memory forever for Xiang'er who will one day die. "

"Hehe... Yo! Why does it sound so awkward when you say such a thing from the mouth of a demon wolf. But, what do you think, the princess is not interested, and the only thing that makes the princess happy is that everyone crawls At my feet, or die before me.

Just stay here and wait to die. The blue-eyed fox is really good. He is handsome and knows how to control the wind. He probably won’t be able to wait for the eldest princess on the couch. too, you can die in peace, Qing'er was happy to go. "


After Qingguo believed that young master Jin Zong's last remorse would soon be burned to death by his own demonic passion, he left behind a bewitching sweet smile that disappeared without a trace.

"Xiang'er, Ming Ruan is in the midst of blessings and doesn't know how to be blessed. Pity you for being so kind to me, but I... Alas! I deserve to die Ming Ruan, but you are wronged!"

After Qingguo left, Young Master Jinzong's phantom body was about to be burned away by the raging black demon soul fire, he roared unwillingly.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was lying on his back on the waterfall curtain cloud bed above him, watching the scene just now with cold eyes.

During the whole process, Liu Qianlang secretly cursed in his heart that Young Master Jinzong deserved it.

However, when he finally heard that he regretted being ashamed of the demon sister Chengxiang, he couldn't help being shocked.

Maybe it was out of instinct that he didn't want him to die, or maybe it was because he felt sorry for the demon sister Xiang'er, but Liu Qianlang couldn't help but put his remnants into the demon soul bottle that he had prepared long ago.

Next, Liu Qianlang felt that Molei City had nothing for him to continue to understand, so he decided to return to his Nebula Continent, but Liu Qianlang wanted to leave some "commemoration" for Qinguo City Lord, so that the eldest princess Qingguo could get to know herself .

So Liu Qianlang turned back and shot back into the palace of the Demon Thunder City Palace, turning into a state of being overwhelmed by the country, and walked up to the throne of the city lord with all manner of amorous feelings.

"Congratulations to the City Lord Qingguo for finally figuring it out and being willing to go up to the palace to preside over the affairs of the city lord. It's really a blessing for the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Country, and a blessing for the Destroyed Eternal Continent!"

Liu Qianlang imitated Qingguo's usual appearance, leaning half up on the throne of the city lord, waving a fake pitch-black devil fan in his hand, and two pitch-black devil butterflies were also entangled with the fan, golden eyes radiated electricity, and the style was infinite , staring straight at the white-headed demon.

The old white-headed demon saw that Qingguo City Lord was teasing him in such an obvious way in public, he couldn't help but his face was hot, and he was afraid in his heart. He hurriedly called the group of demons to take their seats, and then took the lead in shouting.

"Congratulations to Qingguo City Lord for coming to court!"

The group of demons looked at the bright and sunny appearance of the Qingguo City Lord in the palace, and they were all very moved, but they didn't dare to show their evil hearts. They looked at each other and then shouted in unison.

"Hehe... What can't be figured out by the city lord? Just now, the city lord shouldn't go down to the palace. There is a saying that life is short and life is not long. In the future, the eldest princess will become the city lord. When the city lord is having fun, everyone So is the demon.

We are the monsters of the Nebula Continent in the Demon Thunder City of the Destroyed Universe Continent. We did all kinds of evil when we were in the human world, especially after we cultivated into the body of the Demon Universe.

Since it is a monster, pretend to be serious, we just need to be evil, insidious, and act recklessly.

All demon venerables, do you think what the city lord said is correct, eh? giggling..."

Liu Qianlang really has the ability to show the evil and charming appearance of Qingguo to the fullest, but what he said made His Highness and the group of demons feel elated and terrified.

The biggest feature of all the monsters in Ruizhou Continent is hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the moral principle they use to deceive each other. Unexpectedly, the city lord of Qingguo would be so straightforward when he just came to power. This ecstasy really made the group of demons unbelievable for a while.

The group of demons looked at each other, their mouths crooked, drooling in silent joy, and their ferocious faces wrinkled into smiles that only these monsters could accept.

"Hey! Qingguo City Master Shengming, we should have been like this long ago when we destroyed the Eternal Continent, why are we more wicked than each other?

Then he picked up all kinds of good-sounding nonsense, such as we are obviously salivating over the beauty of the country, why are we still pretending to be in awe and ignoring in front of you..."

After a filthy silence from His Highness, the black-headed devil laughed dryly.

"The black-headed devil, you!?"

The black-headed Mo Lao didn't know that the Qingguo City Lord in the palace was Liu Qianlang, so he thought it was the words of the Qingguo City Lord, because he heard the evil talk, he was happy for a while, and began to speak nonsense.

However, the white-headed demon felt that the Qingguo city lord in the hall was really abnormal. According to her personality, she could say these words, but she would never openly do so in the hall, so she shouted and stopped the black-headed demon.

"Well, what is the white-headed devil doing? The black-headed devil's words are true. Don't you also have a lust for this princess? You are evil in your heart. If you dare to say it, this princess likes such a righteous and virtuous minister.

Today is the first time for the Lord of the City to come to court, so I invite all the venerables in the hall to talk about how wicked they are, do you dare to speak out? "

Liu Qianlang scolded His Highness' group of demons in his heart, and at the same time used the beauty and coquettishness of the city lord of Qingguo to bully these monsters.

"I dare!"

"Since Qingguo City Lord is kind, I dare."


Next, the group of demons was very excited, shouting and disturbing, and each one of them came to life, describing their own wicked things.

Every time after listening to a monster's "speech," Liu Qianlang laughed and applauded, which made the group of demons more excited, spit was flying all over the hall.

Originally, the demon hall was filled with the foul smell of demonic blood left after the death of the city lord of the Jinzong, but now there were more disgusting evil words from the demons.


The more Liu Qianlang listened to it, the more he secretly admired his talent for acting, and made the whole hall of monsters look ugly.

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