Nine Heavens

Chapter 2284

Magic Thunder City.

After a hundred years of internal stability and external strength, Qingguo City Lord has firmly established his foothold, and is implementing the wild plan in his heart step by step.

On this day, the City Lord Qingguo had a look of joy on his face. Amidst the majesty, he was still sitting on the throne of the City Lord in the palace full of charm. The banana-shaped devil fan in her hand was still shaking gently, and she was still half-raised habitually. The hall is on the throne of the city lord.

With her beautiful eyes, she glanced at the favorite handsome ministers standing in the center of the shop hall, and when she met each of them, there was a tacit understanding that only they knew.

Except for three of these palace ministers who satisfied the whole country, they were all young beast monsters.

Which three are there? One is Lan Yinghu, the patriarch of the Demon Slayer Sect a hundred years ago, the other is the Snow Demon Turtle of the Blood Demon Sect, and the third is Qing Goshawk of the Lightning Demon Sect.

Qing Goshawk is the usurper of the Dianmo Sect in person.

The three of them did not die for various reasons during the battle of the city lords. Later, they were willing to dedicate their Nebula Continent to Qingguo and serve it.

Not only did they not die, but they also became the elders of the Qingguo City palace and the heads of the palace officials.

"Qizuo Qingguo City Lord, there is a beautiful young man outside the hall, who came to seek refuge with Qingguo City Lord, I wonder if Qingguo City Lord is in the mood to meet you?"

Lan Xinghu is now Prime Minister Wen of the Qingguo City Palace and court hall, responsible for advising Qingguo and trying to ruin the situation.

He went to the hall and saw that the Lord Qingguo was in a good mood today. He originally planned to report two things to the Lord Qingguo. The Eastern Dream Immortal Continent suddenly disappeared.

However, if these two news were revealed, City Lord Qingguo would probably be very angry immediately, so Lan Yinghu pondered for a while.

It suddenly occurred to me that recently there had been a handsome guy outside the palace who had come to seek refuge in Qingguocheng. Lan Yinghu, who knew Qingguocheng's main product "taste", immediately played with a flattering smile.


"Really, I don't know how good-looking she is, and she won't be like the silver-like pewter gun head before, which is useless. It's not as good as you old guys. You can become a monster after only three or five days with the city lord." gone."

Upon hearing the words, the city lord of Qingguo, the golden light in his winking eyes flickered excitedly, he glanced at Lanyinghu, and said without any taboo.


Lan Yinghu, Blood Demon Turtle and Qing Goshawk heard the words, they were happy in their hearts, but also a little bit embarrassed. They were embarrassed to say anything about their love affair with the city lord in private, but the philandering city lord did not say anything. Don't care, above the court, make it clear.

Lan Yinghu groaned for a moment, then said:

"What's the matter, it seems that the city lord will do it himself afterwards. After all, we three old ministers are busy with the city affairs, and we don't have much energy to always accompany the city lord to practice the magic power!

For this reason, old Chen was worried day and night, and sent people from various places to find powerful and attractive people for the city lord, so that the city lord could practice.

However, this young talent did not come after the old minister, but he came from admiring the beauty and status of the city lord. Forgive the old minister for his lack of talent, his strength is unpredictable, and the veteran's eyes are clumsy. order! "

"That's right, there is still a young boy whose strength cannot be seen through by Lan Xinghu, then the city lord is about to meet him, the handsome man you are looking for, the city lord has already spent almost all of his money.

Let him come up, it just so happens that the city lord is in a good mood today and doesn't want to hear any troublesome things about the city affairs. "

The city lord of Qingguo waved the fan of demonic feelings, exhaled the fragrance from his mouth, bewildered the courtiers, and said in a sweet and heart-stirring voice, leisurely and elongated like a joy.

"Of order, please ask the ceremonial envoy to lead Xin Changfeng to the palace—"

Lan Xinghu secretly rejoiced in his heart, thankfully he didn't say what he wanted to say just now, otherwise he would offend the city lord of Qingguo, and he would be punished to guard the night gate for him, that feeling of listening to him laughing with other demons Really tormented.

Lan Yinghu once again grasped the thoughts of Qingguo City Lord, secretly happy in his heart, pulled his neck and shouted outside the hall.

"Ha ha……"

"Xin Changfeng can pinch and know how to count, this morning has already been counted to the time when the city lord of Qingguo will summon me, so I calculated the time and came to the palace by myself!

Xin Changfeng has met the city lord of Qingguo, and the palace full of demon ministers! "

As soon as Lan Yinghu finished speaking, he heard a burst of laughter from outside the hall, and then saw a handsome young man in a white magic robe, handsome and elegant, holding a silver fan with blue cold stars in his hand.

The silver floating star fan he was fanning in his hand suddenly retracted before and after it floated into the hall, holding the fan with both hands and holding it high, with blue rainbows all over his body, he bowed to salute, bowed his head and smiled.

His laughing voice was clear and crisp, majestic and majestic, shaking the Demon Palace.


Never seeing clearly the drooping face of the comer, Qingguo liked the comer very much just from his majesty's unrestrained and upright figure and powerful inner magic power.

What made him even more elated secretly was that the delicious man delivered to his door turned out to be extremely powerful in magic power, and there was even an aura of immortal power in the powerful magic power.


"Come on, take this person down immediately and send him to the prison of death!"

Qingguo was secretly happy, but suddenly there was a burst of coldness on his face, and he shouted in a cold voice.


Lan Yinghu turned pale with shock. For some reason, the City Lord Qingguo, whose eyes were full of joy and excitement just now, suddenly became furious. In astonishment, he looked up and down at City Lord Qingguo and Xin Changfeng who was still saluting freely.

"Hmph! Lan Xinghu, what are you doing in a daze, do you want the city lord to repeat it?"

City Lord Qingguo snorted again to remind Lan Yinghu who was stunned.

"This, this... yes! If you don't come here, send Xin Changfeng to the Devil's Death Prison!"

Lan Yinghu suddenly realized, and hurriedly called the punishment demon outside the palace.

In an instant, four vicious giant lion demons rushed into the Qingguo City Palace, rushing towards Xin Changfeng like a whirlwind.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xin Changfeng looked up at his first fan and laughed, only to see his silver blue star's cold fan suddenly flashing with cold light, shooting out a round of blue wind blades, and the four criminals who were whistling towards him In an instant, he was cut into a bloody mist.

Then, the hall reverberated for a long time with the screams of the four criminals dying and Xin Changfeng's wild laughter.

"Xin Changfeng heard that the city lord of Qingguo is a person who dares to act, acts righteously and evil, never hides the sky and hides the earth, and is exquisite and beautiful. Today, I see that he is just a person with a different heart!

Forget that I, Xin Changfeng, misjudged the person, you are not worthy of imprisoning me, since there is no tacit understanding, Xin Changfeng will go, haha..."

Xin Changfeng raised his head, cast a cold glance at Qingguo on the hall, and then walked steadily towards the outside of the hall amidst the blood mist all over the hall.


"What a handsome guy with a temper. Didn't you just say that you know how to divination and reckoning? Could it be that you are angry after pouring the country to test it? Are you a little stingy?"

Just as Xin Changfeng was walking steadily at the gate of the palace, Qing Guo suddenly smiled sweetly.

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