Nine Heavens

Chapter 2288

"Hehe... Well said, you are reluctant to do it because you have subconsciously sensed the immortal breath of our sister's past.

Do you know that you and I are the avatar of the most beloved soul of the Husband Lord, her name is Dongluo, and she is Qianyuan Zhou, the number one beauty god in the Haogu Immortal God Realm.

I am her obsession, and you are one of her nine strands of chasing love. Together we turned into my husband's lover, went through all kinds of hardships in Qianyuanzhou, and finally found my husband.

It stands to reason that after we meet, our souls will become one, and in the end only Dong Luo will accompany her husband. However, my husband is very kind and benevolent, and he couldn't bear us to disappear, so he created many kinds of immortal methods, and preserved all ten of us sisters to exist independently.

Our ten sisters, in addition to you and me, there are Houyi Shui'er from the ancient Coconut Country Aquarium, Yun Qianmeng, the most cold beauty in Changshui, Miaoyan, the first immortal sect enshrined in Xuanlingmen, and the lord of Qinghua Palace. Fang Tianyingfang, Princess Jinling, Emperor Frost Sky, Flame Poisonous Witch Yan'er and main soul Dong Luo.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I can help you open your subconscious memory now. If you still want to kill me after you restore Front Edge Zhou Yi, it seems that we really only have one battle left.

This palace lord will not give up helping her husband because of anyone or any reason, that is to say, this palace lord must be alive! "

The Master of the Passionate Palace has a whirling figure, a charming face, and is not lacking in majesty. There is a imprint of a pure white pear blossom on his forehead, and he said very resolutely.

The pear flower imprint on her forehead is actually the devil love flower that she deliberately put on the dark magic color, and the dark magic love fan swaying in Qingguo's hand is actually just a big pear flower petal. Love butterflies are also two slightly smaller flower petals.

The reason why they have demonic poison is naturally not because of their own elements, but because the master of the Passionate Palace deliberately used the demonic flowers to demonize them.

After the Master of the Executing Palace said, two golden rainbows suddenly shot out from the golden eyes, flowing light and lightning at an incomparable speed. The moment Xin Changfeng looked up in amazement, they had already penetrated into the depths of her dark and deep eyes.

The next moment, Xin Changfeng felt dizzy and couldn't stand upright, so she quickly sat cross-legged on the pear blossom clouds.

Then Xin Changfeng felt that in the soul universe in his mind, the wind and clouds were swirling, like overwhelming the river, and all the experiences of his frontier universe were vividly remembered.

At the same time, Xin Changfeng also knew the reason why he appeared in the Nebula Continent of the Leopard Demon Sect with the wind attribute in the Destroyed Universe Continent.

It turned out that when my husband Liu Qianlang practiced magic arts, when the two qis of the fairy and the devil exchanged, my fairy soul appeared in the continent of the universe of the fairy and the devil. Swallowed by the powerful spirit of the immortal and demon universe, and then relying on the instinctive attachment to the spirit of the fairy, he hurriedly sought reincarnation from the mother body.

Coincidentally, when he was fleeing everywhere and looking for his mother's body, the demon father robbed Yaosheng, a fairy from the Creation Universe Immortal Realm, so he rushed in after his mother Yaosheng, and then he had his own existence, Xin Changfeng.

After I was born, when I was about seven or eight years old in the human world, my mother Yaosheng burst into tears once and bid farewell to me. Later, I heard the devil father Lightning Leopard said that Yaoniang accidentally fell down the magic mountain and died.

Naturally, the little Xin Changfeng, also known as Xinfeng, was innocent and ignorant, so he believed it.


Everything in the past and the present life is quickly flashing in Xin Changfeng's mind like lightning and flint. Her face is sometimes joyful, sometimes sad, sometimes heroic, sometimes painful...

"He is a lunatic, let us work hard for him, why didn't he come to find us, and why didn't Sister Zhiqing know him, why didn't she go to recognize him?"

When Xin Changfeng was completely awake and calm, this was the first sentence he asked.

"He doesn't know that our sisters have appeared in the Immortal Demon Universe one after another, at least he doesn't know now.

And we don't want to go to him, help him secretly to fulfill his wish, and it will be better for us to meet again in the end. Pa'er, you know your husband's temper, and knowing our existence, he will be too scruples, which will affect his progress.

What, you don't want to kill me to avenge your magic leopard father? "

Seeing Xin Changfeng's gradually calm expression, Palace Master Zhiqing asked again after answering her question.

"Father Devil doesn't seem to be a kind person. He forced Yaoniang to marry me. Even though I was young at that time, I could understand that Yaoniang hated Father Devil very much. Every time I saw him, I was terrified.

After the devil father left, Yaoniang always cried silently, looking at me with an expression of wanting to hug and hate!

I couldn't understand it before, but now that I'm older, it's up to you to wake up my former memory, and I feel deeply wronged for Yaoniang in my heart, so I don't hate you anymore.

In fact, the demon father hurt more than Yaoniang, a fairy who created the universe fairyland. Xin Changfeng saw with his own eyes that he plundered more than a thousand people.

I still remember that when I was seven years old, I secretly let go of a fairy. That time the demon father was furious and scolded me and left, but Yaoniang was very happy, it was also that time, the first time Yaoniang hugged me in memory..."

"Of course your devil father is a heinous devil. All the monsters in the entire continent of ruining the universe are vicious and evil. Even if you cut them into pieces, it is not enough to punish them.

That's why my sister and I planned the battle of the city masters and slaughtered them vigorously. This is exactly following the advice of Elder Thirteen Zhou and helping my husband in a disguised form.

Didn't your Yaoniang fall off the magic cliff and die back then? At that time, your Yaoniang saw that you were finally getting older, so after crying goodbye to you, she ran away all the way, wanting to return to the home of Zhou Chuang Zhou Xianyu, which she had always dreamed of.

When your vicious devil father, Lightning Leopard, found out that your Yaoniang was breaking into the magic seal of the Nebula Continent of the Wind Demon Sect, he immediately appeared, first beat your Yaoniang half to death, and then threw you off the magic cliff, but fortunately, you Yaoniang was not dead, but was saved when I happened to go to analyze Fengmozong. Now your Yaoniang is in this magic dragon ball. "

The Master of the Passionate Palace interrupted Xin Changfeng's words and said angrily.

"It's true, Yao Niang didn't... where is she, woo..."

When Xin Changfeng heard the words, he was filled with sorrow and joy, and instantly returned to the state of a daughter, crying and asking questions.

"How could my sister lie to you, but although your Yaoniang lost her life, after that, except for chanting "Xin'er" all day long, she was crazy and turned a blind eye to anyone. , I don't know if I still recognize you.

When you parted in the past, you must have been very young, and your appearance at that time was naturally different from now, I am worried..."

The Executing Palace Mistress couldn't bear to continue talking.

"No! Yaoniang will not fail to recognize Xiner. The baby name Xiner was given by Yaoniang. And Yaoniang stabbed a bright red fairy lotus dew on Xiner's shoulder.

Yao Niang once chanted that she was a fairy in one of the countless fairy ponds in the Chuangyu Immortal Territory, and her natal flower body was a blue fairy lotus with red stamens and red dew.

Even if she doesn't recognize my face, she will recognize the birthmarks of the fairy lotus flower dew on my shoulder! "

When Xinfeng heard about Yaoniang's condition, her heart was cut like a knife. At this moment, she stubbornly stomped her feet and cried out to refute.

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