Nine Heavens

Chapter 2290 Zhimo True Immortal

"There is one more thing. The Eastern Dream Immortal Continent, which once crazily delivered the Kaixingli faction to the sects of the former Demon Thunder City, suddenly disappeared for some reason!"

The Snow Turtle answered.

"According to Qing Goshawk's analysis, the nine cities around the Demon Thunder Nation, except for our Qingguo City, have all been cut down and centralized by the new monarch, Demon Lei Hou. Now the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Nation has merged, which is unprecedentedly majestic.

However, the second prince, who was once a fool, was supported by some old court officials who rebelled against Mo Leihou. It can't be compared with the power of the entire Moleihou country, but it is by no means easy for Moleihou to quickly eliminate the power of the second prince! "

Because of Qing Goshawk's extraordinary ability in Tianwu, Qingguo City Lord specially sent him to always pay attention to the movement of Molei Kingdom.

"Oh! That fool was just pretending. It seems that the eldest princess underestimated him, Xuan Dukong! Since you are unpredictable, let's let you and Mo Leihou fight first. It's interesting, haha..."

After listening to His Highness's three demon faces' answers, City Lord Qingguo didn't express his opinion at all about the information provided by the first two. He was only surprised by Qing Goshawk's words, then raised his phoenix head and laughed maniacally.

His Highness and the Three Demons couldn't figure out what Qingguo City Lord meant, and they didn't dare to ask, so they still bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Although what the three of you said is very important, it is definitely not the purpose of the city lord to come to you. Recently, the city lord suddenly feels very disgusted with the breath of immortals and gods, so I ordered you to immediately send the eight-person Youxian Prison, which is all over the country. Let me release all the immortal prisoners in the prison, and destroy all the immortal prisons. From now on, the immortals and demons will be slaughtered and no prisoners will be allowed!"

City Lord Qingguo glanced sideways at His Highness, then said calmly.

"Huh? This is not good!"

"City Lord, absolutely not!"

"Putting the immortals and imprisoning the gods is a huge move to demonstrate our power to destroy the demons in the Eternal Continent. Destroying prisons and releasing prisoners can only increase the power of evil immortals and destroy the vigor of the demon world. There will be hundreds of harms but no benefits. I hope the city lord thinks twice!"

Lan Yinghu, Snow Demon Turtle and Qing Goshawk were all taken aback when they heard the words, their faces changed drastically, and they refuted one after another.

"Why, do you want to resist the decree? You know the temper of the city lord. The lord of the city has a golden mouth and jade teeth. Hurry up and do it for me. You can finish it in three days, otherwise you all don't want to be the three of the city of Qingguo!" Let's go back to our respective dens!"

Hearing His Royal Highness objecting to her in unison, City Lord Qingguo stood up suddenly, and the pitch-black demon fan in her hand gurgled thick black smoke, covering the beautiful and evil body of City Lord Qingguo, she shouted sharply.

"This is!"

His Highness, the Three Devils saw that the city lord Qingguo was angry, and the devil's emotion fanned the devil's emotion to emit smoke. This is the movement and image she must have before killing someone. How could the three devils dare to do anything wrong, they all nodded hastily, and another puff of smoke disappeared.


"Emperor Mengxian, since you are here, why hide and hide, show yourself. This is the palace of my city lord, can you hide it, hehe..."

After the three demons left, the city lord of Qingguo raised his hand and pointed the black devil fan to his head, smiling coquettishly.

"Ha ha……"

"Crack! Crack!"

"Awesome, the beauty of the country is really powerful, not only the beauty is beautiful, but the cultivation is also unpredictable! This Zhou Emperor is confident that even in the Nebula Continent of the Nebula Kingdom, there is almost no one who can see through the magic of my invisibility spell. But you did it!"

Liu Qianlang has already led the Eighth Route Immortal Army of Mengxian Continent, controlled Lu Feiqiong, and parked covertly at the eastern border of Qingguo City, Nebula Continent. Liu Qianlang is here to investigate the reality.

Liu Qianlang took the usual approach, floating the waterfall curtain cloud bed on the head of the monster leader, while he lay on his back on the cloud bed and drank freely, listening to the movement.

I didn't want to be discovered by the city lord of Qingguo this time, so he immediately closed his bed breathing technique, his white hair fluttered, and his white sky brocade silk robe dangled, clapping his hands, and suddenly fell in front of Qingguo on the hall.

"Thank you for the compliment, you stand in front of me like this, aren't you afraid that the Lord of the city will kill you?"

The lord of Qingguo City raised his blond hair slightly, and his beautiful eyes were shining with golden rainbows. He stared at Liu Qianlang and said with a smile.

"The city lord won't, otherwise he would have made a sudden move a long time ago, but this Zhou Emperor is really curious. Why can you sense my existence and treat a person who came to attack your Nebula Continent so courteously? What puzzles Emperor Ben Zhou is, since immortals and demons are mortal enemies, why do you let your subordinates release immortals and destroy prisons?"


"You are not stupid at all, but you have too many questions, what you like to do, I am the master of my city, as an outsider, why should you ask.

You don't know this city lord well, just because you came to capture my star and kill my demons, this city lord is interested in treating you courteously.

If it's a battle of heaven, either you die or I die. It would be a pity if the opponent's leader and phoenix leader can't get together to drink and talk happily! "


In the past, Liu Qianlang's eyes were full of coquettish and rotten peach blossoms, but he was able to say such bold words, which made Liu Qianlang admire him instantly and was amazed.

"If you're not afraid that my city lord will poison you to death, you might as well sit on the throne of the same city lord and have a good drink!"

Qingguo raised his palms and wiped his hands, the pitch-black magic fan flashed in black and white, and the imperial table in front of the throne of the city lord was already covered with magic wine and magic vegetables.

"Ha ha……"

"There is a way to die under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic! Besides, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is confident that the city lord of Qingguo will never use despicable means to deal with real opponents.

It's really good wine, so the Emperor of Zhou made a pot first to quench his thirst a bit! "

Liu Qianlang laughed heartily, picked up a pot, raised his head and drank.

"Hehe... Mengxian Continent is so cheerful, it really is selfless, the world is generous, and the hero is given good wine, and the city lord is also full of respect."

The face of Qingguo City Lord was filled with a natural and free and easy expression that had never been seen before. He raised his wrist with a smile, and waved a pot of fine wine in his hand.

"Qingguo City Lord is an alternative to the demon world. It seems to be extremely evil and weird. It seems that the emperor of this universe can't see through Qingguo City Lord!

When you meet a bosom friend, you can talk about everything. Although the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is a deadly enemy with you, he is willing to have a bosom friend with you before the battle. How about showing your feelings to each other? "

Liu Qianlang looked at the way Qingguo looked up to drink, and suddenly thought that her appearance at this moment was a bit like a loving wife, and said with emotion in her heart.

"Hehe... Would you like to call me a bosom friend? Well, I'll tell you about your question just now.

The owner of this city has a magical magic treasure, the Dragon Ball. The owner of this city has absorbed the power of cultivating the dragon soul since he was a child, so his sensing ability is extraordinary. Naturally, he can easily sense your existence.

As for my releasing immortals and destroying the prison, that is because after the city lord discovered you, the great enemy, those little fairies and gods would no longer be able to enter the city lord's eyes. What's the use. "

The city lord Qingguo was eloquent, and his explanation against his will seemed to be perfect.


"It seems that the city lord thinks highly of Ben Mengxian Zhoudi, thank you!"

Liu Qianlang shook his arm, nodded, raised his head with a smile, and drank another pot of fine wine.

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