Nine Heavens

Chapter 2299 embarrassing situation

"City Lord, after letting them in, where should they arrange to 'stay?'"

When Qing Goshawk flew away, Hun Nian Yaoyin asked Qingguo and Xinchangfeng who had drifted far away behind him.

"You said where the Luanlu Xingyun Monster Clan who lied to me in the magnificent Qingguo City should stay, do you need me to teach you?"

The Xuanyin of Soul Nian drifting over from Qingguo is full of vitality.

"Well, this subordinate understands."

Qing Goshawk's majestic voice replied.


Several hours later, the lord of Qingguo City was lying on his back in the palace seat, and it was almost ten minutes after midnight on the Nebula Continent of Qingguo City.

Qingguo, with blond hair fluttering slightly, and golden eyes staring at the magic emotion fan that is habitually shaking slightly in her hand, she is watching two pitch-black magic emotion butterflies entwining and flying around in front of the fan.

The table in front of her was covered with magic wine and vegetables, and there was a breeze by her side, smiling freely, and drinking freely while holding an emerald green glazed fan.

Qing Guo seemed to be thinking about something.

"It will be midnight soon, my sister may have miscalculated, I don't think he will barge in.

Otherwise, if Jinlian Dragon Soul seals Tiangang's powerful ability to swallow the breath of immortals and demons, if he sneaks in, we should be more or less aware of it. "

While drinking fine wine, Sa Changfeng turned his eyes to the palace gate, and after a long time, he judged.

"Of course he won't break in, otherwise he will break through our golden lotus dragon and seal Tiangang, he doesn't have this ability yet.

But he won't force his way in, but it's definitely not his character if he doesn't come in to analyze the golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang, he can sneak in secretly if he doesn't break in.

The real body is not good, but he can follow the body with the virtual soul. Have you forgotten that the greatest skill of our husband is to rest the soul, cultivate the spirit and build the body? "

City Lord Qingguo was not in a hurry at all, did not raise his eyes, and continued to admire the two pitch-black devil butterflies in her sight, and said lightly.

The words were confident and casual, like the natural and slightly flowing magic wind in the magic hall, stirring her golden temples at will.

"After all, you are the tree, I am the flower, you are the source, and I am the flow. In this fairy world, Pa'er's strength is really far behind that of her sister. Xianhui's concentration is also much inferior!"

Xin Changfeng sighed slightly when he heard the words.

"This is right now, now you and I are practicing the magic dragon soul magic in the magic dragon ball, and it won't be long before our strength will be about the same, after all, we are sisters of the same soul.

My strength, after our souls can achieve a tacit balance, my strength is also yours, and your progress will also be mine.

Pa'er has always been flamboyant, open-minded, and broad-minded, why does she care so much about this today? "

Qingguo felt that there seemed to be a hint of self-ashamedness in Sa Changfeng's words, and looked at her sideways and said.

"Pa'er is thinking, why does my sister have to be so difficult to be a husband, why don't we be honest and welcome them in happily.

In this way, not only can we return to my husband happily, but I also help my husband survive the catastrophe in the Demon Realm. "

Sa Changfeng handed Qingguo a pure white magic jade wine glass, which was shaped like a pear blossom bud, pure and flawless, with blue wine shining inside, his eyes were full of expectations, and he sighed.

"Sister Pa'er is not talking about my sister's wish. This oppression is also a disguised realization of our selfishness, but I'm afraid it will be difficult.

well! Husband is definitely not a person who is willing to bow his head. If he is in a hurry, once he breaks through the golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang, as he said, it is possible to force us to marry us to relieve our anger. "

Looking up at the country, she drank the fine wine that Xin Changfeng handed her, stared at the pure white pear blossom-shaped jade wine glass, which reflected her beautiful figure, and sighed.

"Rather than that, why can't we?"

Pa'er was a little puzzled.

"There are two reasons for this, one is that Husband wants to destroy the Universe Continent in the entire Immortal Demon Universe Demon Realm, not just to break through our Qingguo City Nebula Continent.

Therefore, he needs to constantly increase his knowledge, and his strength needs to be tempered under increasingly harsh conditions, otherwise he will not be able to face and overcome more and more difficulties in the future!

Simply put, the more difficult we are for him, the better for him. This is one of the reasons. The second reason is because the elder sister is the special status of Princess Molei.

If we don't disclose the true identity of my husband and I, then I will always be the undeniable eldest princess of the Molei Kingdom. If I maintain such a pure identity, it will obviously be more beneficial to my husband's process of expelling demons in the future. "

Qingguo mentioned the reason why she used the powerful Golden Lotus Dragon Soul to seal Tiangang and it was difficult for her husband Liu Qianlang.

"It turns out that my sister is also kind. It's just that my sister has suffered so much. When will we be able to honestly recognize my husband?"

Xin Changfeng heard Qing Guo's words, and could not deny the correctness of Qing Guo's approach, but he always felt tormented when he thought that he would never recognize her husband Liu Qianlang.

"In order to completely eliminate the magic universe factor, we still need to show the belief and determination of the tacit cooperation between Qianyuanzhou and husband, and strive for our final reunion!"

The whole country encourages Xin Changfeng.

"That's different. In Qianyuanzhou, no matter how we suffer or suffer, we are all by my husband's side in the end. If we want to suffer, we will suffer together, and if we want to be sweet, we will be happy together. That is sharing joys and sorrows and happiness. But we, not only There is only bitterness, and I have to fight against my husband..."

Xin Changfeng felt very unwilling to be in such a situation with himself and Qingguo.

"Is there any way, including my husband, our bodies are all in the Demon Universe to destroy the Universe Continent. Husband is okay, the immortal body enters the Demon Realm, and we are all people who have reincarnated in the Demon Realm.

The heart is the heart of the fairy, and the soul is the soul of the fairy, but we are demons. Our embarrassing identity determines our embarrassing existence.

So there are some difficulties, we can only endure, the pace of progress, we are not arbitrary, we have to think twice about everything.

Speaking of the matter of the golden lotus dragon soul sealing Tiangang, my sister also made up her mind after thinking about it for many days. I didn't expect my husband to be able to break it, but I could force him to gain a lot of knowledge.

The strength of the golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang can be regarded as a powerful existence even in the Abyssal Demon Palace in the center of the nebula in the ruined continent.

The younger sister said, if the husband can understand a thing or two, wouldn't it be good for him to break into the powerful abyssal magic function of the ultimate demon world in the future? "

Qingguo can be described as well-intentioned, asking Xin Changfeng in a quiet voice.

"Well, that's right. My sister's choice is correct. If we do this, it seems that we have no choice. I don't know what the other sisters are doing now. I hope they are not like us.

Even if one of them is by my husband's side, it's good to take care of him, my husband is so hard now!

And we can't comfort him, we have to find ways to torture him, although our doing so makes sense and is good for him, but Pa'er feels uncomfortable in his heart. "

"Sister is also the same, but the deep love and deep thoughts do not mean that we will be happily reunited. After the demon world is eliminated, the fairy and demon world is unified, and there is no more demon world, that is the time when we are truly reunited, and it is also our ultimate happiness.

Any mistakes we make along the way, we may gain temporary happiness, but we will definitely lose the final eternal happiness, life and death parting at a certain stage!

The other sisters were born in the Devil Realm like us, so logically, their situation should be similar to ours. "

Qing Guo has a very clear mind about the road to go in the future, and sees it very clearly, so she asserts this.

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