Nine Heavens

Chapter 2312 Auspicious Beast Returns to Dynasty

"I invite the three magic commanders to the palace!"

At this time, Yaya and Liu Yun led Ziyan Leiqiu, Tongguanglin and Jinlan Fengxiu into the Qingguo Xiandian.

"See Phoenix Emperor Qingguo, Molei Hou Guotong Guangguang Lin came to join him!"

"See Phoenix Emperor Qingguo, Jinlan Fengxiu comes to join us!"

"See Phoenix Emperor Qingguo, Ziyan Leiqiu came to join us!"

The three monsters are all over a hundred miles tall, wobbly, and have hideous faces, because they are also commanders in battle in the Demon Thunder Hou Country, and they are confident that they are powerful and have the ability to command hundreds of millions of demon troops.

Therefore, even though he came to seek refuge, he still had the heart of contempt for the immortals, glanced left and right in disdain, and stood firmly, only symbolically embracing the power, and shouting one after another.

"Oh! The Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Hou Country is vast and boundless, surrounded by eight cities, covered by the Demon Thunder Palace, and as solid as gold, how can I believe that you have surrendered.

Come on! Immediately tie these three spies to Emperor Feng, and take them to the Demon Slaying Platform to behead them! "

Qingguo Fengdi secretly analyzed it with the breath of the magic dragon ball and fairy spirit, and sure enough, as Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhanzhou Zhanxuan, said, these three monsters were the three auspicious beasts of the frontier Zhoulangyuan Xianmen.

However, after reincarnation in the world of immortals and demons, they were soaked in demon nature, unruly, and extremely rough, so they wanted to kill their prestige, shouted loudly.

"Hmph! Assistant! There are rumors in the devil world that the eldest princess is vicious and vicious, and she will use any means to achieve great things. We thought that Mo Leihou was reckless and ignorant, so she came to join you in order to plan for the future of the devil world.

I don't want Emperor Feng of Qingguo to be blind, but I sincerely came to help Emperor Feng achieve the great cause of the Demon Universe, but he actually treats us like spies! Fengxiu! Lei Qiu! let's go! "

The Tongguanglin, that is, the blood unicorn of Song Zhen, the son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan, was furious when he heard the words, roared, turned his head and left.

"Hehe... Brother Zhen! Look, their tempers are getting better, Brother Lao Zhen can settle it himself."

Seeing that the three monsters were all angry, Emperor Qingguo Feng laughed crisply, and so did the whole hall.

"So they are a big man and two old cows!?"

Yaya heard some tricks from Qingguo Fengdi's tone of voice, and when she summoned the three monsters just now, she felt an inexplicable familiarity, now she suddenly knew what was going on, and she said pleasantly.


"How do you know the original soul body of our soul universe?"

Hearing Yaya's words, the three monsters stopped suddenly when they were striding towards the outer hall, and asked Yaya in astonishment.

"Ha ha……"

"Why are you asking, Lord Ben Zhou asked you to restore the original immortal body and immortal consciousness, everything is self-evident!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen raised his head and laughed, and drew three fairy light circles in front of him with his second finger, and then suddenly pointed at the foreheads of the three monsters.



The three monsters immediately showed the fairy body of Qianyuan Zhou, and after shaking their heads and screaming for a while, they obediently went to their master's feet.

"Hehe, Emperor Feng, our eight-way Lord Zhou is flying majesticly in the sky, and we happen to lack the high-level bird commander and the earth-air beast commander. How about letting Qing Cangying Qiqi control the heavenly bird Great Zhou Lord, my blood unicorn and Yaya, How about Yun'er's sacred cows controlling the beast army of the earth and the sky?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw that after the three monsters returned to their original fairy bodies, although they returned to their respective masters' feet, their eyes were full of displeasure, so they laughed.

"Well, Emperor Feng also has this intention, but there is no suitable candidate before, just like what Brother Zhen said, allow the three of them to command the two armies of heaven and earth as human beings.

The three marshals can go to the palace to take over the title, and they will concentrate on military affairs in the future, and they don't need to be immortals anymore. However, if you have the heart, you can summon your descendants to enjoy the old master again! "

Qingguo Fengdi nodded slightly, and then said.


"Thank you, Emperor Feng, for your kindness, the blood unicorn stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"The Red Horned Demon Bull King kneels down to listen!"

"The blue-horned demon cow is dead to listen to the holy letter!"

The three monsters were overjoyed in an instant, and as soon as they got under the master's feet, a puff of smoke turned into the appearance of a heroic and mighty fairy god.

"This... Daddy, aren't we happy for nothing?"

Yaya saw that the three monsters had become handsome, but when they were talking, they looked like dogs and became officials in the same dynasty as her, so she asked her adoptive father with a bitter face.

"Hehe, this is their good fortune, but don't worry, I have done the calculations for my father. They all have descendants in the Kingdom of Molei Hou. Our new mounts in the future will be their children."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhenhun read the sound transmission to Yaya and said with a smile.

"The local air marshal has something to play."

The blood unicorn transformed into a red-faced and handsome man wearing a scarlet robe, with a full beard and eyebrows that were longer than a foot. He had just received the title of knight, and then he played to Emperor Qingguofeng.

"Oh? Marshal Qilin ranks among the Immortal Dynasty, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Qingguo Fengdi was a little surprised, he hadn't asked about Mo Leihou's kingdom before, this blood unicorn actually had something to say on his own initiative, Yu Qi said it very interestedly.

"Returning to Emperor Feng, I understand that waiting to flee and treason, Lord Jiuhou doesn't know yet, our intention is to let Emperor Feng send troops as soon as possible to swallow the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Kingdom.

Otherwise, our family members who are still left in the Demon Thunder Country will lose their lives. I'm shopping for Lin Xiao'er, who is less than ten thousand years old, and the two old cows are not big. Now that we are here, the Immortal Wife in Fuzhong still doesn't know! "

Xue Qilin hesitated for a moment and said.

"Oh! Daddy, you are so amazing. In the frontier universe, it is still the same in this fairy universe. It seems that our calf mounts are coming to us. They must be more interesting than the two old guys!"

Yaya was very happy to hear the playbook of the blood unicorn, and her soul thought was transmitted to Song Zhen, son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan, her adoptive father.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Marshal Qilin's performance is reasonable. I will tell you the three Marshals of Earth and Space. We have just finished our oath during the day. After tonight, we will send troops tomorrow! Breaking the Demon Thunder Hou Kingdom is just a matter of time.

However, after hearing your words, there are still family members who are worried. Therefore, Emperor Feng suggested that you return to Molei Kingdom immediately, pretending that you have never been here.

Firstly, it will help us cooperate internally and externally to quickly capture the Moleihou Kingdom tomorrow, and secondly, you can better protect your family in the chaos. I don't know what the three commanders of the earth and air think? "

Emperor Feng thought about what he said about shopping for Lin, and suggested.

"Thank you, Emperor Feng, for your reminder. It's so wonderful. I'll go back immediately, but what about our ground and air beast army?"

Xue Qilin nodded repeatedly, and then asked.

"Hehe, your army of ground and air monsters is within your respective seal flags, and you can call them in at any time according to the seal formula!"

"Ha ha……"

Qingguo Fengdi and Mandian Xianshen all laughed happily after hearing the words.

"Hey! Thank you Phoenix Emperor Fenghuang, Mandian Immortal God, thank you master! Let's go!"

The three auspicious beasts couldn't get rid of their wild and fiery habit for a while, and before they could finish speaking, they had already melted three puffs of smoke in place and fled away.

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