Nine Heavens

Chapter 2325 Zhou Emperor swore

"Emperor Feng?"

After Qingguo Fengdi floated out of the magic dragon ball, all the sisters asked why her face was so ugly, there were obvious signs of crying.

"It's nothing, I just listened to Yaoniang talking about some sad pasts between her and her father, and I felt uncomfortable, and I will be fine soon."

Qingguo Fengdi knew that his emotions could not hide from his sisters, so he had to lie.

"Then you should rest and rest. Today you suddenly know a lot of things. It's no wonder that you can't accept it all at once. We can discuss the matter of our investigation and attack on the Demon Thunder Palace in a few days. Let's go first, sisters."

Seeing Emperor Qingguo Feng like this, Miao Yan said.

"Thank you, sisters, for your understanding?"

Qingguo Fengdi nodded slightly, watched the eight sisters fluttering, and smiled to himself one after another.

The room that was still full of laughter not long ago suddenly became deserted, and Emperor Feng felt lonely for a while. At this moment, the poisonous oath that her mother made herself swear repeatedly echoed in her ears.

In the midst of heartache, Qingguo Fengdi burst into tears again.

In fact, in her heart, she had long thought of turning the land of immortality into Mengxian Feizhou, and then she didn't care about anything else, just being happy as her husband's little girl.

But now, this kind of wish that can be realized at any time as long as you nod your head is now a luxury.

"Mom! Why are you so vicious? You actually misunderstood your father. Not only did you not listen to your daughter's explanation, but you also dragged her into the abyss of pain..."

Qingguo Fengdi, lost in interest, leaned back on the empty bed and looked at the darkening sky outside.

"You're a badass!"

When Emperor Qingguo Feng was talking to himself, a cold and vigorous voice suddenly came from outside the house.

"Mom! You are here."

The figure of Yaoniang outside the window appeared in Qingguo's sight.

Yaoniang's figure, one false and one solid, stood in front of Qing Guofeng Emperor in the next second.

"Being a mother is not to be cruel, but in fact, in the universe, no matter the frontier, the present, or the future, there is no man who treats you sincerely.

So what about your ex-husband, didn't he also abandon you, and first transformed into the body of an immortal.

When you came to look for him persistently, and in the end, he manipulated Mengxian to fly into the universe, roaring the wind and clouds, why did he think about you?

My good daughter, listen to your mother, don't be stupid again because of those hypocritical men. With them, there is only pain. Without them, you will truly be free. "

Yaoniang wiped her tears for Qingguo Fengdi.

"Mother, it's actually not what you think. The reason why my husband turned into an Eternal Immortal first is because he is a different kind of soul. We are all his Eternal Body Elements, so we will naturally evolve later!

Also, my husband is really good to us, in front of the world, he has gone through life and death for the sake of the sisters so many times..."

The country shed tears.

"Enough! You are so obsessed with obsession, please do it yourself, I'm leaving!"

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Yaoniang walked away in a huff.

"Mother, father and mother are for the sake of the entire Immortal Universe, if he doesn't do that, all the immortals in the entire Immortal Universe will be slaughtered by the Devil Emperor!

Daddy also sincerely married you, and he still thinks about you all the time..."

Looking at the figure of Niang Fei flying away, Qing Guo sobbed and shouted.

The figure of Yaoniang floating away seemed to pause in the air, and then continued to fly away.


As soon as Yaoniang left, Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying wildly and dressed in silver, suddenly appeared in front of the Qingguo Fengdi who was crying into tears.

Liu Qianlang has been here for a long time, and has seen every scene that his nine beloved wives experienced today.

Liu Qianlang combed the stray strands of hair from the temples for Qingguo Fengdi, and said softly.


Qingguo Fengdi was very familiar with the scene of her husband appearing in front of her. It can be said that after Qian Yuanzhou met, it happened every day in peacetime. While crying, she threw herself into her husband's arms as if in a dream.

But she still said what her husband was no longer in front of her eyes:

"Husband! Zhi'er is sorry for you, it's not that Zhi'er doesn't love you anymore, it's because she hates men and forced Zhi'er to swear.

If Zhi'er gets close to you again, Zhi'er will be struck with thunder, and his body will be burnt by lightning, and there will be no chance to sneak a look at you again. "

"Zhi'er, don't cry, my husband has heard it, my husband is not good, and Zhi'er has been wronged."

As Liu Qianlang spoke, he raised his hand to cover Qingguo Fengdi's head, and the blue fairy flower surged in the palm of his hand, and instantly brought the poisonous oath made by the master of the passionate palace into his mind, and at the same time Erase her unpleasant memory.

"Hmph! Presumptuous, Mengxian Zhoudi came here uninvited, and he is so contemptuous of me, Phoenix Emperor!"

When the poisonous oath and poisonous spirit in Qingguo Fengdi's mind was sucked away by Liu Qianlang, she immediately restored the majesty of Qingguofengdi, but she suddenly found herself in the arms of a white-haired man flying wildly.

Emperor Qingguofeng looked up and saw that the other party was her husband Liu Qianlang, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, but because he knew in his heart that he had never revealed his identity to the other party, he had to speak with the arrogance of Emperor Qingguofeng.

"Ha ha……"

"Qinguo Fengdi misunderstood. There are countless beauties in the emperor's fairy palace. How could he take the initiative to an immortal from another realm? Just now when Emperor Benzhou came, he saw Emperor Feng feeling lost and almost fell, but he just stepped forward to give him a hand. "

Liu Qianlang said this on purpose, wanting to see his beloved wife's reaction.

"Hmph! The man really..."

Qingguo Fengdi heard that her husband married a fairy again, and it was much better, she left Liu Qianlang's arms in an instant, cursing angrily, but when she was halfway through her cursing, she suddenly felt that something was missing in her head.

"Men are not good things, are they? Haha... In Immortal Demon Universe, it is too difficult for men and women to be a good thing.

Let's just talk about the Phoenix Emperor Qingguo. Before becoming the Phoenix Emperor Qingguo, wasn't he notorious? "

Liu Qianlang's forehead was gleaming with red sun lines, and he smiled back with white hair.

"What are you doing here? According to the report from Qing Goshawk, the Commander-in-Chief of this Immortal Territory, you have gone to the ancient Remnant Star Purple Beard Immortal Territory of the Creation Universe Immortal Territory, why did you come here from us.

Are you defecting, or are you going to fight in the afternoon? Tell me, Emperor Feng is happy today, so you can think about it. "

Qingguo Fengdi said in a provocative tone.

"Neither, this emperor of Zhou is indeed from the Purple Bearded Immortal Realm, but he didn't come here to join him, let alone to fight, he came to drink with the beautiful Fengdi, and to drink pear flower wine."

Looking at the beautiful eyes of his beloved wife, the owner of the Zhiqing Palace, Liu Qianlang smiled, recalling the scene when he first met Qianyuan Zhou's Zhiqing Palace, Zhiqingya.

"You are so confident, will Ben Fengdi agree to drink with you?"

Qingguo Fengdi asked.

"Whatever Emperor Ben Zhou wants to do, he will definitely calculate it first when he goes out. The result of the calculations of Emperor Zhou today is that everything is beneficial, so I am very confident that Emperor Feng will give Emperor Zhou this thin face."

Liu Qianlang said a little amusingly.

"Oh! That's right, for the sake of you still remembering the taste of pear blossom wine, I promise you once, sit down."

The other party is the husband that I have been thinking about day and night, and Emperor Qingguo Feng, in his current capacity, now sees each other more than a thousand years later, how can he miss it, so he said this on purpose.

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