Nine Heavens

Chapter 2336 Tianling Nianmother

"Oh, my big sister Tianling, everyone heard it, look at you. The boss is not young, and he can't bear the excitement.

Senior Sister Yaya congratulates you, this time you don’t need to secretly wipe your tears, Mrs. Shui’er will be back soon, giggling..."

Yaya was also happy for Tianling, and the two embraced and danced.

"Father, I want to go see mother now, where is she?"

Tianling hugged Yaya and jumped up and down for a while, still uncontrollably happy, and floated in front of his father again, saying anxiously.

Princess Jinling saw that Tianling was coming, as an elder, she couldn't stay in her husband's arms anymore, and left Liu Qianlang's body, she said with a smile:

"Look at how anxious you are, you Shuierniang can't lose it!"

"Jin Ling Niang, I miss my mother!"

Tianling felt a little abrupt because he suddenly rushed in front of his father, so he lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Ling'er, raise your head, let Daddy take a good look at you, Yaya, Yun'er, Qian'er, Jiuying, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Lan'er, Xiaoluo and the others?"

Liu Qianlang looked at her daughter Tianling with long blue hair fluttering and a faint white jade mist all over her body, just like his beloved wife Shui'er, the unique characteristics of the children of the Shui tribe

Feeling happy and full of apologies, he looked at his daughter with a smile, then raised his head and shouted.



"Uncle Mengxian, Daddy Mengxian, here we come!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, the shadows of the sky immediately flew up, and a large group of people surrounded by Liu Qianlang greeted him from far and near.

Liu Qianlang is no stranger to these young immortals who once fell in love with the immortal sect, and they are no strangers to Liu Qianlang, it's just that each other had an infinitely long dream, and when they woke up again, they were inexplicably more moved .

With a call, he approached in an instant, spoke endlessly, but remained silent for a long time.

Liu Qianlang's eyes slowly moved over the faces of every young immortal, and every time he met a look, his heart skipped a beat, reminding him of a past event.

Every time I passed by a figure, my heart surged, and I felt inexplicably ashamed and sad.

"What are you doing? You look at mine, I look at yours, don't you know?"

Princess Jinling watched the touching scene where Liu Qianlang and the young immortals looked at each other deeply, tears welled up in her eyes, and forced herself to smile.

"Ling'er, your mother is now on top of Daddy's Dream Fairy, and you will see her soon, as well as Little Lian'er."

Hearing Princess Jinling's words, Liu Qianlang suddenly calmed down, looking into his daughter's expectant eyes and said.

"That's great, thank you Daddy. Little Lian'er is also at Daddy's place, and now our little sisters are short of Little Lian'er, heck... that's great!"

Tianling smiled happily when he heard his father's promise, and also learned about the little sister Lian'er who had been thinking about whether to come to the Immortal Demon Universe.


In Qingguo Fengdi Palace, there was a lot of laughter.

"Come on! This Jinling Fenghuang respects Paer Fengdi, who has not yet ascended to the throne, but has a cup. I wish you Fengdi's dream will be broken, and Fenghuang will also be lost, cluck..."

Because the great joy of the union of the two universes has been settled, the entire Immortal Realm of Heaven and Earth held a three-day celebration in the universe.

At this moment, Princess Jinling was 90% drunk, her beautiful face was blushing, she swayed to her feet, shaking the fairy wine cup, she still didn't forget to tease Pa'er.


"My Xin Changfeng's ambition is in the majestic Huizhou, and everything is for the sake of the great cause of the fairy heart. It doesn't matter if I am the Phoenix Emperor, I am the Phoenix Emperor, or I have no title or position to talk about.

The most important thing is that we can make progress together with our husband and all like-minded friends. "

Pa'er was dressed in men's clothing, with a dashing and heroic posture, slightly shaking the star-cracking cloud fan, without a trace of drunkenness on his face, smiling and chanting.

"Well, you are obviously a little woman, why do you always put on a heroic attitude. Sigh! I think there is something wrong with my husband's aesthetics. How can my husband like you?"

Princess Jinling laughed coquettishly after hearing Pa'er's majestic words, raised her head and drank the fairy wine, poured it again, and sighed.

When I wanted to drink again, I tilted my body, lost my mind, and fell down.

Liu Qianlang smiled, waved his sleeves and hugged him in his arms.

When all the immortals saw it, they laughed in unison.

Even Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan laughed and said:

"The Golden Bell Phoenix Emperor is the most interesting, with her, the gods are not lonely, listening to her, the fairyland is full of laughter.

Everyone continued joking and discussing the matter of Hezhou, so let her be quiet for a while. "

Liu Juan laughed.

"No, I haven't had enough."

Unexpectedly, just after Liu Juan finished speaking, Princess Jinling stood up energetically again, pouted and said.

"Ha ha……"

All the immortals, old and young, laughed together.

Princess Jinling was dizzy and sober, of course it was because Liu Qianlang used the magic method to dissolve the drunken elements in her body.

Princess Jinling opened her eyes and saw that she was lying in her husband's arms. She originally planned to be complacent, but she was so excited when she heard Liu Juan's praise and anger, so she stood up again.

She didn't drink enough of her sentence, which made the fairies laugh.

Generally speaking, immortal gods who have evolved to the realm of Eternal Immortals will never get drunk. Except for Princess Jinling, she has a beautiful body and doesn't like alcohol, and she gets dizzy after drinking, that's why she is like this.

"Hehe, Ling'er just enjoys herself, and has a husband when she's drunk!"

Liu Qianlang looked at Princess Jinling with a smile and laughed softly.


Princess Jinling blushed when she heard her husband's words, she was upset and happy, she couldn't deal with what she could drink, so she went to tease Xiaoxian.


"Since Emperor Feng decided to join Mengxian Flying Universe, all the immortals have no objection, let's just celebrate like this, and when I am done with the ancient creation of the Immortal Realm, I will immediately control Feizhou to come.

During this period, there are still Fengdi Fenghuang and all the fairy friends who are bothering to prepare. There are many things in the journey, so Qianlang will leave for the time being. "

Liu Qianlang finally reunited with all the fairy wives physically and mentally. He wanted to rush back to the Purple Beard Immortal Realm many times, but he couldn't give up. Three days passed in a flash. He got up and looked around the palace full of relatives, fairy friends, and said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's say goodbye for now, and get together for eternity, why don't you give up!"

Emperor Feng didn't say much in this celebration, his eyes were filled with joy and longing, and he looked at her husband again and again.

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, he got up and held up the wine, ordering all the immortals to send off his husband together.

"Let's say goodbye for now, and get together for eternity!"

All the Immortals were impassioned, and their hearts were swept away. This kind of expectation has been around for a long time, and now it is finally coming true.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

The fairies laughed freely, and so did Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang stopped talking nonsense, and suddenly a bright red glow rose from under his feet, and the holy sword of slaughtering demons had already been shot outside the palace.


"Tianling wants to go with you to see your mother, and I want to go too."

When the sisters of Tianling saw their father Liu Qianlang leaving, Tianling cried out, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Dieer, Xiaolan also shouted.

"Hehe, that's fine. Then come along with your husband, but honestly stay in your husband's mind, and you are not allowed to come out if you are not a father."

Liu Qianlang smiled in the sky.


The six sisters agreed in unison, and the next second they disappeared in place.

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