Nine Heavens

Chapter 235 The Fragrant Flower Clan

Liu Qianlang was full of energy, and raised the soul-calling sword on the Jiangtao where the corpse was hidden, from the downstream to the upstream, quickly crossing, and at the same time waving the small black flag in his hand - the ghost and god banner in a strange posture.

As Liu Qianlang desperately shuttled back and forth, weird howling sounds continued to be heard from the bottom of the corpse river, strange and exciting, one after another was stronger than another, and the sound became louder and louder after another, which made people's brains swell and their stomachs swollen. Nausea, trembling with fear.

The river surface of the Zang Corpse River was as dark as ink because of the bright and glaring corpses of countless ancient warriors from the Coconut Kingdom. It has become bright, but this kind of bright is gloomy and cold, full of evil spirits, and full of death and resentment everywhere.

Under the call of Liu Qianlang's ghost and god banner, these corpses rushed up the river bank one after another as before, and then found the place where the ghost and god banner ordered, and stood there dumbly. Then these glaring white light corpses turned into magical white lights one after another, shooting into the ghost banner like a shooting star.

This process lasted for a long time, until the first ray of sunlight from the east, Liu Qianlang entered the autumn mist with the sword of summoning souls.

Above the sky, under the faint moonlight, Liu Qianlang put his hands behind his back and stepped firmly on the Soul-calling Excalibur, plowing through the darkness of the night, and the sword stabbed towards the imperial capital of Longyun Heavenly Kingdom.

Liu Qianlang's mood was bursting with excitement at this time. At this time, he had successfully summoned the corpses of thousands of dead warriors from the ancient Coconut Kingdom, which meant that he had mastered the powerful strength of Yin soldiers. There are still two days, two nights, as long as you make full use of these two nights, the powerful Yin soldiers will become your powerful weapons, and defeating Long Yuntian in this way will be in your pocket.

Although Longyun Heavenly Kingdom also possesses powerful zombie ghost soldiers, all of their zombie ghost soldiers are the products of the poisoned poison after the death of the living. The naturally formed yin soldiers are much weaker, and one's own yin soldiers can evolve step by step.

In addition, Liu Qianlang also holds a tyrannical trump card in his hands, that is, the Yinying King who was recovered a while ago.

To ordinary Yin soldiers, the Yinying King is simply an extremely powerful existence. According to the description in the Sacred Book of Witch Venerables and the Sacred Book of Ghost Witches, there are five levels of armor in the underworld, the dead armor is poisonous and stiff, and it is a dead body Yin soldier refined by feeding poison on living people, and the petrified Yin armor is called two, which is an ancient corpse. The Yin soldiers that have been gradually petrified for ten thousand years are not corrupt, and this kind of Yin soldiers are exactly the ones that I have mastered.

Zombie ghost baby said three, this kind of Yin soldiers are actually Yin soldiers in the true sense, they are ghost fetuses bred by ancient zombies, and Yin Yingwang is exactly this kind.

The Yin Emperor Ghost Empress Day Four is a Yin soldier formed by ghosts and ghosts after trillions of years of cultivation. This kind of Yin soldier can further evolve into a ghost emperor, ghost emperor, ghost saint, etc. There is also a kind of Yin soldier whose origin cannot be tested. Soldiers are also called ghosts, ghosts and immortals.

The strength of these five Yin soldiers is stronger than the other, and stronger than the other. But to be precise, the last three should not be called by the title of illness. In terms of strength and status, they have far surpassed the basic category of Yin soldiers. They have already become kings, demons, and immortals. In fact, in Liu Qianlang's original idea, he didn't fully expect that he would be able to successfully cultivate the first-level Yin soldiers of the Xuanming Dafa, but only relied on the strength of the Yin Ying King to fight against the huge zombie Yin soldiers of the Dragon Cloud Heavenly Kingdom. Of course, success in cultivation is the best. After all, no matter how powerful the Yinying King is, he and the Yingying King alone are no match for two fists and four hands. They are too lonely, so in order to gain a better chance of winning, I will give this chance a try. practice.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so smooth. Once Liu Qianlang flew all the way, he felt extremely happy. Next, Liu Qianlang will do something that he has always wanted to do. Looking at the mountains where the imperial capital is located in the distance among the clouds, Liu Qianlang accelerated his speed.

When the night was replaced by light, the imperial city of Longyun Heavenly Kingdom was sunny, and the scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers was everywhere. Seeing this scene, who would have thought that just a few hours ago, there was still a terrifying scene where the wind was raging, and the shadows of ghost soldiers were everywhere. But all of this disappeared without a trace with the arrival of the first ray of sunshine.

Yin soldiers are Yin soldiers, in the bright world, not their world. However, Liu Qianlang learned that the zombie Yin soldiers in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven can actually complete the mission of massacring the emperors of all nations in broad daylight, which completely changed the weakness of the Yin soldiers who can only open their way at night. opponent.

It is rumored that the Emperor of Heaven can do this with two right-hand men, one is Yelu Yangze, whose family has widely spread the supernatural powers of yin and yang. the one you love.

In addition, there is an extremely mysterious middle-aged beautiful woman, who is said to be powerful enough to cut mountains and fill seas. The latter person is really powerful, Liu Qianlang doesn't want to do anything yet, but the first two people are the targets of Liu Qianlang's coming this time, he wants to kill them.

When flying past the gate of the imperial capital, Liu Qianlang saw that the gate of the imperial capital had not been opened in the past few days, the Xuanming soul-absorbing formation was intact, and five people from the Xianshan faction and two naughty birds were in front of the gate of life. Nei Zheng was meditating cross-legged with a serious face. It seemed that with the passage of time, the time limit for the ultimatum of the Emperor of the Dragon Cloud Heavenly Kingdom was coming soon, which put a lot of pressure on them.

And the enchantment that I arranged above the entire imperial capital did not take effect until two days later. Fortunately, no one in Longyun Heavenly Kingdom noticed it.

Surrounded by a lake, outside the palace with thousands of twists and turns of covered bridges, a charming and charming woman is sitting by the lake, gazing at her beautiful figure in the water with sparkling eyes. Looking at the uniquely beautiful face that only the Yelu family can have, the woman combed the hair on her shoulders with satisfaction, combing very carefully, for fear of hurting the shining black cyan glow on every strand of blue hair.

But the mischievous little fish in the lake seemed to be joking with him intentionally, occasionally a white cloud would come out, pass by her flowery face, come out of the water and spit out a bubble, and then quickly escaped. Then, the water surface fluctuated slightly, and circles of ripples slowly spread out. As the ripples spread, that beautiful face began to shake and shatter.

Suddenly a slight wind blew across the lake, although it was soft, cool and smooth, Yelu Yangze looked at the broken face for some reason and suddenly felt a little flustered in his heart. Is he really coming?

For many years, I have always had a worrying person in my heart. When I saw him back then, he was just a child, but that child has been haunting my heart for some reason, and I can’t get it away forever, especially his pair of piercing eyes. Like a steel vertebra, it seems to be able to penetrate one's heart and penetrate one's entire world. Now that he had forced his sister, Empress Qixiang, to death, he had become her enemy.

No one can stop the one who should come, and even if he comes, he may not be able to deal with him. It is rumored that he joined Xuanlingmen, but it is only in the last half a year or so. In such a short period of time, his strength should not be as strong as there go. Thinking of this, Yelu Yangze once again saw that beautiful face in his eyes, and his flustered heart calmed down a little. Everything here is so beautiful, it is all inherited from the ancestors, and it is only in exchange for my own dedication to management. Although the autumn wind is bleak outside and the mountains and plains are full of beauty, this place is "Yongning Tian". Here there is no coldness in winter, heat in summer, and sadness in autumn, but only the softness of spring and the inexhaustible fragrance of flowers.

Yelu Yangze slightly tilted his fair and beautiful neck, making the image of himself thrown into the lake look more whirling and moving. Then precipitate this beautiful moment in memory with a kind of admiring eyes.

Suddenly, Yelu Yangze's shoulders trembled, and in the clear water of the lake, a breathtakingly handsome face appeared on top of his beautiful face, especially those awl-like eyes.

At this moment, those eyes were glowing with a bright white light, cold and dazzling. In just a moment, the entire lake surface was soaked in white by his dazzling white light, and there was no more clear water in the lake. His face also disappeared into the white world.

When Yelu Yangze saw that handsome face, his cold voice came from his ears: "It is unexpected that the Xiangpa tribe in the ancient Coconut Kingdom era has survived in such a clever way, Gonggong Zhenren? Yin and Yang are different bodies Divine skill? It’s too bad that you can figure it out!”

Hearing this, Yelu Yangze was even more shocked. How could he know that he was a descendant of the Xiangpa tribe? Yes, he was the most beautiful Xiangpa tribe in the ancient Coconut Kingdom era. All the Xiangpa people have supreme beauty, no matter men or women. However, beauty is not only the pride of the Xiangpa tribe, but also the disaster of the Xiangpa tribe. Because of her beauty, she is favored by the monarchs of various countries. As soon as the daughter of the Xiangpa tribe is born, the prince or emperor of a certain country will come to marry her.

It stands to reason that this is also a good thing, allowing the Xiangpa people to be glorious for a while, but this has caused fewer and fewer women in the Xiangpa tribe, and the population has dropped sharply. At the same time, they are often harassed and slaughtered by those who hate and envy.

These massacres believed that it was because of the existence of the Xiangpa clan that they were neglected by the royal family and their status was low. Under such circumstances, the Xiangpa tribe did not exist for too long, and it was already an extinct tribe as early as the ancient Coconut Kingdom era.

But what the world doesn't know is that the Xiangpa tribe is not only beautiful, but also a smart tribe. The wise ancestors fled to the deserted mountains with the remnants of the tribe, and they reappeared in front of the world after thousands of years. But since then, no one will think that they are the legendary Xiangpa tribe, because this tribe is very strange, there are only men and no women, but every man is extremely handsome.

Moreover, there is an incomprehensible custom. If a man of this ethnic group marries a woman of another race, he not only requires the woman of the other race to look surprisingly beautiful, but also the man and the woman must separate from the tribe after marriage and never communicate with each other again. Why? , no one knows.

The reason why the Qipa tribe appeared before the world again after 30,000 years is because their ancestors accidentally obtained a miraculous exercise in the mountains. You can gallop freely between the heaven and the earth, roam freely on the great river and the sea.

No matter how good the aptitude is, it is possible to gain insight into the yin and yang of the world, feel the subtle changes of everything, divination the sun, moon and stars, and know the laws of evolution in the past and the future through such magical skills. With this miraculous body protection, just imagine who would be willing to bury the mountain forest forever instead of going to the bustling city for leisure.

However, learning from the past, fearing that the tragedy of the ancient Coconut Kingdom would happen again, so the wise ancestors named that set of magic skills as Yin and Yang different body magic skills. It is rumored to the outside world that through practicing this skill, yin and yang can be transformed into different bodies, that is, a man can become a woman, and a woman can become a man.

In this way, even if there is another beautiful woman in the Xiangpa tribe, the world will think it is a nondescript product, and naturally no one wants to pay attention to such a woman. It's a joke, but the Xiangpa tribe has survived in this way.

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