Nine Heavens

Chapter 2359 New Life Origin Universe

Ouyang Langlong, with a wave of his sleeves, killed the fairy god Mingquanwu Xiannan and the demon Shenglin River Holy Mother, then looked up and laughed loudly.

At the same time, he slowly ascended into the sky, and he was also dissolving his divine form, weathering the gods and gods.

The infinite and huge power of gods and gods contained in it turned into auspicious clouds, auspicious energy, fairy light, and Dao wheel... floating towards Liu Qianlang who was sitting upright, wrapping around his body.

"You still decided like this! From then on, you have no quality and no thought, but I have an extra love!"

Liu Qianlang turned his back, his body absorbed everything Ouyang Langlong released, and said in a very reluctant tone.

"The division of immortals and demons on the road of cultivation is nothing more than the source of differences. If there is only one source of life, Dushan is only destined to fight over which end! Hehe... It is best for me to disappear.

In this way, you are both soul and energy, both form and shadow, soul energy is warmth, and there is no life without emotion. Only in this way can we create a truly benevolent universe.

I know, this is what your heart is calling for the most, but without my disappearance, God can join your soul, but you will never be complete.

So, I disappear, you are perfect, and the Huiling of the universe will be kind from now on, and we are all relieved. "

Said Ouyang Langlong, whose body and soul were dissipating.

"Hey! You're still worried that your silent heart will be disturbed again!"

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"That's right, comparing and being compared are both heart-wrenching pains, however, evil thoughts are bitter fruits, good karma is good luck, the former is like me, and the latter is you.

Although we are all calm and relieved here, we are just self-education. Yujian, no matter how powerful we are, we are everything after all.

We can be harsh on ourselves, but we cannot completely control everything in the majestic universe.

Looking at this endless newborn fairyland, there are only 99,999 comets in the 99,999 galaxies.

At the same time, it is not impossible for other cometless stars to slowly evolve into a new comet universe.

There is also an even larger inexplicable domain of the universe outside of this newborn fairy universe.

Langlong really didn't have the confidence to ensure that his silent heart would no longer be disturbed. A weak heart is the root cause of disaster. That being the case, why not eliminate it early!

After all, the Immortal God Emperor is too merciful and has kept it with me again and again. Even though I said, your heart is as clear as a mirror, but you don't have the heart to do it. Then let me do a real act of kindness and kill myself! "

Having gone to death, Ouyang Langlong no longer hides the unwillingness deep in his heart.

"Maybe there is no perfection in the universe, and my or our understanding of perfection is wrong.

You and I can't coexist peacefully forever, and there is no worry about the future battle between immortals and demons. How can this be perfect.

You die and I survive, how perfect is it! It is really a pity that behind the price we paid infinitely and the comfort we got in exchange is still deep hurt.

You are about to leave. In a trance, this immortal god emperor seems to understand the loneliness and coldness of the fairy world and the loneliness of the gods that his predecessor Xianpeng said.

After you left, I remained silent, and after thinking about it, the real bosom friend is actually you and me.

The seven emotions and six desires, although the love relationship is cheerful and warm in the world, even though it is beautiful and prosperous, it is beyond my heart.

Suddenly there is no other distraction, I exist in the universe, and I am still erratic, how can I devote myself to the relationship between the heart and the world.

Finally, she understood the reason why Yuelao led the red line, but Yuanniang was alone. Love is ruthless to the end, seemingly ruthless love! Do not love for yourself, but give eternal love to the world! "

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"Hehe, you seem to have become so hypocritical, obsessed with the god of beauty, and cultivated the way of the whole family of gods! Seeing that the mirror is round in the universe, you are troubled!"

Ouyang Lang's dragon body was scattered and his soul was floating, he didn't feel any pain at all. Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, he couldn't help laughing.

"Be a god in the fairy world, enjoy love in the world! You will have no self, you can name this new fairy universe! It can also reduce your unwillingness, Liu Qianlang's silent heart, slightly turbulent, sighed!"

"Ha ha……"

"Well, how about calling it 'Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou'?"


"Nine is the ultimate number in the world. Reincarnation is one thing, becoming a thought is one thing, questioning life is one thing, getting fate is one thing, refining the body is one thing, refining the mind is one thing, distinguishing evil from good is one thing, returning to one obsession is one thing, It is one way to break through all calamities!

Break through the human world and enter the nine heavens, dance to the heavens, fight to change the heavens, swallow the Xuantian, dominate the Youtian, conquer the Haotian, calm the Zhutian, calm the Yantian, and restore the Yangtian.

After the Nine Heavens Fengyun Lingxian, the person is close to the immortal, and then enters the immortal way.

The nine heavens are chaotic, and all who enter are called immortals, human immortals, spirit immortals, demon immortals, demon immortals, soul immortals...

In the sea of ​​celestial waves and demons, the so-called immortals are real demons, and the so-called demons are real immortals. They are complicated and complicated. Everything is quiet because of you, and everything is clear because of you!

Fighting between immortals and demons, trillions of grievances and sufferings, you finally have the source of life.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to use this "Nine Heavens Immortal Fate" to name your Emotional Life Origin Universe.

Substituting 'Fate' for 'Fate' can even explain your attachment to love, and it can also explain the principle of fate in the immortal world..."

"That's right, my demon-slaying holy sword has no demons to slay, so let's restore his real name, Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword!"

"Ha ha……"

"So, I will go with peace of mind! My sword has turned into a long-lived bamboo, and I will be beheaded all over the world! Once the evil and madness were there, and the sword was carved out of my soul!"

Ouyang Langlong laughed loudly at the end, and his endless years of open and secret struggle with Liu Qianlang finally came to an end.

However, Liu Qianlang did not feel any joy of success because of the fall of his opponent.

Liu Qianlang got up, facing the last ray of light that Ouyang Langlong faded out, and sighed deeply:

"Langlong, do you know that it is easy to disappear, but it takes courage to stay!

You are ashamed of your sins, how can I be a perfect person. The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword is full of undead souls, the sword is indestructible, will the struggle disappear! "

Liu Qianlang hoped that when he saw the Manzhou Immortal God leaving the ground and floating in the sky of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate in his hand would also dissipate and fall.

However, the body of the sword is still alive, the soul of the sword is still there, and the light of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword on the head points to the infinitely distant sky, still whistling in a low voice...


"Brother White-haired Immortal, you have come to cry for me again, don't worry!

My celestial power has recovered, and I will cry myself. The water in my body is slick, and I don’t feel uncomfortable anymore. It’s so comfortable, so comfortable! "

Liu Qianlang ignored the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and silently came in front of Princess Yingyao.

"Congratulations, Miss Yingyao, in a few more hours, you will be the first all-body god in the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe!"

Liu Qianlang forced a smile and said.


"Thank you, white-haired brother, Yingyao is here today because of your kindness.

Forehead? Brother with white hair, why are you frowning, it seems that there is something unhappy. "

There is only a trace of Yingyao princess sticking to the fairy soil of the universe under her feet, because her body contains infinitely powerful Ouyang Lang's dragon soul energy and wisdom, she is extremely smart, Liu Qianlang has not changed at all, she can feel it.

Her beautiful eyes sparkled, she tilted her head and asked Liu Qianlang.

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