Nine Heavens

Chapter 2363

"Have you seen them?"

Liu Qianlang was slightly taken aback when he saw Fengyu Fenghu's reaction.

"Oh, no. Ben Fenghu just sighed a little when he saw the four Nine Heavenly Immortals Yuanzhou and the four Young Immortals with pretty faces, youthful and lively.

Let me bid farewell, thank you Emperor Xianyuan Zhou for your hospitality! This is our wayfinding pet of Weiming Huizhou, and I present it to Emperor Yuan. I hope to have the opportunity to visit Weiming Huizhou in the future! "

After hearing Liu Qianlang's question, the two guardians of wind and rain looked at each other, and then Feng Fenghu immediately recovered his expression and said with a smile.

He conveniently summoned a sparrow in the palm of his hand and handed it to Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, they are reincarnated. Although they are powerful, it will take time to mature. They play around in Zhou all day long, which made the two seals laugh."

Liu Qianlang looked at the three gods of Linhe and Linhe of his beloved daughter Xiaolianer, who appeared nearby and then went away, smiled and shook his head, and said with a smile.

"Haha... Where, where, to be able to see the demeanor of the young immortals of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, it is an honor for us to say goodbye!"


Feng Fenghu raised his head and laughed, Yu Fenghu nodded in agreement.

"The two protectors have important things to do, and it's not easy for Emperor Xianyuan to force them to stay. I will take over the pathfinding god, and I will visit sooner or later. I hope that the two protectors will come to meet again!"

Liu Qianlang handed him off.

"Will! Will!"

The wind and rain sealed and protected no more words, black rainbows flashed under their feet, and they followed their respective directions, soaring into the sky and flying into the sky.

In this way, after watching the wind and rain seal leave, Liu Qianlang inspected the green black-eyed path-finding pet with a palm that was only an inch in size, and suddenly became more curious and mysterious in his heart.

Before, although Liu Qianlang didn't think that his cultivation path had reached the peak, he at least believed that he was the supreme being of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang also had a lot of questions. If according to Fengyu Fenghu's words, then everything in the frontier universe he once lived in, including his mentor Du Mojianzu and Nuwa Empress, must be someone who only ordered Huizhou. What the God of Life did.

If this is true, then who is the god of life source, and what is the matter with him or her gods and demons?

There is actually a place as magical as Weiming Huizhou in this universe...

Liu Qianlang continued to fish, but his thoughts were racing, and his main thoughts were no longer on fishing.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Yuan would not participate in the feast of immortals, but fishing alone, wouldn't it be lonely, why not let Emperor Yuan have a few cups of Ganoderma lucidum seeds?"

Not long after the wind and rain Fenghu left, behind Liu Qianlang, a person wearing a huge sauce robe fell steadily out of thin air.

This person was holding a huge fairy wine jar in one hand, and a wine glass in the other hand. He was still drinking freely during the landing, and laughed to Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, the second brother and Princess Yingyao are just married for a few days, and it's the time of joy, why did they come to my Sanyuan Zhouhai River!"

Liu Qianlang didn't need to look back to know that the other party was Ganoderma lucidum. In the past few days, I had just held a soul god wedding ceremony for him and Princess Yingyao. At this moment, the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Universe is still immersed in the joy of the wedding ceremony between him and Princess Yingyao.

"Haha...everyone is happy, only Emperor Yuan is quiet and far-reaching, and Ganoderma lucidum admires Emperor Yuan for this.

No matter how happy I am, no matter how difficult I am, Yuandi can always be as calm as water. It's too noisy everywhere, Yingyao is joking with the empresses, I came here to ask Emperor Yuan for advice. "

Ganoderma lucidum seeds, intentionally or unintentionally, when they fell, looked at the layers of clouds and mist that disappeared under the protection of the sky and the wind and rain, laughed, and sat beside Liu Qianlang a few steps away, and also made a fantasy Fairy fishing tool.

"Ha ha……"

People are refreshed on happy occasions, ganoderma lucidum seeds, laughing constantly, and frequently catch fish.

"Hehe, you are happy and joyful, and you are very refreshed. Come to silently fish, don't you just ask for boredom?"

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Come! Emperor Yuan, try Yingyao's Yinghuaer. This pot is specially dedicated to Brother Jieyi! Haha..."

The Ganoderma lucidum seeds were thrown to Liu Qianlangling a jar of fairy wine, still laughing.

"Oh! That's right, Sanmei really has a heart, so I have to taste it."

Liu Qianlang raised his hand to receive the altar, and in a blink of an eye, he had already drunk it.

"how is the taste?"

Ganoderma lucidum was full of joy, busy picking fish in his hands, raised the pole and let it go, glanced sideways, then busy looking at Sanyuan Haihe, and asked with a smile.

"Sure enough, it's wonderful! The fragrance of the lotus, lined with countless wonderful spirit flowers, the liquid of the divine spring, the infinite refreshing fragrance, good wine, good wine!"

Liu Qianlang is the absolute god of wine, so he praised it sincerely, and then drank freely.

"Ha ha……"

"Since Emperor Yuan likes it, after I go back, I will ask Ying Yao to equip some for Emperor Yuan from time to time!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's praise, Ganoderma lucidum became even happier, Xianyu Zhixiang, attracted by his joy, swam to him one after another as if taking the bait on his own initiative.

"Hehe, you are a different kind of person, you can still catch fish even if you laugh wildly!"

Liu Qianlang saw the Ganoderma lucidum raising the pole to catch the fish, and he hadn't stopped since he sat down, and said with a smile.

"Now we live in the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, which is so happy and peaceful. Nothing is not happy, nothing goes wrong, and the smile is hard to suppress. Naturally, everyone comes to congratulate, and nothing goes wrong.

My fairy fishing is not based on skills, it is all because of good luck, haha..."

Ganoderma lucidum's hearty laughter kept floating on the bank of the Sanyuan Hai River.

"Hehe, you are not learning from me to be quiet and far-reaching. You are clearly teaching me to be free and unrestrained."

Liu Qianlang was naturally comforted when he saw that his sworn brothers were happy.

Leaning on the ground with one hand, holding the altar with the other, throwing wine with his head up, ignoring the fishing rod, watching the Ganoderma lucidum seeds busy, and said with a smile.

"Anything is fine, we are happy and at ease! Haha..."

"Well said! It's wonderful to be free!"

"By the way, Emperor Yuan, who were those two people just now? Such powerful divine powers. I was still thousands of miles away, and I felt their divine powers were extremely powerful. Haha..."

Ganoderma lucidum talked and laughed, and mentioned the wind and rain seal that had just left.

"Oh! You said they..."

In front of his brothers, Liu Qianlang didn't need to hide anything, he just told about the encounter with Fengyu Fenghu just now.

"Oh! In this world, there is a god beyond the gods, and a universe beyond the universe! So besides us, there is such a magical place as Weiming Huizhou?"

Ganoderma lucidum showed a very surprised look on its face, but then laughed loudly and said:

"If I have a chance, I really want to pay a visit. It will definitely be an eye-opener! I wonder if they have told Emperor Yuan, so where is Weiming Huizhou, and how can I get there?"

Liu Qianlang heard the words, thinking that the new universe had just been established, and it would be inconvenient for him to leave, and it might not be a good thing for the order of the new universe if this matter was publicized. So he didn't say anything about the gift of the wind and rain seal to the God of Pathfinder.

And Liu Qianlang smiled and said:

"Emperor Benyuan met them for the first time, and they couldn't tell the truth from what they said, and they were also unfamiliar with us, so why did they rush to each other.

Naturally they would not tell me this, the universe is vast, maybe we just passed by by chance, and we will never see each other again.

It doesn't matter if they come or go, what matters is ourselves, as you said, it's great to be free! "

Liu Qianlang smiled.

"'s wonderful to be free!"

Ganoderma lucidum laughed loudly again


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