Nine Heavens

Chapter 2366 Yunshan Fighting Soul

"Master, they are my kind, I can't bully them..."

Soul Transformation Dragon Butterfly was bullied by Little Lianer's seven Rainbow Butterflies and retreated again and again, her brilliance was greatly reduced, and she was about to lose, but she still didn't fight back, and said very justly.

"I'm so mad, you! Huan!"

Xiao Longnv really couldn't take it anymore, she shouted coquettishly, and she wanted to re-enact the illusion of the soul fighting pet.

call out--


However, it was too late, the Soul Transformation Dragon Butterfly was polite, but the seven Rainbow Butterflies of the three Little Lian'er families were not polite. At this moment, everyone kicked the big Soul Transformation Dragon Butterfly to scatter the flowers.


"We won—"

The seven rainbow butterflies, looking at the slowly disintegrating soul body of the soul-transforming dragon butterfly, whirled excitedly and shouted.


What's ridiculous is that the loose body of Soul Transformation Dragon Butterfly is also willing, and its laughter is also floating in the void.

"Cut, silly hat!"

Hearing Soul Transformation Dragon Butterfly's laughter, Xiao Longnv's nose was crooked and she yelled.

"Hee hee... Sister Long's new soul fighting pet is so powerful! But... Sister Long, please leave the stage, and don't forget to tell Aunt Yinling that after the soul fighting is over, I will go to your house for dinner—"

If you are confused, you will lose, how can Xiao Longnv be reconciled, so Xiao Longnv sits and does not get up, until Xiao Lian'er reminds her, she is ashamed to fly away.

"Hmph! My family won't eat today——"

Xiao Longnu was defeated before the battle, and was very unconvinced. When she fled home in shame, she left an angry message.

"Ha ha……"


This farce caused countless young immortals floating around Dou Fa Yunshan to burst into laughter.

"Listen, it's a waste of time for my master to deal with one by one. You can discuss it, you can go to two or three at a time, so it's faster!"

Little Lian'er won so easily. The success of the past few days made her bolder and bolder.


When the surrounding young immortals heard the words, they all stared and exclaimed, whispering to each other, lamenting that the Master is so powerful.

However, some were arrogant and some were dissatisfied, and when Little Lian'er said this, she flew up several waves of fairy shadows one after another.


But without exception all failed.

"Is there any more, no more! This master can go!"

After another effortless contest, little Lian'er looked around and saw that no one was on the stage, so she got up and landed on the top of the Dou Fa Yunshan Mountain, shouting and asking.

Countless young immortals were completely silent, and some of them had already flown away, waiting to see the fun again tomorrow.


"Little Master Lian'er, why don't you let me, your sister Lin'er, and your brother Little Demon Turtle challenge you together, I wonder if it would be good!"

Little Lian'er had already prepared words of self-praise in her stomach, and she was about to say it, when she suddenly felt the cool fairy mist behind her wrapping her body, and her face instantly became moist.

"No way, although you look young, Daddy said that you have long been Gods of the Linhe River, and you still go together. Isn't this bullying children?"

Yaya turned around and saw that it was Sister Xiaomei, Sister Lin'er and Little Devil, three people who had never participated in soul fighting games.

Immediately thought to himself, after this, it seems that the dignity of the Soul Fighting King cannot be preserved this time.

But Lian'er is not a master who doesn't talk about reason, so she immediately shouted.

"Ha ha……"

"Who stipulated that only children should bully their brothers and sisters, and brothers and sisters are not allowed to discipline children.

Lord Master, the three of us are participating in the game today under the decree of Emperor Xianyuan, I guess you will... Ha ha! "

The little devil turtle looks heroic, with a tall and straight body, wearing a green robe, majestic and majestic, with a deep face, but there is a piece of bird feather in its mouth.

Said with a very humorous look.

"Father Yuandi! How could he turn his elbows out, I'm his own!

Why did he let the three of you bully me? Don't you usually just watch the excitement and don't participate? Why did Dad do this today? Sister Xiaomei, Sister Lin'er, tell me! "

When little Lian'er heard that the three people she hated the most were sent by her father Yuandi, she immediately frowned and asked.

"If you invite the master to accept the move, why should we try to figure it out in vain if Emperor Yuan has a decree!"

Xiaomei's bright red scales shone on her body, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she said with a serious expression.


Upon hearing Sister Xiaomei's cold words, Little Lian'er's eyes turned to Xiao Lin.

Unexpectedly, Xiaolin looked even more serious, but said a word coldly.

Then, Xiaomei and Lin'er called out the soul fighting pets in front of them, each a divine fish of the same color.

At this time, the little turtle also imagined that the fighting soul pet was flying around him, it was a little turtle with rich emerald green.

Then the three of them floated up cross-legged, at the same height and at an average distance, and sat around little Lian'er.

"Hmph! If you bully others, I'll let you win the head office!"

Little Lian'er stood on the top of Dou Fayun Mountain, and saw the two divine fishes, one red and one gold, shooting at her suddenly, and the little green turtle with its mouth open and closed, all of them were in a posture of divine power, and immediately Without the confidence to win the fight, he didn't intend to fight, so he muttered and shouted.

"Well! It's fine if you take the initiative to admit defeat. But you must agree to Emperor Yuan's two conditions. First, you will no longer be the master of the Shaoxian Realm. Second, you will not be allowed to participate in any free-form soul fighting competitions."

Little Lian'er felt the wind was hard, and she was about to scream, she had already called out the colorful silk silk, and she was floating on it, she was furious immediately when she heard this.

"No! Not even one of them! Hmph! No one is afraid of anyone! Okay, if you go up together, go up together, I don't believe it, I can't beat you!"

Little Lian'er was startled, and suddenly accepted the seven rainbow fighting soul pets. The little hand made a magical painting on the forehead, and then called out a dark and mighty goshawk.

Will! Will!

As soon as Little Lian'er's new fighting soul pet came out, she also sat cross-legged, right in the middle of Xiaomei, Xiao Lin and Little Demon Turtle, closed her eyes and made a formula, and let the goshawk fly high above her head.

"Haha...Long live the Master!"

"Heck... Master is so cute!"

Little Lian'er didn't back down, it caused thunderous applause from countless young immortals around her, shouting endlessly.



According to the thinking of the three Linhe gods, they don't need to make a move, as long as they make a push, the task entrusted to them by Emperor Yuan is over.

So the three of their transformed soul pets naturally didn't take their minds too far. Seeing that the butterfly flying on Little Lian'er's head was a soul pet, they transformed into a real soul pet as they wished.

But in the end, they miscalculated, as soon as the conditions were laid out, Little Lian'er actually accepted the challenge, and turned into a soul fighting pet again.

Goshawk Douyu obviously has a great advantage over soul fighting pets.

The three Linhe gods couldn't help but regretted their rashness, and they didn't want to break the rules of the game, so they had to fight with fish and turtles.

So I saw several miles above them, the dark goshawks kept swooping, flying high, and swooping again... over and over again, constantly competing with the bright red and golden fish and an emerald green soul turtle. fight.

Which one is active and which one is passive, the judges naturally want to know.


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