Nine Heavens

Chapter 2368 Flower Rainbow Water Realm

"They are indeed the elements of our Huizhou's life, and they are water-attributed, and the soul pets are also water-attributed scales.

And the souls of those two women are obviously the soul of the rainbow, the heart of the spirit flower. As for the man with the emerald body..."

"His wood attribute, iridescent soul, and devil's gold heart! It's the creation of monsters!"

In fact, when they saw Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle, they did not leave Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, but followed them secretly.

Just now they disappeared in the sky above Dou Fa Yunshan, witnessing the entire process of the soul fighting game below.

By observing the characteristics of Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle's way of manipulating the fighting soul pet, their guess is completely confirmed.

At this moment, they were talking while following the three Linhe High Immortals invisibly.

What Feng Fenghu said first was picked up by the excited Yu Hufa before he finished.

"indeed so!"

Feng Fenghu nodded.

"That is to say, we can finally recover the Magical Heroine and Awaken the Divine Flute!?"

Yu Fenghu, with a body of water attribute, covered with a pure white robe, wrapped in mist, his complexion is white, and so are his eyes, which are shining white, further deduction.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple! At this moment, we can't sense any aura from the magical flute awakened by the magical heroine, nor can we sense any aura from the life spring of immortal gods or the birth of monsters.

This shows that they may have been deliberately sealed or differentiated by Hua Ling and Liu Jing.

We can only feel the powerful aura of their original destiny, but we have limited perception of them after they have changed at this moment. "

Feng Fenghu's body was shining in blue, with deep blue eyes, looking at the three Linhe Immortals flying in front of him, with a thoughtful look on his face, he said.

"Anyway, we finally have a clue, we

Just follow the three of them, and there will be more discoveries! "

Yu Fenghu changed his dullness in front of Liu Qianlang, and said with quick thinking.


Xianyuan Emperor Palace.

Liu Qianlang came back from the Star Palace, and was sitting on the seat of the emperor to review the memorials of the immortal officials and officials from all directions in the universe. While he was busy, a rainbow figure suddenly shot into the palace.

"Hmph! Father Yuan, you are good or bad!"

Behind the rainbow figure, it turned out to be the little Lian'er who came to Xingshi to inquire about her crimes.

I saw her floating on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus in her hand, frowning and pouting, her face was flushed, and when she saw Liu Qianlang, she shouted fiercely.

"Oh! Why is this, dear girl?"

Liu Qianlang asked knowingly.

"You did a good job, but you still ask me, why did you let sister Xiaomei, sister Lin'er and brother Xiaomogui bully me.

If it weren't for them participating in today's soul fighting game, I would be the king of a hundred consecutive victories, and it's all you, bad dad, stinky dad, bad dad..."

Little Lian'er was really angry, she cursed all the words she could, put her hands on her waist, her face was pale.

"Ha ha……"

Only Lian'er was as bold as she put her hands on her waist to scold her father, making Liu Qianlang laugh out loud.

"You're still laughing, you pay me the hundred-game winning streak king!"

Little Lian'er yelled.

"Okay, Dad will pay you, since when did my daughter care about the little game king of soul fighting.

This is not my daughter's characteristic, my daughter has always liked higher pursuits, such as Huanlian Waterfall Flying, Rainbow Yuanwu, Yishui Lingtian Trial..."

Liu Qianlang continued to review the memorial, and mentioned some wonderlands of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe that little Lian'er wanted to go to in her dreams.

"Hee hee... Daddy is alright, have you promised me to go to those places with your mothers?"

Hearing this, little Lian'er lost all anger immediately, her face burst into peach blossoms, and flew to Liu Qianlang's side, calling each other daddy, not to mention how intimate she was.

"Well, it's not impossible to go, but your Master of the Young Immortal Realm and the game of fighting souls..."

Liu Qianlang deliberately elongated her voice.

"Cut! What a broken master, I don't want to be a long time ago, and I'm already tired of playing soul fighting games.

Don't worry, Dad, after I enter the Huahong Water Realm, I will definitely practice the magical art of water spirit creation, and I will be as serious as your mothers, and if I don't succeed, I will never come out! "

Little Lian'er was brought into Huahong Water Realm by Pa'er Niang by accident.

After that happy play, she will never forget the rainbow flying river dance everywhere in the Huahong water world, etc. There are many mysterious existences, and she likes it very much.

After coming out, he always begged the ten mothers who practiced there to intercede with their father, Emperor Xianyuan, and wanted to go in again, but in the end, his father refused to agree.

This matter made little Lian'er hate her father Xianyuan Emperor day and night for a long time, but today she suddenly heard his promise, could Little Lian'er not be overjoyed, she rubbed her little hands together with joy.

"That's good, but what you say is not allowed to count, and the water spirit creation magic skill cannot be achieved, so you are not allowed to step out of the Huahong Water Realm!"

Seeing her daughter's happy face, Liu Qianlang first smiled, and then said seriously.

"Okay! When Lian'er's words don't count, dad will just watch, I will definitely listen to the ten mothers, concentrate on cultivation, and never play!"

Lian Er swears in her mouth, she has already planned in her heart how to play presumptuously and in the dark.

Liu Qianlang secretly laughed in his heart, and said:

"Well, that's true, I haven't heard when little Lian'er said anything, no! It doesn't count.

Shuang'er, I will leave your daughter to you, heard what she said...haha..."

Knowing daughters is like a father, how can Liu Qianlang not understand what his daughter is like.

I wanted her to enter the Huahong Water Realm to practice before, but I was worried that she wouldn't be able to stay, so I wanted to catch her. Liu Qianlang and his beloved wives "made things difficult" for little Lian'er for a while.

Just waiting for this day, now that she wants to go in, it's better than forcing her.


"My dear daughter, it's rare that you are willing to accompany all the mothers to practice in the Huahong Water Realm, so let's go!"

Emperor Shuangtian, who had been hiding in the back of the palace for a long time, appeared floatingly when he heard the words, and he and Liu Qianlang looked at each other with a tacit smile, and walked towards the inner palace with his daughter.

"Mother, that's not right, the last time I went to Huahong Water Realm with Pa'erniang, didn't I go through the back door?"


"The Huahong Water Realm is in your father's heart. Wherever we go, we won't be able to enter if he doesn't move his mind. As long as his mind moves, we will be in the Huahong Water Realm."

"Oh! This is terrible. In his heart, can he see what I do at any time?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would your father teach us how to practice?"

"Then I don't have time to play, I won't go!"

"Heck... what my daughter said just now, did you regret it so quickly? Your father said that you can play to your heart's content before practicing!"

"That's it, then my mother and I will go!"

"Look around, we are already in the Huahong Water Realm in your father's heart."

"Wow! Really, Daddy is so powerful... so beautiful! Mother, you go to practice, I have to play first!"

"Hehe...have fun!"


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