Nine Heavens

Chapter 2385 Appease the God Fish

The three souls quarreled more and more violently among each other, and the more they talked, the more angry they became, and finally they actually fought, which turned Linhe Palace upside down.


In Liu Qianlang's Soul Universe, in the real Nine Heavens' Fate Universe, the real Linhe Three Immortals are looking at the illusionary Linhe Palace through Liu Qianlang's divine consciousness channel.

When they saw their real souls and phantom bodies taken away, they were so ferocious and evil under the control of Mr. Death, Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, they could be said to die of laughter and anger.


"Sister Xiaomei, Sister Lin'er, I can't see that you are getting aggressive, you are so ugly!"

The little devil turtle frowned and retched when he saw himself being robbed of his home and cruelly swallowing fish, but he laughed dryly.

"You're talking about us, look at how kind you usually are, it turns out that Jin Jin, who swallows silly little sister Mei, is so terrifying!"

Lin'er's unbelievable eyes, the real soul phantom who looks exactly like her own, has disheveled hair, madly killing and devouring Xiaomei's sister Jinyu.

This is thanks to the fact that everyone in Xianyuan Palace knew that it was his real soul and phantom body, otherwise the scene in sight would not be able to be explained clearly.

Knowing it was false, Lin'er followed the words of the little devil turtle, and Lin'er retched to refute the little devil turtle.


Moo, moo!

"Hehe... You are still in the mood to read your own jokes, you are really big-hearted.

I went to Xianyuan Palace just now, and the meaning of all the venerables is to let the three of you focus on monitoring Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao.

As for your own true souls and phantom bodies, hehe... I guess you can't look down on them yourself, they will destroy Linhe Palace immediately, and then..."

"Thank you Sister Yaya, thank you all the sages, we can go, I will leave this place to Sister Yaya! Wow——"

While the three immortals of Linhe were grimacing at themselves and making fun of each other stiffly, Yaya was wearing a light blue neon dress and came floating on the red-horned demon bull king.

She came to convey the decree of the arrangement of the three immortals of Linhe by the sages of Xianyuan Palace.

The three immortals of Linhe are all Bingxue smart, and she knew the meaning of Xianyuan Palace just by speaking. You venerables don't want to personally monitor the scene of "myself" doing evil, this is to distract myself from embarrassment.

The Linhe three immortals were grateful in their hearts, and they were naturally very happy. Before Yaya finished speaking, the three turned around and shot outside the palace.

Lin'er finally took a look at his real soul and phantom body controlled by Qi Ai through Liu Qianlang's spiritual channel, just in time to see him mouthing fish internal organs, suddenly vomited, quickly closed his eyes, and fled like flying up.

"Hey! If it's evil, thanks to the fact that this fish is also a real soul and illusory body, otherwise it would be slaughtered and devoured like this. It's really cruel!"

Yaya sighed deeply, and wanted to leave after delivering the decree. However, bursts of crying suddenly came from her ears:

"Woooo... Brothers and sisters, we are going to die, have you all seen that just now, Sister Xiaomei, Sister Lin'er and Brother Xiaomogui saw the future of our death, it's so miserable.

They are all gone now, abandoning us, woo woo..."

"We are only 30,000 years old. I heard that we grow up to be hundreds of millions of years old, more than a foot long, and can change at will, jumping through the dragon gate, and turning into humanoid handsome men and beautiful women. But, wow!"

"We are miserable!"



"You lovely fishes, but you have an extraordinary soul and wisdom, you have achieved a fairy body, and you have not yet developed your divine wisdom. When you are born, you will know how to die!

Your sister Xiaomei, sister Lin'er and brother Xiaomogui don't want you anymore, they are going to carry out the decree of Emperor Xianyuan.

Sister Yaya will stay and take care of you, you will be fine! What your little sister Mei, Sister Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle said just now are all fake situations in the illusion, because your fairy consciousness is temporarily limited, so you can't see the situation in the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe of the real soul illusion. You are mistaken.

Forget it, Sister Yaya is also boring when she is idle, so I will help you once to open up your cuteness and see your own future, so as not to let you think about it. "

Yaya saw all the fish in the waterfall all around her crying with snot and tears, and she felt amused in her heart. I wanted to explain the facts to them, but I was afraid that if they didn't move, the situation would be worse, so I had an idea to say this.

"Huh? Sister Yaya won't lie to us, will you help us open up our cuteness, and we can rest assured when we see our future!"

"Yes, Sister Yaya, we see our own future, which means that we will not die now, otherwise how would we have a future! Naturally, we feel at ease."

"Hurry up, sister Yaya!"


As soon as Yaya said this, the little fishes in the surrounding waterfalls immediately turned from grief to joy, their eyes flashed with excitement, and they spit bubbles and shouted.

Then dark clouds swam towards Yaya, Yaya's figure was quickly swallowed by the huge and gorgeous Jinyu vortex.

Yaya was surrounded in the center, trying to maintain a hollow space of more than ten feet, and then practiced the immortal method, designing a beautiful virtual environment for all Jinlin in the future.

Then flutteringly danced his sleeves, pouring these beautiful virtual worlds into the blisters, sending them to each of the twinkling eyes corresponding to Jin Lin.

After Yaya whirled and danced for a while, Linhe Palace quickly quieted down, and all Jinlin was staring at the Void Bubble in front of them intently.

Because in that void bubble, there is a future self.

After a long period of silence, Yaya began to hear light laughter and cheers like whispers:

"Hehe... I'm so mighty in the future, and I'm still the guard of the Dragon Gate!"

"Heck... my future has become a fairy! I'm so beautiful!"

"Awesome! In the future, I will be a god who manipulates a divine sword!"

"Oh! My future is a teacher. How could it be? I like to cry. Look at my future. I am teaching many little fish children."

"Huh! My future is so fat, I have to pay attention to losing weight in the future. Why is the future so good? Why are there delicious food everywhere! I'm so worried, why don't I find a way not to look at it!"


"How about it, Yu'er, Sister Yaya didn't lie to you, right? Each of you will have a very happy, beautiful and heroic future.

Hurry up, Sister Yaya can only keep you able to explore the future for a while, and then they will disappear. "

Yaya was happy to see the little fish in the whirlpool around her, and reminded her.

Not long afterward, the bubbles in front of these little fishes burst one by one, but most of them were still staring at the place where the original bubbles existed.

Because the future selves in the bubbles are so beautiful and perfect, they are exactly what they expect in their hearts. Although they haven't lived in the future yet, they wish that the present is the future.

Seeing their own future, their eyes are full of excitement, strength and longing, and their spirit wanders for a short time, forgetting the existence of their bodies.

When they withdrew their thoughts one by one, they all looked at Yaya with incomparable admiration.

Boo! boo...

After that, Yaya didn't move for almost a day, every little fish came forward and kissed her on the cheek.

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