Nine Heavens

Chapter 2404 the sky above Huizhou

"Everything goes like smoke, and the wind leaves no trace. Just be confused, let him pass the past freely, we don't need to disturb, as long as the future is bright!"

In fact, Liu Qianlang had a better understanding of what Liu Qianlang speculated about Song Zhen and Liu Juan, but he didn't want to say more, and sighed slightly with emotion.

"What Emperor Xianyuan said is true. We once pursued the universe of the supreme dream in the frontier universe, but the dream beauty was fragile and failed to fulfill our wish. Now the fate is just around the corner, and the future is bright!

Whether the past is painful or comfortable, it is the past as Emperor Xianyuan said, we will cherish it while we do it, and cherish all the good things in the future. "

Looking for the dark emperor, the pain he experienced in the past is vivid in his mind, and he is even more overjoyed when he looks at the future of Weiming Huizhou from a distance.

From Liu Qianlang's expression, he can clearly judge that Ouyang Langlong has now controlled the overall situation of Weiming Huizhou, and it is really a good start for Jiutian Xianyuanzhou to go to the other side this time.

So say so.

"Ha ha……"

"Who knows, all of a sudden we are all going to be at ease, but Benjian Zhan Zhou Zun feels uncomfortable. I really don't know how to live a happy life in the future!"

Song Zhen also nodded with a smile, and laughed loudly.

"Hehe, this Emperor Xianyuan has already thought about it. After we form an alliance with Longlong and Huizhou, if we join the universe, I will let you be the school god of the new school of cosmology. Those who you like The immortal capital is yours to teach."

Liu Qianlang said a little amusingly.

"Ha ha……"


The others couldn't help laughing when they heard this. Although Song Zhen is a high saint of the universe, he has never felt the majesty of the young immortal, especially the little Lian'er, who often chases him straight. If he were to be in charge of the education of young immortals, it would be a mess, so everyone found out.

"What are you laughing at, hey, third brother! You have such a good idea, I really took it. I, Song Zhen, know everything. I don't believe that a group of children can't be dealt with.

Just look at it, I still have Qizheng Zhanwang, and the seven stars and stars will help me, haha..."

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and finally he laughed.


At this moment, the only way to destroy the universe.

Seen from a distance, Ban Zhou is blue, and Ban Zhou is dark and black. However, it is clear that the rich colors of the blue half of the universe are much stronger than those of the dark half.

Yaya, Liuyun, Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Lan Die, Xiaoluo and Xiaolian'er, and the four guardians have already arrived outside the universe for millions of years.

But they didn't go in, because the two and a half universes were covered with an infinitely powerful seal, no matter how hard Yaya and the others tried, they couldn't break the seal.

In the end, they had no choice but to each choose a god star flying bucket, stand on it, revolve around Weiming Huizhou, wait for the opportunity, contact Ouyang Langlong, so as to go in and help Ouyang Langlong.

On this day, when Yaya and the others, as usual, stepped on the stars and flew around the Weiming Huizhou, they suddenly saw a meandering Zhoulong rising from each of the two halves of the universe.

A bright red, hundreds of millions of miles long winding body, with red scales like the sun, flashing golden red, baring its teeth and claws, breathing fire from its mouth, screaming and screaming.

On the huge and majestic dragon's head, stands a man with white hair flying wildly, wearing silver clothes, with a bright red crescent moon shining on his forehead, and holding a blood rainbow sword in his hand.

The other giant dragon was pitch black, and it was also huge, with a circle of stars, gleaming black scales, bloody eyes, and a ferocious mouth that spewed thunder.

Standing on it was an old woman wearing a pitch-black magic robe, with a stooped body, a pale wrinkled face, and black pupils shining.

The old woman was surrounded by pitch-black evil rainbows, holding a pitch-black magic sun in her hand, and two pitch-black and sinister rainbows in her black pupils stared at the white-haired man flying wildly hundreds of millions of miles away.

The white-haired flying man, with red eyes, shot out two bright red rainbows, and also faced the opponent aggressively.

In the area where the black and red eye rainbows meet, the universe explodes again and again, the galaxy explodes, and the universe shatters and meteorites fly wildly.

"That's Uncle Langlong! He's so domineering, and is that old woman the Death Zhou Wu? Why did they grow so big? She's so scary, her face is so white, and her eyes are black!"

Little Lian'er followed behind all the sisters, although Hongmeng's universe was full of hurricanes and whirlpools, and the sky was full of stars, but it didn't delay her playing at all.

When she was taking advantage of her father Xianyuandi's magical art of shrinking the universe to collect the beautiful stars when she saw the beautiful stars, she suddenly saw the scene above Weiming Huizhou, and she couldn't help shouting happily.

"Ha ha……"

"It turns out that the little Lian'er's niece is here. You should watch the battle for Uncle Langlong and see how Uncle Langlong killed this ugly old woman!"

Ouyang Langlong heard the sweet voice of little Lian'er, looked down from a distance, and saw Yaya and others, he was overjoyed, knowing that the people from Jiutianxianyuanzhou were coming soon, he laughed and said.

"Uncle Langlong, you are so powerful. Daddy said that you are the only god in the universe! You are the only god in the universe! You are the only god in the universe! You are the role model of the world!"

Lian'er suddenly remembered a few words her father had said, parroted them, and used them.

"No! Lian'er, your father is like this. Uncle Langlong is very different from your father. But your father said this and came late on purpose. Uncle Langlong is really pleased and grateful."

Ouyang Langlong heard what little Lian'er said, and was deeply grateful to Liu Qianlang's bosom friend, and suddenly burst into tears, feeling extremely grateful, and said sincerely.

"No way, Uncle Langlong, Daddy and the others came to save you late, you are still relieved and grateful, little Lian'er doesn't understand."

Little Lian'er flashed Wang Meng's big eyes, tilted her head to look at Senior Sister Yaya, shook her little head and said.

"Haha... my lovely nephew, as long as your father understands, that's enough! It doesn't matter if you don't understand. In the past, Uncle Langlong was angry when he heard about your father and Uncle Zhen, but now Uncle Langlong misses them so much, haha..."

Ouyang Lang laughed long and loudly, and the sound waves were so vast.

"Sure enough, he is as bold and heroic as Emperor Xianyuan, but he was so hideous and gloomy when he climbed to become a demon. It seems that the path of immortals and demons is different, and the weather is different.

It's a pity that a character like God Emperor Langlong strayed into the realm of demons. No wonder Emperor Xianyuan didn't want to kill him anyway. Now I seem to understand a little better. "

Feng Fenghu looked at Ouyang Langlong, who was riding on the dragon and moving on the blue half of the universe, who only ordered Huizhou, and was very moved. He sent his thoughts to the other three Fenghu.

"Hehehe... cluck cluck... blah blah..."

Naturally, the witch of Death Zhou also saw Yaya and others on the little stars outside Weiming Huizhou, and listened to their conversation with Ouyang Langlong with great interest for a while.

Then, suddenly, like the sound of a chicken pecking wood, there were bursts of evil smiles:

"Oh! You are a humane blood demon, you are really strange. You were originally evil and poisonous to me, but suddenly you abandoned the devil and returned to the immortal to fight against the death witch. How did you learn to brag!

We have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and now you have just gained a firm foothold, and your dreams are flying. If you remember correctly, this is the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth time you have challenged me, and I will ask you, which time did you win, huh, huh, huh..."

The Death Witch smiled viciously and his voice was piercing, making people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

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