Nine Heavens

Chapter 2413

"Ha ha……"

Idiot, so what if you reincarnated, you were born as a demon, the result of devouring all the demons of Death Hui Zhou, although you are powerful, you are just alone!

You use the ultimate reincarnation as the price, devouring the same kind as a means, isn’t it just to dominate the universe, but you are wrong, very wrong! You have no chance, the lonely devil is against the fairy god, there is no place for you to survive!

If it's true, your half universe of death is about to collapse. More importantly, your death magic can't last, when your body is exhausted, it's also when you fall! am I right! "

The exploding and collapsing island of death flew across the mountains and across the sea, and the death witch laughed evilly. Ouyang Langlong didn't leave in the end, he laughed and shouted.

"Yeah heh heh... cluck... tuck..."

"What's the matter, if we perish together at the same time as I fall, it doesn't mean that the death witch has won! I am dead, and I am still alive even though I am dead.

However, you are different, you pursue reality, pursue light, and pursue spiritual love! If I wiped out the Great Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Map, and then collapsed at the same time as you, oh! Just think of the sights are spectacular!

Since the witch of this universe came back to Huizhou, he has been working hard to do one thing, and that is to try his best to die with you!

For this reason, the witches of this universe do not hesitate to devour the magic energy of the dead half of the universe that they rely on for survival. They only want to reincarnate, and only want to destroy you and that old Weier's great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers! "

The death witch held the pitch-black magic sun in his hands, and the blazing magma around him was like a waterfall. He was spouting smoke and fire from his ferocious mouth, roaring again and again.

"You seem to have overestimated yourself, Weier Zhou Emperor's divine inscription is an existence that surpasses everything in this vast universe, and it cannot be destroyed by any body!

I can't, and neither can you. What's even more pleasing is that the Great World Sun Moon Mountain River Map turned out to be the divine energy of immortals and gods. In other words, it is precisely because of its existence that the universe exists. "

Ouyang Langlong captured some of Weier Zhou Emperor's aura when Weier practiced meditation in the air in the past, so he knew something about the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the Great Realm.

"Yeah, you're pretty good, you actually know this! That's right, because of this, the death witch wants to destroy it.


The half universe of death under my feet is about to collapse. You Langxian half universe will enjoy it first. I will go outside the universe to kill the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Emperor Zhou, and snatch the map of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

If you can't snatch it, destroy it! Yahehe..."

The death witch, with a majestic and huge crooked body, suddenly straightened up. His originally skinny body became as majestic as a cylinder. His face was still pale, and his black pupils were still the same, but there were things like volcanic magma gurgling towards him. Outer jet.

She opened her teeth and claws, as if she was soaring and shooting towards Zhou Qiong, but after she roared up, she fell down again.

"Hmph! Death Zhou Wu, even if you reincarnate a hundred or a thousand times, you are still an evil spirit. Since you are an evil spirit, you cannot be tolerated in the eyes of the spirit demon Lord Zhou, and the world of immortals and gods will kill you.

You can't live without your half-life, long before you reincarnated, the Lord of this universe has already sealed your half-life with all the primordial spirit and spiritual energy.

This King of Zhou once reincarnated with five souls, so the seal is also five layers, and the layers are vast and boundless!

If you want to go out, the only way is to kill me and destroy every layer of seal, otherwise you will never want to go out until your mana is exhausted and you die.

By the way, let me tell you that your death and half-time collapse will not affect us Langxian Huizhou at all, but it will be of great benefit.

Because evil is extremely good, when the magic energy of the dead half of the universe is exhausted in an instant, it is also the time when countless cute spirits of our Langxian Huizhou rush to the universe and burst into the immortal god's original energy.

In other words, immediately your dead half will become our other half, Langxian Huizhou. "


Hearing the spirit monster Zhou Jun talking to us one by one, Ouyang Langlong was infinitely moved, and whispered in his throat.

At this moment, I don't know if Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, sensed Ouyang Langlong's call. Her blue eyes shot at Ouyang Langlong, and then swept towards the dead Zhouwu in the direction of the dead half universe.

In the next second, she let out a coquettish shout, and stepped on the huge white-faced tiger king, which was hundreds of millions of miles away, and shot at the dead Zhou Wu.

"The wind—"

"Wait for me, let's deal with her together!"

Seeing the situation, Ouyang Langlong's feet trembled suddenly, and his white hair flew wildly in an instant, stepping on the bright red blood demon dragon and leaving like a shadow.

The two of them flew together like wings, advancing together.

"Why do you come, Brother Qianlang doesn't want you to die, Langxian Huizhou can't live without you, and I can't do without!"

The spirit demon Zhou Jun saw a hundred thousand powerful aura coming from his side, and layers of immortal gods and giants covered his body with a soft light shield, his heart suddenly warmed, and he said in a very soft tone.

"Yes, Lang Xianzhou can't live without me, I have no reason to die, but, I can't live without you, Lang Long suddenly discovered that Feng'er is my true love, I don't want you to die, I want you to accompany me forever.

If you die and I die, you live and I live, let us be together forever and ever, no matter life or death!

Feng'er, when you arranged the five-layer reincarnation soul seal outside the half universe of death, I had already done the same thing before you. I originally thought that if I died, I would hand over the immortal universe to you, but you also……"

Ouyang Langlong applied to look sideways, with sincerity in soul and spirit.

The bright red pupils are reflected in the blue pupils of Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, like a round of warm morning sun, making Cheng Shifeng full of hope in an instant.

She thought that since Wuxiannan disappeared, she was doomed to be lonely, and such a luxurious existence as love no longer belonged to her, so she chose to silently pay for Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, using death as a means for every action.

Because in her opinion, for a person without love, there is no essential difference between death and life, Mo Rou is nothingness, Mo Ruo disappears.

The only thing in her heart is sisterhood and brotherhood, but whether it is sister Juan, brother Yuanfang, brother Qianlang, brother Zhen, etc., they are all happy, and their existence or non-existence will not affect them of.

So there is nothing they can't give up on this love, maybe they will be more comfortable when they are not around.

A person with such a heart suddenly hears the voice that he longs for the most in his ears, and this voice comes from the mouth of a person who is secretly in love with him and feels unattainable. This makes the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng suddenly moved and burst into tears Wang Ran.

"Brother Langlong, you know my past, are you willing to like me?"

Cheng Shifeng said with some sobs.

"Actually, I liked you in the past, and that was when the Xuanling Gate was the first human world in the chaotic world of Qianyuan Zhou. Once you came to the Xuanling Gate to visit your brother Xianyuandi, and you made me stunned at that time." heartbeat.

However, you are the younger sister of Emperor Xianyuan. At that time, I hated Emperor Xianyuan and fell in love with him secretly. Naturally, I felt dreamy. I would never have the chance to approach you, but now... I love you, Fengmei! "

Ouyang Langlong knew that this time was more than good, so he said with emotion what was in his heart.

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