Nine Heavens

Chapter 2420 Dragon and Phoenix Fate Ancestor

"Oh! My good husband, why don't we want to go to the palace, we are giving in to each other! It's all your fault, we have ten sisters, but you just named one of the lower one hundred thousand emperors, causing all of us I am sorry to go up.

That's me, Pa'er, braving my sister's displeasure, and went up to the hall with a fan. Maybe other sisters secretly scolded me at home! "

Pa'er had already guessed Liu Qianlang's answer in her heart, but she still sighed.

"Hehe, it turns out that the fairy wives often go to court for this. Why didn't you say it earlier, I can..."

"Husband can let us go to the hall together, right?"

Liu Qianlang smiled frankly when he heard the words, and wanted to explain, but before he finished speaking, Pa'er took it directly.

"No, that's not the case. It's better not to seal you back then. It's really not good to embarrass you so much. I don't know how to let the three-color fire baby come out of the hundred thousand emperors below, and his wife five-color spiritual ginseng is assisted! "

Liu Qianlang shook his head and said.

"What, you are our dear husband, you won't even give us the chance to go to court!"

When Pa'er heard that her husband, Shifang Yuandi, was not on the same channel as she was talking to, she couldn't help but frowned, a little angry, and secretly made up her mind, thinking that the sisters must teach him a good lesson in the harem.

"Of course not. The emperor of Shifang Yuan bestowed the position of immortal god mainly on ability, and has nothing to do with closeness. The reason why Emperor Shifang Yuan bestowed the god Dongluo is that I can guess how you will go to court.

I thought that with your intelligence and magnanimity, you would definitely go to the hall in turn, that would be good, but I really didn't expect you to have such big opinions.

Ben Shifang Yuandi can completely let you go to the Palace of Zhou, and sit on the left and right sides of this Zhou Emperor. But the premise is that you need to show up as emperors and empresses, and you cannot continue to serve as the hundred thousand emperors below. I don't know if Pa'er agrees with Ben Shifang Yuandi's statement? "

Hearing this, Pa'er frowned and thought for a moment, then, slightly shaking the Xingyun fan, said:

"Husband's arrangement is very reasonable. Our sisters and husband have been in trouble so far, so why do we care about the title of the god hall? We just hope to see him all the time."

Pa'er stared intently at her husband, and through voice transmission from her soul, she confessed her true thoughts.

"Pa'er, it's because of my husband's confusion, I have been busy with the creation of the temple all day long. Now that the event is going on, all the immortals are gathering with their relatives. Only the emperor of Shifang Yuan ignored you and the children.

It's so embarrassing that you can only meet your husband when you go to the palace. My husband promises you, I will return to the palace in the future and sit together in the palace! "

Hearing Pa'er's words, Liu Qianlang felt ashamed, and all the immortals in the hall were also silent.

"Emperor Yuan, the devotion of the ten fairy sisters to the Yuanzhou of the Ten Directions is as deep as an abyss and as high as a mountain. Now that there is a great joy in the universe, it makes you less together as a family, which really makes everyone feel uneasy.

The Ten Thousand Eternal Emperors in the north also hope that the ten fairy sisters and Emperor Yuan will retreat together. "

"Emperor Zhou thought it was the same!"

"It's the same!"


All Zhou Emperors responded one after another.

"Thank you all for fulfilling!"

Pa'er was teary-eyed, turned back and forth, and saluted one by one in thanks.

"Come on, Pa'er, let my husband personally help you up to the seat!"


"Husband, and me!"

"Hehe..., and Ling'er!"


Liu Qianlang had five mixed feelings in his heart, so he floated down the steps, and in front of all the emperors of the universe, he stretched out his hand to help Pa'er float towards the 99,999th step of the immortal gods.

The two had just floated up to the first step of the Immortal God Rank, when they heard a flash of dazzling fairy shadows on the Floating Star and Cloud Fan in Pa'er's hand, Liu Qianlang's other nine beloved wives all jumped off the fan and surrounded Liu Qianlang happily. Qianlang stretched out his slender hand, and let Liu Qianlang lead him to the hall.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! Beloved wives, let Emperor Benyuan help you to ascend the throne of Yuandi, and the queen of Xianyuan who will be your husband! Haha..."

When Liu Qianlang saw all the wives, in order to see himself, he actually went to the temple every time. Only one person appeared and the others disappeared, so he felt more distressed, laughed loudly, and led the ten wives step by step. rising high.

Under the temple, all Zhou Emperors' eyes were moist, and they were deeply saddened and in awe of Emperor Yuan and the ten fairy wives.

"Master Yaya, you girls are so interesting. Why do you change every time you go to the temple? Don't the other girls also hide in the temple girl's artifact? Why don't you go in and out together?"

Little Lian'er, who was the emperor of Zhou and Zuodi, could not understand the actions of the goddesses, so she raised her head and asked the teary-eyed Yaya.

"My good sister, what's so interesting about the teachers and wives? The pain in their hearts is not because of the laughter you see every day. Lian'er will gradually understand in the future."

"Well, I seem to understand that Mother sometimes takes things that Daddy gave her, looks blank, sometimes laughs, and sometimes looks unhappy."

Little Lian'er looked at her father Yuandi from afar, leading the ten mothers to the throne of Yuandi slowly, then turned around slowly, sat upright, and accepted the congratulations from Emperor Zhou below, with shining eyes Think for a while and say.



Will! Will!

God Empress Yuan, save, save... save our life clan in the great world...

Not long after Liu Qianlang and the empresses took their seats, they suddenly heard two huge objects being dropped from the universe pounded by Hongmeng, which happened to land outside the gate of the main hall of the Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens Palace.

"Hiss? Fourth brother, why did dragons and phoenixes suddenly fall from the dome outside the palace! They are as big as the frontier universe, and they are definitely not the dragons and phoenixes of our primordial universe. Immediately deduce where they came from!"

Hearing two roars, Liu Qianlang urged his eyes to look out of the temple, and saw a golden dragon and a fiery red phoenix. They were both dying, but their physical fitness was still not weak, so he ordered.

"Don't count, third brother! They are exactly the ancestors of Longyuan and Fengzu we saw in Weiming Huizhou Divine Book. They came from the life of Emperor Weierzhou's mother, Zhou Dajie!"

When Song Zhen, Emperor of the Hundred Thousand Universes in the South, had been divining divine divination recently, he had already calculated that there would be remnants of the mysterious universe that had disappeared recently.

However, what Song Zhen didn't expect was that the remnant that descended from the great world would be the ancestor of the dragon and phoenix!

"How could this be? Didn't the universe-swallowing gods appear in the Great Realm Fate? In the entire Great Realm Fate, except for Emperor Weier who escaped, all the other universes perished. Why did two organisms suddenly appear!?"

Liu Qianlang clearly remembered in his mind that all the information he got when he studied the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the Great Realm included the saying that Wei Er fled and Man Zhou died, so he was surprised and asked Song Wenzhen.

"That's just Weier Zhoudi's own opinion. After all, he didn't witness what happened after the life of the Great Realm was swallowed by the universe, so he took it for granted that the life of the Great Realm of the universe must perish!

Maybe the result of the swallowing of the universe is not as bad as he said! "

Song Zhen's five-color gods stared at the Longfeng Mingzu outside the temple, and answered Liu Qianlang with great excitement.

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