Nine Heavens

Chapter 2430 Great Realm Central Universe

"Actually, the reason why Zhou Ying chose to help Brother Lang Yuan wholeheartedly in the end, apart from Qi Qi, is because of a selfish motive!"

"Oh! Brother Ying, can you clarify?"

"Of course, but it seems that we need to solve the five death cosmic bodies first."

"Hehe, brother Ying continued to talk, Lang Yuan thought, they are already dead. Their Zhou Neng Lang Yuan made up his own mind, divided it into four or six, and gave the three-body Zhou Neng to Ying Brother, and included the two-body Zhou Neng Lang Yuan The universe body."

"Huh? Brother Langyuan is really amazing. How did you do it? Why didn't you see you make a move? Why did you destroy them and take Zhou Neng?"

"It would be very difficult for us to make a move, and the battle will not end soon. But if we let them attack each other, it would be extremely simple.

Lang Yuan discovered that they were attacking from five directions, but they didn't have the slightest intention of cooperation, and they were seriously on guard against each other. So Langyuan just used his spiritual sense to tell them one by one that we are just new and cute, and it is very easy to be swallowed by them.

But we are just a weak and powerful body, so how can they share the spoils with five powerful universe demons. They are all greedy people, they immediately killed each other when they heard my divine sense bewitched them.

Because they didn't expect to be attacked by each other in a hurry, so they shot viciously in an instant, killing each other in an instant.

The next thing I did was to derive their cosmic energy. This process was extremely simple, and it was completed while we were talking. "

"Brother Langyuan is not only very intelligent, but also loyal in doing things. I have seen it, but I still don't understand why the five cosmic bodies around us suddenly appeared, and why they suddenly disappeared, and I, Zhou Neng, suddenly It is several times stronger, and for some reason.

It turns out that brother Langyuan's superb wisdom is helping me, thank you! thanks! "

"Brother Ying, why be so polite, you are kind to me first, and the wave is only repaying the kindness later. Besides, the clever trick can only be used once. No matter how far Brother Ying looks at it, there is another Zhou Body with malicious intentions attacking us!"

"Will! Will!"

"So what, it seems that we are the most powerful cosmic body around us, and we are the only ones who can devour them, and they don't have the chance to devour us.

We just move forward and let them come to die. The more we devour, the stronger we become, and the more chance we have to fly to the central universe to meet Yang Shen Yuemeng! "

"Ha ha……"

"Brother Ying said that we will go ahead and destroy the enemy. However, listening to what Brother Ying said, it seems that this is also a way to meet Yang Shen Yuemeng!"

"That's right, and it's the only way. This is my selfishness. Frankly speaking, the reason why this cosmic eagle has been wandering in the void of the Great Realm is that it has never been able to reach Yangzhou and was entrusted!"

"Go to Yangzhou to be sealed! What do you mean?"

"Brother Langyuan doesn't know that there are countless cosmic bodies floating in the void of the Great Realm, but they are divided into two types, one is granted the throne by the central Zhouyang god Yuemengjue.

The other type is those who have not been to Yangzhou and were conferred. The status of the two in the Great Realm is completely different, and the former may be swallowed by other cosmic bodies at any time.

But the latter will not, one is that they have the ability to reach the central universe, and they are not afraid of attacks from any other universe around them. The second is that they have the realm of the universe sealed by the Yang God Yuemeng, which is protected by the Great Realm God of Fate.

An unenclosed body like us can't touch them at all. And they are sealed cosmic bodies, and they no longer have any devouring evil thoughts. They are dedicated to creating their own cosmic bodies and cosmic domains, and there are more noble pursuits in their spiritual thoughts!

Therefore, they have become very stable existences in the Great Realm, and the countless primordial universes we see are almost all such existences.

However, brother Langyuan is obviously a special case. Brother Langyuan has not yet been born in the universe, but brother Langyuan actually created the universe of Hongmeng.

The primordial universe is the life of the great world, an existence that is admired by countless living beings, and it is also a model in the hearts of countless universes.

However, the existence of Brother Langyuan's Hongmeng Pound Universe did not get the permission of the Yang God Yuemeng, so naturally he could not get the protection of the Yang God Yuemeng.

It is illegal for such a grand universe to exist in the life of the great world. Sooner or later, it will be discovered by the patrol gods in the life of the great world. and rebirth.

After Ben Zhouying saw you appear, he faintly felt that we were destined, so he decided to help you later.

Then you and I will move forward together. I believe that if we fly together like this, there will be few opponents among the countless Mofengzhou bodies. In the end, we will definitely be able to reach the Yangzhou Zhouxin Palace, and then be granted the throne by the Yangshen Yuemeng seal.

From then on, we can live in the Great Realm with peace of mind, and want to do whatever we want in the Great Realm. "

"It turns out that this is the main reason why Brother Ying didn't kill me. According to Brother Ying, it seems that the two cosmic bodies cooperate with each other, which is a wonderful cooperation of Dayang Zhou.

However, those cosmic bodies don't seem to like to think like Brother Ying, and Lang Yuan sees that they are almost all alone. "

"Brother Langyuan really has insight into the details, no wonder you can stand out among your weak people.

Brother Lang Yuan is right! Countless spiritual beings are sprouting in the Great Realm Mingshi at any time, but because of the born laziness and solitary soul quality of this sprouting Mingzhou, they appear in large numbers and fight each other to death in large numbers. "

"The purpose of their non-stop fighting is also to continuously make themselves stronger, and then go to Yangzhou?"

"Exactly! In the void of time and space in the Great Realm, there is no cosmic energy that can be absorbed by the cosmic body.

So in order to be able to reach Yangzhou to discuss the feudal title, they appeared in a situation like besieging us.

However, they are not in a cooperative relationship with each other, but because they attack the same target, they appear to be united against the enemy.

In other words, none of them are like Lang Yuan and my wisdom. Instead, they cooperate with each other, kill the enemy together, and finally reach Yangzhou together, and then further wait for Yangshen and Yuemeng to confer the gods. "

"So, in fact, very few of them finally managed to reach the central universe, and most of them died in the void space of the Great Realm.

This is the reason why we can only feel the existence of a limited number of primordial universes when we look at the sky. "

"A lesson from the past, a teacher from the past!"

"It's good that we understand this truth, and just keep going!"

"Will! Will!"

"Okay, it won't take tens of thousands of years, as long as we work closely together, we will definitely reach Yangzhou. Brother Langyuan, be careful of the three space wolves on your head!"

The cosmic eagle took Liu Qianlang's simple answer very seriously. While shooting with its two claws, it frantically killed the cosmic body that was rushing towards him, and at the same time swallowed the cosmic energy it got.

"Haha... You are still attractive, hurry up and get rid of those cosmic bodies under you."


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