Nine Heavens

Chapter 2432 The Old Lord's Evocation


Liu Qianlang and the cosmic eagle continued to fly, getting closer and closer to the Sun Moon Palace, which was hundreds of millions of miles away.

As they galloped all the way, they commented on the scene in the Sun Moon God Palace that they saw in their eyes.

The Sun Moon Divine Palace was vast and boundless, all carved from pure white and transparent magical jade, the shadows were light and thin, like huge water bubbles floating in the air.

The same faint rainbow light shines above these "bubbles", and everything inside can be seen at a glance.

Liu Qianlang and the Cosmic Eagle God looked around, and in the vast and boundless Sun Moon God Palace, they only saw the figures of two immortal gods, a man and a woman, in a Linglong tower in the center.

Because they saw the Sun Moon Palace, they naturally took it for granted that the two fairy figures they saw were Yangshen and Yuemeng.

However, it is true.

Just as they were talking and flying, the red sun that turned into the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword that Liu Qianlang held in the palm of his right hand suddenly became extremely excited, and whistled while dancing continuously.

"Huh? Hongyang! What's wrong with you, don't you like this place?"

Seeing the sudden reaction of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Hongyang of the third generation of immortals, Liu Qianlang felt very puzzled, and asked the bright red Jianyang whose palm was beating violently in surprise.

"He, he is my old master Summoner, and that goddess is Ning Po. I miss my old master so much, I'll pay my respects to him first!"

The sword yang in Liu Qianlang's palm jumped and shouted excitedly, and then, without promising Liu Qianlang, he had already become popular in Poyun, and shot at Yangshen who was still hundreds of millions of miles away.


"No way, Brother Lang Yuan! You have known the Yang God for a long time, and he gave you the Yang Sword Danzhuo in the Sun Moon Divine Sword!?"

Cosmic Eagle heard the conversation between Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Hongyang and Liu Qianlang, and was stunned. He stared blankly at Liu Qianlang, who was flying with white hair flying on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the big world. He could hardly open his mouth. Asked with a close look.


Liu Qianlang was also at a loss when he heard the words of his Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Hongyang, he mumbled for a long time, not knowing how to answer the Cosmic Eagle.


"Now we don't have to worry about it, it's not easy for us to be appointed because of Yang God's kindness to you.

Oh, how come I, the Cosmic Eagle, are so lucky. This is really good luck. If I had killed you not long ago, I would have suffered a lot. "

Naturally, the Cosmic Eagle couldn't understand Liu Qianlang's bewildered embarrassment, and kept beating its huge eagle wings, thankful for its choice.


"Actually, you already knew that we were meeting the Yang God, Yuemeng, right. You really can hold your breath. If I had been dizzy with joy, why would I have the intention to slaughter those cosmic body swallowing energy? Call the Yang God directly. It's over if you don't ask for help!"

Liu Qianlang was embarrassed for a while, and wanted to say that he and Yangshen didn't know each other at all. However, Cosmic Hawk didn't wait for Liu Qianlang to explain clearly, and said smartly.

Liu Qianlang was speechless for a while, knowing that it was useless to explain, so he didn't say anything, and continued to fly towards the Linglong Tower where the Yang God Yuemeng was.

While speeding, Liu Qianlang pondered in his heart, secretly lamenting the magic of good fortune.

Liu Qianlang suddenly heard about the taboos of the two immortal gods of Zhao Hun Ningpo, and although he was surprised, Liu Qianlang was not unfamiliar with them at all.

Although countless years have passed, Liu Qianlang still remembers that his Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was originally called the Summoning Sword in the depths of his memory.

I also know more or less about its origin. Rumor has it that the Divine Sword of Calling Souls, originally called Danjian Yangzhuo, is a divine sword cast by the ancestor of the Great Desolate Sword, Dumojian.

Later, it was acquired by the first human immortal in the chaotic world, and he used his countless years of dominance in the immortal world of the human world. After knowing the ascension, he threw it into the Yaoxing Divine Sea.

Now in his own hands, the Soul-calling Excalibur was first refined by Shisanyu Lao to become the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. Then Jiutian Xianyuan followed him through countless hardships, and gave birth to a sword spirit three times.

The first sword spirit was Jiujian, and now Jiujian has also become a god emperor of Xianyuanzhou.

The second sword spirit, Xiaojian, also became the general of the God of the Ten Directions of the Universe.

The third sword spirit is Hongyang, which sprouted not long ago, because it always likes to be like the sun, so Liu Qianlang called it Hongyang by the way.

Liu Qianlang really didn't expect that the sword master of the Soul-calling Excalibur that he had been seeing in front of Zhou Wuyuan would meet here. What surprised Liu Qianlang even more was that the old sword master of his Soul-calling Excalibur turned out to be Da Jieming. One of the two masters of the Yang God.

That woman's name is Ning Po, and the Summoning Soul Excalibur, also known as Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, is in my hands, so what exactly does her Ning Po sword look like? With her here, I finally have the chance to know the whereabouts of the mysterious Ning Po sword.

It is rumored that the two swords of summoning the soul and concentrating the soul, also known as the two swords of the sun and the moon, can only be wielded by a true couple who have a tacit understanding of each other's souls and gods and wholeheartedly share weal and woe.

In that case, Yangshen and Yuemeng are also the couple of fairy gods. But I have used it alone for countless years, and I have never seen the Soul Condensing Sword, so how can I explain it...

"Hey, brother Langyuan, you don't seem to be happy. You are silent, but are you recalling the past?"

The cosmic eagle galloped beside Liu Qianlang, seeing Liu Qianlang flying wildly with white hair, with a solemn expression on his face, he asked incomprehensibly.

"Yes, the past is vivid in my memory, but Lang Yuan can't find any trace of the Yang God in the memory of the past!"

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"No way! Since the Yang God gave you the Yang Sword Danzhuo, how could you not remember him!?"

The cosmic eagle repeated Liu Qianlang's words continuously, but couldn't figure it out, and sighed in bewilderment.

"Where did Langyuan come from that kind of blessing, to be able to get the sword directly from the Yang God. Don't be afraid of brother Ying's jokes, the reason why Langyuan later became the new owner of Danjian Yangzhuo is all a coincidence.

It was the mentor of Qianyuan Zhou Human World who got it, and then the mentor bestowed it on me. "

Liu Qianlang didn't want to deceive Cosmic Eagle, and said frankly.

"Oh! That's the way it is. No wonder you only see the Yang Sword Danzhuo, but you don't see the eight-handed Ningpo Sword, the Luoying Sword Huaer, and the Golden Light Sword Sui."

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Cosmic Eagle suddenly realized.

"Brother Ying, what did you say, Ningpo Excalibur is not one sword, but eight!?"

"That's right, the Ningpo Eight Swords and the Calling Soul Excalibur, also known as the Danjian Yangzhuo, are collectively known as the Xinghua Nine Swords.

The materials for their swords happened to come from the Shenyang Honghua in the Yangshen Yangyang and the Yuehua in the Mengyuelan, and then they were built by the Dumojian ancestor in the lower realm of the Great Realm Mingjian to become the Xinghua Nine Swords.

The process of Xinghua Nine Swords becoming a sword, as well as the experience after becoming a sword, can be described as infinite twists and turns, almost experienced all walks of life.

It used to be the Sword of Immortals and Heroes, and it was also the Sword of Demons and Demons. It has slaughtered countless demons and killed countless immortals. The complexity of the sword's nature is almost uncontrollable by immortals, and the color changes when the gods hear it. In the end, it was the Yang God who descended to the realm himself, and only then did he return to the fairyland again.

This Cosmic Eagle has heard about these things before in the Great Realm, but what this Cosmic Eagle never imagined is that you are its master of Guixian! "

The cosmic eagle felt more and more that Liu Qianlang was full of magic, and was amazed.

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