Nine Heavens

Chapter 2434 Ancient World

After paying homage, Liu Qianlang stood up, hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"The younger generation came to the Great Realm Fate, not because of the breaking of the universe and ascension, but to explore the mystery of the Great Realm Fate.

The younger generation once encountered a sub-universe named Weiming Huizhou in the Hongmeng Universe, which was also the predecessor of the younger generation's Shifang Yuanyu. The name of the old master of the universe is Weier, and it came from the fate of this great world.

Because Weiming Huizhou once experienced the fate of the universe, senior Weier died in the universe, but left the great world of the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers at the feet of the younger generation.

Just before the younger generation came here, there was another divine dragon and phoenix Mingzu who claimed to be from the Great Realm, they were covered with bruises, and when their souls were still, they shouted for us to save the Great Realm...

Although the younger generation is small and lives in the lower universe, but the dragon has the support and the phoenix hopes that the younger generation will never stay out of the matter no matter how weak it is, so it breaks into the fate of the great world.

However, what made the juniors very confused was that there was no such thing as a catastrophe in the fate of the great world, and the destruction of the universe that Emperor Zhou said did not exist.

But what they said doesn't seem like a lie. What's going on? The junior wants to ask the two seniors for some advice. "

"You met Weier, he, he..."

When Liu Qianlang mentioned Emperor Weier Zhou, Yang Shen Guangming and Yue Mengning were very excited when they heard it. The smiles on their faces disappeared instantly, and then changed to pain.

They looked at each other in silence for a long time, their eyes were wide open, Yue Mengning's lips trembled, and he asked complicatedly.

"No, it's not us. This Cosmohawk has never been the Emperor Weier Zhou mentioned by Brother Langyuan. However, because Brother Langyuan has always praised him, he knows that Emperor Weier Zhou is an admirable Zhou God! "

Cosmic Hawk had never met Wei Er, so he naturally wanted to speak clearly, so he said it honestly.

"Xiao Langhun, it turns out that the picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world under your feet is the divine inscription we gave to Weier?"

When Yangshen Guangming, Yuemeng Ningan and Liu Qianlang outside the Linglong Pagoda, Cosmic Eagle talked, they didn't pay attention to the picture of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers at Liu Qianlang's feet at first.

Because such a picture of the great world, the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers, exists in the great universe of the universe of life, and it is not a strange thing.

But when Liu Qianlang mentioned Emperor Weier Zhou, Yangshen Guangming and Yue Mengning's Anmuhong almost swept towards Liu Qianlang's feet at the same time, and their rainbows shot out strange divine waves, which suddenly poured into Liu Qianlang's feet. The map of the great world, the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers under your feet.

Their expressions were gloomy at first, and then tears of joy flashed in their eyes. They couldn't help casting Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle into the Linglong Tower.

Yang Shen Guangming and Yue Mengning circled Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle in front of them with red and blue Taiji diagrams, and then Yue Mengning asked secretly.

"Yes, but he didn't give it to me directly, but entrusted my fairy friends and children to give it to me.

The younger generation has always believed that he entrusted him to someone else, and the younger generation has never cracked any secrets in this great world of life. Even the Sun Moon Divine Art that came here to practice was helped by his brother Cosmic Eagle. "

Liu Qianlang said ashamedly.

"No! Xiaolang's soul is too humble! Do you know the relationship between us and Weier."

Yuemeng Ning's painful expression was very prominent, and she kept wiping her blue and tearful eyes.

"The younger generation speculates wildly, I'm afraid you are the parents of Emperor Weier Zhou."

Seeing Yangshen Guangming and Yuemeng's calm and dark expressions, Liu Qianlang had already made up her mind, and replied loudly.

"That's right, my poor Weier, when we pushed him out of the Great Realm, he was still a newborn Eternal Infant!

Now we are fine, but he..."

Yuemeng Ningan couldn't control her emotions any longer, she burst into tears and choked up.

Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle floated in the center above the red and blue Tai Chi diagrams, seeing Yue Meng Ning An who suddenly lost control, it was difficult to say anything, and they couldn't help but fell silent in embarrassment.

After a long time.

Yangshen Guangming sighed:

"Ning An, although Wei'er has gone, he did not disappoint us Weiming Huizhou, after all he died for Weiming Huizhou.

The Xiaolanghun and the cosmic eagle in front of us, as well as those immortals who are constantly ascending to the Great Realm, are proofs. We shouldn't cry, we should be happy for Wei Er. "

Although Yangshen was also heartbroken, his performance was not as superficial as that of Yuemeng Ningan, and he comforted Yuemengning secretly.

"It would have been nice if we had Weier with us back then, he wouldn't..."

After crying in pain for a long time, Yuemeng Ningan murmured to herself.

"The universe is unpredictable, the end of life becomes the door of life, and the end of life becomes the door of death. We float in it, and when the universe comes, we can call it a gamble.

At that time, we all thought that we were doomed, so we recorded everything in our life-long knowledge and ancient world fate into a map of mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

Then it was put into Weier's escape boat, and Weier was allowed to drift out of the great world of life in the escape boat.

I hope that after our ancient great universe is swallowed up by the universe and died, there is still only one life to live. Then after its ability to germinate, follow the guidance of the divine inscription to reshape the life of the great world.

Who would have thought that we would be safe and sound after being swallowed by the universe, but Weier would have gone through an unbelievably painful life course! "

Yangshen Guangming shook his head and sighed, his eyes were deep and his expression was painful, obviously he couldn't bear to look back.

"Cosmic Swallowing!?"

"Dare to ask the two seniors, what is the universe swallowing difference, so that the great world back then was in danger!

At the same time, let the two seniors make the choice of dying and then willing to die. Could it be that there was something unavoidable back then that the two seniors couldn't escape with Emperor Wei Er Zhou.

In that way, wouldn't Emperor Weier Zhou's future safety be more assured, and you wouldn't have the pain you are suffering now? "

While Liu Qianlang was deeply suffering for the other party, he couldn't help but become more curious about the past of Dajie Mingjian, knowing that it was wrong, he still asked.


"It's not as simple as what Xiaolanghun said, the ancient life world was once a time when countless life spirits prospered.

My Yangshen Guangming Clan and Yuemengning Dark Fate Clan are the leading clans among them. We control all the evolution of life spirits in the Great Realm. If we are strong, they will naturally be strong. If we are weak, they will wither.

Just when the ancient Great Realm Fate was full of vitality, suddenly one day, the ancient Great Realm Fate Sorcerer deduced that an infinitely huge god would appear outside the Great Realm Fate.

This fetish is devouring everything outside the universe of the Great Realm, and the witches call it the Universe Deviation, and it is roaring towards the Great Realm.

The witch said, that is the catastrophe of death and rebirth in the life of the great world, and it is irreversible. All living beings and spirits in the life of the great world have no other way but to die.

However, the witch calculated that the fate of the Great Realm was about to perish, but only the reincarnated Zhou Tong could escape the cosmic swallowing, and exile him outside the Fate Universe of the Great Realm, so that he could become the fate of the Fate Universe of the Great Realm. The future of the source..."

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