Nine Heavens

Chapter 244 Breakthrough

The leader Xiaoyun continued to release a large amount of frost crystals, which turned into water vapor, offsetting a large part of the heat coming from her body, temporarily keeping the five of them cool. As soon as the stuffy atmosphere weakened, Long Yun Sixiang immediately felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

In the process of advancing, Xia Xiang carefully noticed that the head of the sect was frowning for some reason, her face became a little pale, and her steps were still a little faltering, but she still insisted on walking in the front.

Xia Xiang wanted to go forward to inquire, but suddenly, a huge fireball fell from the sky with a bang, and hit the five of them directly behind them. Suddenly, an overwhelming vortex rushed towards them. Under the pressure of the powerful heat wave, Long Yun Sixiang couldn't stand still at all, and suddenly fell into the tumbling heat wave, and was pushed down the abyss by the powerful heat wave.

Seeing the momentum, Xiaoyun, the head of the sect, suddenly jumped up, and then waved her long sleeves. Long Yunsixiang, who had fallen off the cliff, was pulled back together with two little birds. Long Yunsixiang followed the head Xiaoyun up and down for a while before falling to another position in front of her.

After a while of panic, the panic on the faces of the people has not yet receded, and then they were all covered with a layer of despair, because they began to feel the mountain under their feet began to shake violently, and then they saw the fiery mountain body rising from the bottom. Countless tongues of flame stretched from above, and at the same time, there was the sound of crackling and rolling down of the rocks below.

Everyone knew very well that the mountain under their feet had already started to melt, and after a while, the five people's fate was to fall into the magma under the abyss and turn into ashes. Not only that, but at this moment, the denser smoke of the five-colored poison barrier behind it, after a while, also rushed over quickly.

But what is even more frightening is that the five people found that above their heads, there were huge fireballs hanging from all directions in the sky. Each of those fireballs was the size of a hill. At first, there were only a few sporadic ones, but there were more and more. The entire sky was like a torrential rain, constantly falling downwards.

In desperation, Xiaoyun, the leader, looked at the flames in the sky and the sea of ​​magma fire dragons under her feet, and only then did she understand the horror of the sky fire domain.

"Oh my god! It's really over!" Little Red Dot cried while staring at the fireball passing through her body.

"Don't be afraid! Xiaohongdian, I won't let you die!" Hearing Xiaohongdian's painful voice, Kiki said firmly with rare calmness.

Hearing this, the heads Xiaoyun and Long Yunsixiang cast their gazes at the little black bird in unison, wanting to ask if it could do anything, but before they could open their mouths, there was a loud bang from their feet, and the whole mountain instantly It was split in half, and then submerged in a sea of ​​flames.

It's over, the five members of the Xianshan School thought desperately at the same time, their bodies couldn't help falling into the bottomless sea of ​​magma and flames, and they were suffering hellish death while falling.

However, when the five people were in despair, they suddenly heard a crisp sound piercing through the universe, and then the five people's eyes darkened, and they fell into a boundless darkness, and then felt that their bodies were constantly moving in the infinite void. drift.

Just when the five of them were plunged into darkness, a purple cloud suddenly emerged from the condensed multicolored smoke barrier, and a moment later, a purple figure suddenly appeared. The fireball laughed wildly while shaking the earth.

"Haha, it turned out to be Yun Xiangguo and Sixiang King. Since your Queen Qixiang is dead, you can go to be buried with him, haha!" The Heavenly Emperor, who happened to see the five Xianshan faction fell into the flames for a moment, said with a wild laugh.

However, suddenly the laughter of the Great Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven stopped abruptly, because a strange black figure appeared in the sight far away in the sky, desperately dodging the rushing fireball around him, struggling to shuttle back and forth. Although it was very far away, the vigorous and huge body surprised the emperor of the kingdom of heaven, and secretly sighed, the world is really miraculous, there is such a heaven-defying existence in this sky fire domain.

Watching the black eagle recede, the Heavenly Emperor kicked away several fireballs casually, before being covered with purple clouds again. After a flash of purple flowers outside the purple cloud group, it rolled into the boundless magma waves without fear.

Inside the Beast Gate of the Xuanming Destroyer Formation, Liu Qianlang still stood proudly on top of the huge white light cloud formed by the condor, completely ignoring the existence of countless ferocious monsters above his head and under his feet, and flew towards the gate of the Illusory Realm of Death Gate. direction.

Inside the gate of eternal hunger, pain, darkness and devouring, countless monsters suddenly saw white clouds of light appearing above their heads, and stopped to watch.

When he discovered the presence of a strange aura, his eyes suddenly showed fierce lights, and they all shot towards Liu Qianlang above the white light cloud. However, before they got close to the target, they were suddenly surrounded by white light clouds. After screaming and screaming, those monsters that jumped high into the sky were torn apart and swallowed by the white light clouds. After sobbing, he disappeared without a trace.

After a while of shuttling, the white light cloud formed by the condor finally shot into the sky fire domain. At this time, Liu Qianlang, who had been standing proudly on top of it, suddenly had a huge blue bowl in his hand.

The giant bowl was crystal clear, and one could faintly see the nine giant dragons of the Milky Way winding around the wall of the bowl. I saw him inspecting the huge fireballs constantly ejected around his body, the sky full of fire above his head, and the rumble of surging magma on the ground, and slowly turned the giant bowl over, and then saw the Like a waterfall, a huge stream of water poured down from the sky, rushing directly into the abyss above the earth.

Then I heard the sound of turbulent waves coming from the abyss, and then I saw that the sky was much darker and filled with fog. After the turbulent sound came, the magma fire dragon on the ground quickly lost its color.

After a long time, the flames gradually extinguished, the earth cooled down again, and pale black mountain ridges appeared again. And in the sky, the fiery red flames also turned into smoke, condensed into clouds, and accumulated in the sky.

Looking at the flowing clouds in the sky, Liu Qianlang was suddenly pleasantly surprised, because he saw a goshawk struggling to fly in the gap between the clouds and mist in the western sky, with a black body, red eyes, red mouth, and red claws.

Putting away the dragon saliva bowl, Liu Qianlang once again resumed the posture of standing proudly on the clouds, and flew towards the goshawk with the white light cloud.

Relying on the protection of the Ziyan Treasure Clothes, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven finally broke through the Heaven and Fire Realm after going through all kinds of dangers, and suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Quicksand Realm that day.

The Great Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven looked around, and saw that under the sky and above the boundless desert, the strong wind was roaring non-stop, and at the same time, sand waves were rolling and swaying on the vast desert.

If you look closely, you will find one or two sand islands occasionally wrapped in layers of sand waves. The Emperor of Heaven carefully estimated the distance between those faintly visible sand islands. Because once you step into the quicksand area, those sand islands are the only places where you can step on it instantly, and in any other place, as soon as you step on it, you will immediately sink and be swallowed by the flying sand.

But such a vast desert, without any stop in the middle, rushing through it in one go, the emperor of the kingdom of heaven was really not sure. After weighing again and again, the Great Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven finally floated and shot into the vast sea of ​​sand.

At the entrance of the quicksand domain, where the sky is filled with sandy docks, inside the ghost boat, Liu Qianlang was not too surprised to see the emperor of the kingdom of heaven shot into the quicksand domain, because the opponent has a strong strength in the alchemy stage and can break through the sky fire domain, Even quicksand domains are quite possible.

Just like myself, there is a world of difference in strength between him and the other party, but with the help of Mingying, he was lucky enough to break through, and happened to save Qiqi, Xiaohongdian, and five people from Xianshan faction . It has to be said that there are always variables in people's life and journey, as long as they are persistent, everything is possible.

"Qiqi, how are you?" Liu Qianlang looked at Qiqi who had recovered her small body and asked with concern.

"It's okay, Qian, no, my master! I just suffered a little skin injury, and I will be fine soon!" Qiqi was injured in many places because of being attacked by the sky fire ball in the sky fire domain. Seeing Qianlang's father , said with difficulty opening his eyes.

"Humph! Qiqi, I won't quarrel with you anymore, get well soon, we all care about you! Here you are, there are a lot of purple jade worms here, and they are all given to you!" Little Red Dot looked at Qiqi said with concern.

The heads Xiaoyun and Long Yunsixiang caressed Qiqi's little red leg that was bleeding from burning, their eyes were shining with gratitude. "I didn't expect that we were still alive, and we saw you again, all thanks to Qiqi!" The leader Xiaoyun said looking at the man in white.

"Don't be polite, head. The quicksand domain, wind dragon domain, ice valley domain, sky knife domain and poison melting domain that we are going to face next, each is stronger than the other, and each is more difficult to break through. The most important thing for us now is At the entrance of this quicksand area, recover your strength as soon as possible, and then use all your strength to break through." The man in white said through the phoenix-headed mask.

The heads Xiaoyun and Longyun Sixiang nodded, stopped talking, and sat cross-legged in the ghost boat, recovering their physical strength as quickly as possible. Liu Qianlang inspected the five people, and found that Xiaoyun, the head of the sect, was the most seriously injured. He couldn't help being surprised, and secretly released his spiritual sense to analyze it.

Surprised to find that, in desperation, the head of the Xianshan School actually decomposed a large amount of spiritual power and primordial spirit in his body to protect her disciples. At this moment, her meridians have already been destroyed, her oil is exhausted, and her lamp is exhausted, so she can't last much longer. For this, Liu Qianlang was both moved and helpless.

If you want to save her life, no matter what kind of elixir, it will be useless, but Liu Qianlang suddenly stretched out his palms and injected a powerful qi into her body. Although this could not save her life, at least until she The moment you close your eyes, you won't feel pain.

The head of the Xianshan School, who had been suffering from the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart, suddenly felt a powerful warm current pouring into his heart. Under the nourishment of this warm current, his tired body recovered instantly. physical strength. He opened his eyes and saw that it was a man in white. A flash of gratitude flashed in his eyes, his lips parted slightly, and he wanted to say a word of gratitude, but he was afraid of disturbing Long Yunsixiang, so he just nodded in the end. Then he stared affectionately at the man in white for a while, and slowly left his sight.

Seeing that Xiaoyun, the leader, was out of pain, Liu Qianlang summoned some precious immortal herbal medicines from the realm of tomorrow, and fed them to Qiqi. Seeing that Qiqi gradually became more energetic, he just sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath. up.

Time passed quickly, and after about two or three hours, everyone could feel the severe weather in the quicksand region through the ghost boat, which had reached an appalling level.

"Get ready, everyone. We are about to break into the quicksand area. Although we have a ghost boat to protect us, once we enter, any unexpected situation may happen. So no matter what happens, you must stick to the ghost boat, otherwise once you leave the ghost boat , The consequences are disastrous!" The man in white suddenly opened his eyes and reminded.

Everyone immediately moved briefly to adjust their physical condition to the best level. Little Red Dot was very happy to see that Kiki was handsome again.

In order to be safer, the man in white added several protective shields around the ghost boat, and after staring at the quicksand area with sharp eyes for a long time, he said decisively: "Get up!"

With the voice, the ghost boat drew a circle on the spot, and suddenly shot into the endless sand sea. At the beginning, the ghost boat just kept shaking, and everyone barely stood still, but as the ghost boat shot towards the hinterland of the quicksand area, every time it advanced a certain distance, the ghost boat would shake more violently. In the end, the entire ghost boat could no longer maintain its balance in the vortex of the powerful hurricane, like a fallen leaf in a whirlwind, constantly rolling and jumping.

The people inside, the white-clothed people, were fine. No matter how the ghost boat swayed or turned upside down, they all maintained a cross-legged meditation posture as if nothing had happened. But the people of the Xianshan faction were in a miserable state, swaying left and right in the ghost boat, from east to west, in a mess.

"Oh! I can't take it anymore! I said Masked Immortal, think of a way, my intestines are about to come out!" Little Red Dot said anxiously.

"Here, you are the least affected!" The man in white said, looking at the little red dot.

"Why?" Little Red Dot asked in surprise.

"If my guess is correct, you should be the legendary blood refining bird. One of your talents is that you are not afraid of extreme cold and hurricanes. No matter what others do, you will be able to fly freely in this windy and sandy world! "The man in white said lightly.

"That's right, I'm Mother Juan's Blood Refining Bird, how could I have forgotten it!" After Xiao Hongdian finished speaking, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and her little claws that were scratching around slowly slowed down. Standing in the ghost boat steadily, no matter how the ghost boat shakes or turns over, she remains calm and motionless. "Hehe, it turns out I'm so good!" The little red dot who stood firm said happily.

"For a long time, you just forgot how powerful you are. As long as you summon, you still have many impressive abilities that you can show at any time. For example, you can practice blood alchemy. With blood alchemy, your five aunts will It won't be so painful anymore! Even when we are in the wind and dragon domain, we can get great help." The man in white reminded.

"Blood Alchemy!" Little Red Dot repeated, and suddenly a burst of brilliance burst out of Little Red's eyes. Seeing her, her little tail twisted for a while, then her neck stretched out, and a series of grunting sounds came out from her throat, and then everyone saw six golden pills, the size of beans, twirling on the ground.

After spitting out the blood alchemy, Little Red Dot struggled to pick up six blood alchemy one after another, put them into the mouths of five aunts and Qiqi one by one, then fell into the ghost boat, and fell down after a while.

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