Nine Heavens

Chapter 2455 Fate Demonic Cloud

"Yuemeng Ningan, since you also betrayed my witch, don't blame daddy for being ruthless, you can die with your Yanglang!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, the witch conjured up an indescribably ferocious and terrifying face on its pitch-black stump body, opened its exaggerated mouth, and kept shaking its body and laughing wildly.

At the same time, the soul can be divided into three groups, one to kill Wei'er, the other to kill Liu Qianlang, and the other to kill Yangshen Guangming and Yuemeng Ningan.

However, what surprised the gods and witches was that he controlled the forces of the sun god Guangming and Yuemeng Ningyin. After he gave the order, not only did the tens of thousands of immortals and ancestors not kill them, who were firmly locked up by tens of thousands of divine energy chains. Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming and Yuemeng Ningan actually put away the chains of divine energy together, and the next moment they attacked the witch without warning.

"We, the ancestors of thirty thousand beast spirits, are dull and obstinate, don't know right and wrong, bewitched by gods and witches and hate the birth of human ancestors!

Now hearing about the tears in the eyes of the Queen of the Moon, I know that the birth of the Renzu is a blessing rather than a bad luck for our ancient Tailing Lu Yuanlu! We finally know who is right and who is wrong, right and wrong, and what is hateful is not the human ancestor who was born, but the bad intentions of the gods and witches.

Repentance is unforgivable, deep responsibility is useless, respected Empress Yanghuangyue, let us witness with death that we are still the ancestors of the ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou who protect the great goodness and justice, and always love our supremely benevolent Yanghuangyue later.

Farewell, our beloved ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou! Farewell to our respected Yanghuangyuehou! Farewell to our sorry Weir Renzu!

Thirty thousand immortal gods and beast ancestors, let's kill them! Killed the real demon witch who endangered the ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou—”


Behind Yang Huangyue, tens of thousands of immortals, gods and beasts, suddenly roared and leaped into the sky, overwhelmingly rushed at the witch, and instantly released all kinds of attack images that would destroy the sky and destroy the universe, pointing directly at the witch.

"No! 30,000 Immortals, Gods, Beasts, Gods of Destiny—"

Be still! The Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming with a calm expression on his face, seeing the sudden action of the thirty thousand beasts and gods, was infinitely grateful and worried, and then shot towards the sky, blocking the three without hesitation. Thousands of animals live in front of immortals and gods.

"Hurry up and dodge the Emperor Yang, the magical powers of the gods and witches are terrifying, don't do that!"

Seeing this, the 30,000 Immortals of Beasts and Gods of Gods and Ancestors naturally knew what would happen next. All the Immortals of Beasts and Gods who could dominate the universe cried in unison, crying out in gratitude.

They are ashamed. For countless years, they were obviously the servants of the Emperor Yang, but they were actually the dark forces of the gods and witches. They were almost responsible for any assassination or destruction of the peace of the sun and moon god Zhou. They are truly evil forces.

However, after such a past, Emperor Yang would still protect them with his life, how could they not be grateful, how could they keep calm.


The witch was extremely angry, Mankong had prepared the attack elephant evil rainbow, and instantly shot at the massacre target of 30,000 beasts, gods and ancestors, but at this moment, it swallowed the Yanghuang in front of them!

"No! Yang Lang—"

Yue Meng Ning An, who had just woken up in shock, saw the light of the Yang Emperor Yang God suddenly swallowed by his father's life-changing demon cloud, and cried out sadly, under the watchful eyes of Liu Qianlang and all other immortal gods present, wept bitterly He shot away the dark cloud of life-changing magic.

"Ning An, you shouldn't be like this. No matter what, Ben Yanghuang hopes that you will stay in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou in good health. Tailing Lu Yuanzhou cannot live without you, peaceful and beautiful!"

"Without Yanglang, Lu Yuanzhou, the Tailing, would never have Ning An's happiness again, no longer happy, lonely and cold, Ning An would never have gentleness and tranquility.

Ning An's nature is a lonely and cold cathode existence, and it is because of Feng Yanglang's selfless and uncomplaining love that Ning An has changed from cold to cool and warm.

Yang Lang will go, Ning An will follow forever, Ning An will never be able to do without Yang Lang's warm care, and never want to return to the lonely past.

Yang Lang could give up the life of God for thirty thousand beasts, gods and ancestors, why couldn't Ning An die for his beloved Yang Lang. What's more, our fate and soul are united, we live and die together.

We live together, and we die together! Whether we live or die, as long as we are together, it is the most perfect ending! "

"Ning An, thank you! This Emperor Yang once existed, not to mention the fate of countless gods and ancestors, you alone are enough!

Since we are doomed to be inseparable, let's pass on our divine power to the two descendants of Weier who are flying over from the cloud of life-changing demons.

How about letting them continue our good wishes and be our Sun Moon Zhou Yang Emperor Yue Meng? "


"Okay, who are they? How could there be a shadow of Weir in that handsome visitor with white hair fluttering in the air and a flowing white robe?"

"Our Weier God is extremely intelligent. He has long expected that he will not die well. The divine inscription we gave him, while creating the Weiming Hui Universe, he separates his soul and body, drifts in waves, and waves like waves. The shadows and shadows have protected each other, and now we are in the universe, and our wishes have come true.

The ancestors of humans are no longer, but the human race has finally moved towards eternity. Ning An, look, the white-haired person walking on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in Weier's great world is in the shape of Weier's wave body, and just after flying, there is a white-haired man with long blue hair fluttering beside him, accompanied by a beautiful mother and child. The flying man belongs to Weier's wave shadow.

They are the ones who made Weier's clever way of splitting his body and soul in order to avoid being killed by the witch. "

"Yang Lang is saying that we are only..."

"Yes, the only thing our Weier hopes for is not Shenwei who is the ancestor of human beings, he only wants to be with us for a long time.

Just when you entered the Fate Demon Cloud just now, he sent a breath to me, let us wait for him for a while, he is leaving all the remaining divine energy to that Emperor Lang Yuan, and then he will come to accompany us. "

"That's okay, we can't raise Wei Er at the front, and we can be considered a family reunion together. In the future, we will turn into the light, darkness and stars of this ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, let us bless this place all the time. To the new Yang Huang Yue Empress?"

"Of course, this ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou has always been dark and dim. I will turn it into light to make it brighter. You will turn it into the night to make it quiet and long-thought, calm and free from faults. Let Weier turn into the sky Stars, let the love of his ancestors continue!"

"With such an ending, Ning An is very happy. I can feel it clearly. The pair of beautiful men and women who just flew over from Weierzizhou's world, the man's name is Ouyang Langlong, and the woman's name is Cheng Shifeng.

That Ouyang Langlong came from the world, full of benevolence and benevolence, really like Yang Lang, you can rest assured to pass on the wisdom of benevolence and virtue, and the power of Shenyang to him.

And my Yuehua divine ability and endless tenderness will be passed on to the beautiful poetic girl beside him. They were originally couples of immortals and gods, and they suffered many hardships. Now that they have experienced the experience in the world, they have come back to heaven again, and they understand the great kindness, benevolence, and the preciousness of humanity and love.

Ning An believes that they will definitely become the better Yang God Moon Queen of our Sun Moon God Zhou! "

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