Nine Heavens

Chapter 2458 Let's go together

"So what if you know, you only need to burst out the primordial spirit power to consume the magic cloud of life, will you? You will give up your position as the first human god of human ancestors for them!?"

The witch was overwhelmed by the majesty of Emperor Weierzhou, whose white hair flew wildly and his white robes fluttered, standing firmly in the gray Shenzhou. He thought that Emperor Weierzhou must be just an alarmist.

Wei'er will never abandon his supreme human ancestor status and self-destruct to fulfill Liu Qianlang, Ouyang Langlong and Cheng Shifeng's.

Therefore, the witch speculated that Emperor Weier Zhou was based on his incomparably selfish nature of doing things, and said with a sarcasm.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Langyuan, as you can see, the spiritual life of the Anti-Ming World seems to be less evolved than our Bright World.

They still only know that only me can live forever, and they don't know the principle of reincarnating the eternal light me.

Emperor Langyuan, Weier has nothing to say to him! Now I will teach you the manipulative spell of the time boat Tailing Lu Yuanzhou essence.

After I destroy the Yuanshen Soul Essence Core, you immediately take my place and bring all Tailing Lu Yuanzhou Immortals and your Shifang Yuanzhou into the Shenzhou, so that his life-changing demon cloud will not be able to do anything to you.

Then, there was the final contest that Weier and he talked about, hehe, our contest this time, as far as the contest itself is concerned, we are all losers, and we will all perish.

However, Weier is gratified that the human gods created by my ancestors will not be wiped out because of my demise, because of you! "

When Wei Erzhou Emperor spoke, his expression was calm, but his body was changing rapidly, and the white and holy god Tao Guanghong roared out from his body.

In just a short moment of effort, it has gathered around his body to form a vast ocean of pure white divine light.

After the formation of the Ocean of Divine Light, the rainbow waves rushed to the universe, quickly devouring the life-changing demon cloud that was still venting out from the body of the sorcerer.

As the pure white divine waves in Emperor Weierzhou's body continued to leak out, his body continued to fade. At the same time, he chanted, and taught Liu Qianlang the spell to control the soul of the time boat.

Liu Qianlang didn't dare to be negligent, and after mastering the Manipulation Time Boat Essence Mantra, he immediately followed Weier Zhou Emperor's instructions and completed the task in an instant.

"Well, Emperor Langyuan did not live up to my expectations. You are really outstanding. After I disappear, don't remember me anymore. Emperor Langyuan is the ancestor of self-reliance.

However, Lao Lang Yuan Ren Zu still has a trace of thoughts about my parents, Yang Huangyue, in his heart. They are the pride of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, they created Sun Moon God Zhou, and then we have us! They deserve our eternal admiration! "

Weier Zhoudi's figure continued to blur, and he floated away from the silver-gray time boat spirit, and flew towards the area of ​​the life-changing demon cloud where the Yang Huangyue Empress was.

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was able to handle it firmly on the Time Boat Essence without any effort, he smiled very reassuringly.

"Hehe, Weier Renzu is amazing. The reason why Lang Yuan was able to get the recognition of Shizhou Essence is that Weier Renzu's reincarnation account was in place.

There are two things that Lang Yuan doesn't understand, can he ask Renzu Weier now? "

Liu Qianlang looked like Emperor Weierzhou with white hair and a dashing look just now, and smiled and asked Emperor Weierzhou whose figure was getting thinner and thinner.

"Ha ha……"

"I'll tell you without you asking. Don't you just want to ask why the two of us look exactly the same, and there's also the time boat thing?

One of you and Langlong is the form of my son's life body, the body of the flower spirit, and the other is the shadow of the body of the flower spirit. When the flower spirit came to the world, Nuwa Empress introduced you, I created the two of you according to my human form, so the three of us are almost exactly the same.

As for the time boat, its essence is also what I intentionally threw into your universe time and space. But its spirit has always been in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

Weier's purpose is that one day he can use the time boat to bring you and Langlong into Tailing Lu Yuanzhou and take over from us. In fact, I was flown away as a divine infant, and when I found out that it was the divine witch who wanted to kill me, I began to plan the affairs of the sub-universes below me.

In the process of you stepping up against the sky step by step and approaching me constantly, although the witches and witches designed countless disasters to make it difficult for you, because of the guidance of the time boat, you finally arrived.

Of course, everything was designed, based on my calculations that neither my parents nor I could die well.

Now, my decision at that time was really wise, and today's situation is just as speculated.

If there is any difference, it is the true identity of the witch.

The fact that he came from the inexplicable Mieling time-space anti-Ming world was deduced by me just now. Back then, I just felt that he was naturally in harmony with Tailing Lu Yuanzhou. "

Before Liu Qianlang could ask, Weier Renzu had already thought of Liu Qianlang's question, smiled calmly, and answered.

The figure of Emperor Wei'er Zhou had turned into a faint phantom, which suddenly floated to the middle of Emperor Yang and Moon Queen.


"My dear Wei Er, I can finally accompany you!"

"Hehe, my son is doing well. Although he lives and dies casually, the deeds of the great virtues, great benevolence, and ancestors will always exist in the universe time and space!"

Seeing Aiko's heroic maturity, even though he died generously, he still talked and laughed calmly, Empress Yang Huangyue was very pleased, they all happily supported Aiko and smiled.

"Thank you for your compliments! Weier will be with my parents every day in the future.

Hehe, didn't we agree that daddy will be transformed into Tailing Lu Yuanzhou's heavenly sun, mother will be transformed into Ningye Lanyue, and I will be transformed into the sky full of stars.

Now is the time for us to realize our wish, hehe, let the child accompany parents on the road together!

Come! Let Wei Er hold the hand of parents, and from now on, we will shine on the sky of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou day and night. We look at each other, and we can still contribute light and warmth to Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, warm, how wonderful! "

Weier smiled and looked at his parents from left to right.

"Well! Weier is right, Ning An, it's time for us to hit the road!"

Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming nodded slightly and greeted his beloved wife.

"Okay, Ning An is really happy, with Yang Lang and his son by his side, everything is beautiful!"

Yuemeng Ningan smiled sweetly in satisfaction, and then the Yang Emperor Yangshen was bright, the figures of Yuemeng Ningan and Wei Er faded quietly, and then disappeared.


Then the witch uttered a scream that resounded through Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, and the center of the vortex of the dark cloud of life-changing magic cloud instantly became infinitely bright.

Afterwards, the dark life-changing demon cloud permeating the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou continued to disperse and disappear, and finally the entire Tailing Lu Yuanzhou became clear.

At this time, bursts of happy laughter came from the sky of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou. The laughter belonged to Yanghuang Yangshen's light, Yuemeng's rather dark one, and Weier's.

Soon after, their voices disappeared, but Tailing Lu Yuan's sky has since then had a red sun in the daytime, and a blue moon in the night. At the same time, whether it is night or day, the sky is always full of countless shining stars.

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