Nine Heavens

Chapter 2475 The Flower of Ning'an

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"Okay, my Lady Wang, as long as you don't pluck our hair, we will answer whatever you keep asking. We will say what we have and what we don't have."

"Er Ya, you lost your head, what are you talking about, we have to say something, and we can't talk nonsense if we don't have it, isn't that deceiving Wang Niang!"

Da Wu reprimands Er Ya.

"Cut! You two black ducks are really stupid, our Wang Niang is so smart, no matter how nonsense we say, he can tell the truth from the fake.

Don't you think about it, since we were young, did we succeed in deceiving him once?

Now that we have finally escaped from Tailing Lu Yuanzhou and recovered our lost Yin-Yang Zhou body, it is impossible to make mistakes again. If we are caught by him again and the hair on our bodies is pulled out, we are all such big birds. What a shame! "


In the distant and inexplicable direction of the universe, three huge black birds heard Qiqi's words, and immediately transmitted their soul thoughts to Qiqi.

For the convenience of Liu Qianlang, Qiqi heard the words of the three huge black birds, and used his own mouth to directly transmit the voice of the soul universe.


"I can't see that Qiqi is really good at teaching children, I see you scare them."

When Shenfeng heard what the three black birds said, she couldn't help laughing because she was so amused.

"That is!"

Qiqi was even satisfied, nodded with his chest up, and then said in a commanding tone:

"Xiao Hei, you are the smartest among the three of you. Let me ask you, what is the name of this time and space?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Wang, for your compliment. This time and space is called the Yin Yang Infinity Universe! Half of the time and space belong to the Light World Domain, and there are many spiritual lotuses floating in the time and space. There are also many Tailing Lu Yuan Zhou.

However, the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, who was only treated by Wang Niang, gave birth to a human race..."

Xiao Hei was obviously very happy to hear Qi Qi's compliment, as could be heard from his tone of voice.

And it answers questions that are asked, and answers those that do not ask. Dawu and Erya were hurt by Qiqi's intentional praise of Xiaohei's self-esteem, Dawu interrupted Xiaohei's words, and said angrily:

"Hey! Madam Wang didn't ask you about any nonsense, Madam Wang only asked what the name of this time and space is, didn't you hear clearly?

Wang Niang, don't listen to Xiao Hei and Er Ya, they are the most stupid of us. If Wang Niang has any questions, just ask me. If you want to talk about the Yin Yang Wuji Universe, then there is no such thing as me, Dawu, who doesn't know the ancestors! "

"Oh! That's right, it turns out that among you, Dawu is the smartest now. Well, let me ask you, you are the life forms that oppose the Ming world, do you know how to go against the Ming world, and what methods are needed? Enter the anti-Ming world?"

"My! Of course Dawu is smart. Of course we are the life forms of the Ming world. The three of us are all the eggs of the bird Wuzhou above the Wooden God Wuzhou.

It's easy to go to the anti-Ming world! As long as the three of us fly into the anti-Ming world with Wang Niang on our backs, it will be all right. "

"How can it be, your queen, I am black and beautiful, with sound wings, and I was carried into the anti-Ming world by you, so where did I come from!

I'm asking if you have a way to let your Niang Wang and your grandpa Wang Niang enter the anti-Ming world gracefully! "

"That's it, that's also there. You can pick up some yin and yang and divine energy in the middle realm between the anti-ming world and the light world, and create a flower of infinity. Sitting in the flower of infinity, Wang Niang can be in the infinity of yin and yang. Zhou Nei is so beautiful, he can fly freely, and he can go wherever he wants.

It's okay for Wang Niang to stay in your Bright World Cosmic Domain, or go to our Anti-Ming World, you can do whatever you like. "

"Yeah! Not bad, not bad, Dawu, the method you mentioned is the same as I thought of. It's just..."

"Just what? Wang Niang, tell me, among the three of us, Er Ya is the strongest. As long as Er Ya can do it, Er Ya will do it for Wang Niang immediately!"

"Well, the two ducks are also good. If Wang Niang wants to create the flowers of Wuji, she naturally needs some yin and yang and divine power, but Wang Niang has just entered this Yin and Yang Wuji universe..."


"I understand, Wang Niang, you've been waiting, don't you just want some divine powers of harmony between the world of light and the world of anti-Ming, Er Ya, go and get it for Wang Niang!"

"Slow! I'm talking about Er Ya. When you speak, can your eyes grow a little bit? Didn't you see just now that there are two beads under the feet of Wang Niang and the others.

Those two beads seem to be yin and yang. Isn't their light of harmony the divine energy of the yin and yang realm? Just turn those two beads into a small Yin-Yang Wuji flower.

With such a small body as Wang Niang, and Grandpa Wang, a bug and a butterfly, it is more than enough to sit on! "

"Cut! Da Wu, Er Ya, you two idiots! Mother Wang and Grandpa Wang finally came to Yin Yang Wu Ji Zhou, how could they be so shabby!

Now is the time for us to show our filial piety. We should refine a big Yin Yang Wuji flower for Wang Niang and Grandpa Wang, so that they can have more fun in the Yin Yang Wu Ji universe! "

"That's true, then let's wait for a bird, let's go to the Yin-Yang Wuji Cosmic Realm!"

"Okay! Let's see who gets there first!"



"Three silly birds! I haven't finished asking!"

The three black birds were furious, probably they agreed for the first time, so they flew away furiously after they agreed, and never heard what Qiqi said later.

"Hehe, it's alright Qiqi, we know this is already good. It seems that it is not impossible for us immortal gods in the world of light to enter the world of anti-light.

This is just like Xuanze Muhua Shenwu and these three black birds, they can also enter our light world, and they are all intact, there is no mutual annihilation of light and anti-light.

It can be seen from this that the life forms of the anti-Ming world are superior to us to a certain extent. They are born with the ability to produce the combination of yin and yang and divine energy, and can adapt to the environment of the light world or the environment of the anti-Ming world at any time.

But we can't, we need to artificially create yin and yang infinity and divine power, so that we can use it to enter the anti-Ming world. "

Liu Qianlang came to this conclusion from the words of the three black birds.

"It's not like that, Father Lang'er, they can't be born with Yin-Yang Wuji and divine power. The reason why Dawu, Erya and Xiaohei are fine in our bright world is that I protect them with the Yin-Yang Divine Jade did it.

They still have a piece of Yin-Yang Jade tied to each of their three legs. They are inherently afraid of the divine power of light in our bright world, and call our divine power of the bright world malicious divine power.

We call our spiritual lotus, that is, the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, the flower of viciousness, and their anti-Ming world, the Yin spirit Lu Yuanzhou, the flower of Ning'an! "

Hearing Liu Qianlang's speculation, Qiqi immediately corrected it.


Liu Qianlang heard the words, pondered for a while, and then said:

"Yes! It should be like this, otherwise Xuanze Muhua Shenwu, Huang Baiyun Muhua Shenwu, and the entire anti-Ming world will not hate us!"

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