Nine Heavens

Chapter 2481 Cosmic Vault Illusory Body

"Ha ha……"


"Qiqi, I'm afraid your son of a bird is going to turn into bird meat soup, oops! Okay, let them be ashamed, and dare to take the net pocket book Shenlong Mingzu!"

As soon as Shenlong heard the news that Dawu, Erya and Xiaohei had been caught in the net from Qiqi's mouth, his eyes widened and his face became distorted.

Qiqi looked embarrassed, quickly shut up and stopped the voice of the soul, and then wanted Liu Qianlang to ask for help excitedly:

"Father Langer, they are in danger for us, we can't just ignore them!"

"Yeah, Langyuan Renzu, although the three giant birds are huge, they are not scary, they are cute, and they don't feel bad. Let's find a way to save them!"

The divine phoenix flapped its fiery red wings, and flew along with Wujihe and the flower of divine energy, and said with a blank glance at Shenlong Mingzu who was flying with him on the other side of the flower of Wujihe and divine energy.

"That's nature. They are strange birds, and they are naturally our friends. Attention everyone, we have sped up. Ben Langyuan Renzu has already found their location. Let's save them."

In fact, Liu Qianlang had already judged the location of Dawu and the others from Qiqi's mouth-turning soul sound, and readily nodded in agreement. At the same time, he suddenly accelerated the speed of Wujihe and Shennenghua'er.

"Langyuan Renzu, don't get excited, it's better for you not to worry about the things between the birds, didn't you hear those big birds calling for the beast-turning god Wu Zhou!

They are difficult enough to deal with, and it is estimated that the beast god Wu Zhou is even more difficult to mess with! "

Shenlong was shaking his head and thinking happily, seeing Liu Qianlang flying wildly with his white hair, stepping on the posture of flowers, he immediately stopped laughing, flew to Liu Qianlang, faced Liu Qianlang, tail behind him, backwards Fly, stop the road.

"Hey! Shenlong, be careful what you say. Birds are here. I am also a bird god. Don't you also keep pace with me and dominate the world!"

Shenfeng didn't like to listen to Shenlong's words, so Shenfeng scolded him.

"Aunt Shenfeng Youhu, why do you have to meet a worm, we can decide for ourselves the affairs of our own world!"

Qiqi savored Shenfeng's words, and instantly found the common ground between himself and Shenfeng, the son of the three black birds. He looked at Shenlong with very repulsive eyes, sowing discord.

"Broken bird, you're going too far. I'm a dragon, not a bug! Does your bug have nine claws, scales, and horns?"

Shenlong was so annoyed by Qiqi's words, the nine dragon claws slapped his head again, and some tail-twitched ones showed themselves to Qiqi.


"Hehe, brother Shenlong, forget it, you majestic Yuqiongfengyunlongzu, what are you fussing with Qiqi, if you change into a god body, you can toss, move, and howl in the sky in an instant, whoever is stronger will appear immediately.

Please also ask Brother Shenlong to take care of his divine energy, we will go to rescue the big crows in a while, it's all up to you! "

Liu Qianlang gave Qiqi a silent look with a sideways glance, then looked back at the dragon with its teeth and claws floating upside down in front of him, and said with a smile.


"That's right, this Shenlong forgot to become a god, I'm a Shenlong, I'm not a bug! Haha...

Langyuan Renzu, you really have the temper of his grandfather's grandfather and this god dragon. For your sake, it's no problem to save those cubs. Haha... I am a dragon! "

Shenlong Mingzu suddenly realized, no wonder Qiqi called himself a bug. It turned out that it was because his divine body appeared too small after entering the Yin Yang Wuji Universe.

When Shenlong Jing Liu Qianlang reminded him, he was so happy that he turned his belly up, kicked the dragon's claws, and then roared up to the sky. As he rose, his body continued to grow.

"Qiqi! Take a good look at me, am I still a worm? I forgot to tell you, this Shenlong sometimes likes to eat a few birds to beat his teeth.

I don't know if those big black birds are delicious or not, but you can remind me that this Shenlong was happy for a while, and forgot to save the birds, so don't feel bad after eating them. "

Shenlong was extremely proud in the sky, while flying wildly, he still did not forget to challenge Qiqi.

"I'll go! Shenlong Dachongzi, do you think this bird is bullied casually? If you dare to touch my son, I will treat you as a meal!"

bald -

Qiqi didn't pay attention to Shenlong Mingzu Bazhou's tossing and roaring posture.

He sat back with his buttocks, kicked his calf, and shot towards the sky in the next moment, and his body became eclipsed in the blink of an eye, and his body looked bigger than Shenlong.


"Langyuan Renzu, it's probably more lively up there, so let's fly alone, and my god phoenix will also go up and listen to their bickering for fun!"

When Shenfeng Youhu saw Shenlong, Qiqi flew into the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and couldn't help being excited, regained his body, and also swelled up and lifted off.

"Ha ha……"

"You guys are taking the initiative, the ancestors of the waves have not asked you to transform into gods, and now you are here on your own initiative!

But that's good too, so I don't need to go to rescue the big birds and them in a while. But I want to remind you that we are in the infinite universe of yin and yang, so don't waste your soul and physical strength too much to avoid accidents. "

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing.

Then with a movement of the soul, he divided the Wujihe and the flower of divine energy formed by the combination of Shenyang, Shenyue and Shenyue under his body into four parts, and turned each of them into a rainbow of energy.

Three shots shot towards the sky, distributed to Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi, and kept one for himself, and incorporated it into the picture of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers re-imagined under his feet.

"Wow! Thank you Langyuan Renzu! With your Wujihe and the flower of divine power that can enter the body, we are afraid of them as birds.

Qiqi, for the goodness of your prodigal father, Ben Shenlong doesn't talk to you now, and it won't be too late to joke with you after you rescue your three bird sons! "

Above the sky, the dragon stretched its teeth and claws, and after devouring the Wujihe and Nenghong, the flower of divine energy, that Liu Qianlang shot at him, he originally wanted to continue to amuse Qiqi.

But when Fang Shenlong Mingzu saw that Qiqi's real original body turned out to be the Cosmic Condor, whose body was a little bigger than himself, he immediately murmured in his heart.

The original unfriendly attitude took a 180-degree turn, and the voice hummed enthusiastically.

Qiqi's heart is similar to that of Shenlong Mingzu, secretly marveling in his heart, the Shenlong of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou is really not built, why is it so huge, if he eats it, he will have to choke to death, and he can't help but feel a little timid in his heart.

When he was about to give in and say a few warm words, he didn't want to hear Shenlong's fawning words first, and he really needed each other to save the three bird sons, so he also took the opportunity to go down the steps and shouted:

"Everyone is passing through Yin and Yang, infinite time and space, bored and bored, everyone is just bickering for fun, and they don't care about it at all.

After rescuing the three children, Qiqi invites Uncle Shenlong and Aunt Shenfeng to taste the divine wine of Langer's father, it must be very pleasant! "



"Okay! It's a deal!"

Both the dragon and the phoenix agreed happily, and the dragon ordered the ancestor to sneeze and laugh.

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