Nine Heavens

Chapter 2483 Come to the Bird Universe

"This... we..."

Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard Shen Feng's words, and they babbled for a long time.

After a long time, Da Wu earnestly said:

"We were wrong! We are ashamed of the Queen Mother's teachings, and please forgive me the two gods of the bright sky, the dragon, the god, and the phoenix. We will not disrespect you in the future!"


"The three anti-Ming Condors and the old dragon were also joking. Shenfeng is right. Whether we are bright life forms or anti-Ming world life forms, we should respect each other.

The ancestor of Langyuan in front of you, all the way he pursues is the great unity of the universe and the world, the pursuit of harmony and happiness in the universe, the coexistence of the universe, the same glory and the same respect!

It is precisely because of his pursuit and persistence that we are willing to follow him and be his dragon guard and phoenix guard. The purpose is nothing more than to help him realize the world we all hope, whether it is a bright world or a world of anti-light. The world of Da Rong Da Zun.

The old dragon is ashamed, and apologizes to you for the disrespect to you before! "

Seeing the embarrassment and shame of the three black birds, Shenlong immediately swept away all previous dissatisfaction and sighed.

"Brother Shenlong, don't be like this. It's our fault. We don't know how to be grateful first, and then we are full of fun, and we don't know how to respect each other, so we can't be at ease! It's us who should apologize!"

At this moment, the three blackbirds were still flying vigorously, but changed from their previous stubbornness, they flew in a balanced manner, with a dignified expression, and sincerely apologized to the dragon and the phoenix one after another.

"Hehe, just like the saying in the human world of our bright world, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Because you don't understand each other and instinctively repel each other, that's why you are disrespectful to each other.

But all the unhappiness will disappear because of our mutual sincerity. The relationship between Qiqi and you is a fate for us to resolve all conflicts. Isn't everyone very good now?

The misunderstanding between each other is eliminated, and we will respect and love each other from now on, and jointly pursue the beauty that we all call for in our hearts! "

Liu Qianlang's white hair is fluttering, her expression has always been calm and calm, and she is calm. Regarding the dispute between Qiqi, the dragon, the phoenix, and the three black birds, and the final peaceful understanding, everything seems to be clear in her chest, and she is smiling slightly at this moment road.

"Thank you for the teaching of Renzu Langyuan! We understand!"

Liu Qianlang's words made both parties in the speeding thoughtful and silent for a long time. Da Wu, Er Ya, and Xiao Heihun wanted to exchange ideas. Da Wu represented the attitude of the three anti-Ming Condors. I deeply feel that the prodigal ancestor with white hair fluttering behind him is really unpredictable.

Next, they galloped in bursts, their speed getting faster and faster, shuttling the shadows of gods, if it was a low-level immortal god, they would not be able to see clearly the moment they flew past.

They flew so fast and remained silent for thousands of years.

At this time, they finally surpassed the realm of Wujihe and Divine Energy, and truly entered the world of anti-Ming.

There is no light in the Anti-Ministry world, and there is darkness everywhere. The farther away from Wujihe and Divine Energy Realm, the darker it is.

However, Liu Qianlang discovered that the Anti-Ming world is also a dark world, but the degree of darkness is still different.

As far as he could see, the darkness he saw was divided into three levels. In front of him on the right, there was a very thick darkness, while the front facing him was relatively dark, and the left side was dark, which was much lighter.

Of course, only Liu Qianlang can distinguish this kind of boundary among Shenlong Shenfeng and Qiqi. For Shenlong Shenfeng and Qiqi, they can't sense this difference.

Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei didn't say anything, after they shot into the Anti-Ming World, they continued to gallop towards the darkest direction on Liu Qianlang's right.

Liu Qianlang saw it in his eyes, but he didn't move. Instead, he released the light consciousness and anti-brightness consciousness of the two soul gates of Yin and Yang, and watched the situation within a trillion light miles of the speeding route.

As he galloped forward, Liu Qianlang's cathode consciousness gradually sensed the appearance of an area densely covered with countless dark cosmic towers in front of hundreds of millions of light miles.

The sky above this area is covered with a very rich and colorful green layer, and above the green circles are several anti-Myojin birds that are hundreds of times larger than the three Dawu brothers, flying very regularly.

Judging from their appearance, they seem to be on patrol, obviously not the casual behavior of those anti-Myojin birds.

The rich green below them, because they are in the dark, there is no light that can be felt by the three-dimensional vision. So apart from Liu Qianlang Wuji's eyes can do it, Shenlong Shenfeng, Qiqi, including the three Dawu brothers, they can't feel it either.

"Langyuan Renzu, we are almost there. The area of ​​the dark towers in front of us is where our bird-like god Wu Zhou is. This is what the Zhou Yin spirit sent to us by the long neck describes.

However, please don’t worry for a while, I just told Long Neck about you coming together, telling it that you are our brother’s benefactors.

It said that it can't make the decision to let you enter the universe with us, I need to see the eagle father and mother eagle, and we ask for their promises by ourselves! "

It has been a long time since Dawu got the news, but it hesitated again and again, and it was not easy to say it, until now it had to say it.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about the three anti-Ming Condor Eagles. Our mutual grievances are our business. As for whether your Condor King Father and Queen Mother treat us, no matter what the result is, we will not be dissatisfied with you of.

Remember, no matter whether we meet again in the future, we will never forget you in our hearts. We are deeply grateful, it is you who let us enter the anti-Ming world smoothly! "

In fact, Liu Qianlang had already sensed the breath from the long neck to the three Dawu brothers, but he just kept his expressions on it. Of course, Liu Qianlang also envisioned various possible situations that he, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi would face next.

So when he heard Da Wu's words, he already had the words to respond in his heart, and he smiled calmly.

"Thank you Langyuan Renzu for your understanding! Don't worry, our three brothers will let everyone come and go safely no matter what!

If possible, I hope that everyone can stay in our anti-Ming world safely for a long time, and then realize the common prosperity and unity of the bright world and the anti-Ming world you mentioned! "

Dawu didn't expect Liu Qianlang to be so generous and frank, he let go of his entanglement a little, and then said gratefully.

"Well! Well done, Da Wu, Er Ya, Xiao Hei! You are finally going to meet your real parents, and Wang Niang is happy for you! Fly quickly, no matter what, Wang Niang will never forget you! "

Qiqi actually understood the meaning of what Liu Qianlang said in his heart, and said it very detachedly at this moment.

"Three Anti-Ming Condors, I wish you all the best that you can finally return to your home!"

"The god Dongfeng also blesses you!"

While talking, they had already appeared on the edge of the vast and boundless universe of bird-like gods and witches. The gods, dragons, and phoenixes saluted and said one after another.

"Don't worry, Wang Niang, we know how to do it! Thank you Guangming Shenlong and Guangming Shenfeng! Langyuan Renzu, let you suffer a little bit of grievance outside the universe. Our three brothers are now entering the universe, and the long neck is waiting for us inside." !"

Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei suddenly burst into tears, turned around, faced Liu Qianlang, the god of moving light, nodded incessantly, and then with a thought, they disappeared quietly.

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