Nine Heavens

Chapter 2495 Soul Devouring Cold Spring

"Hee hee! The golden halo tree fairy not only bears delicious fruits, but also has good ideas. Doesn't it mean that the wood god and witch emperor grows just like you!"

Qiqi is gnawing on the woody magic witch fruit on the arm of the silver halo god face tree branch, it is very fragrant. Hearing the words of Jin Yun's appearance, he immediately thought again:

If Langer's father turns into a big tree stump and also bears the tree-turning-spiritual witch fruit on his body, hehe...

Qiqi thought in his heart, his mouth was full of joy, and stretched his neck to ask Jin Yun's appearance.

"Hehe, the Bright Condor is smart, that's true, in our Wooden God Wu Zhou, all the Zhou bodies are almost the same in appearance, the only difference is age, color and the number of arms!

The blood halo wood god emperor is about the same age as our three wood gods, but they are crimson. "

Finally made friends with Langyuan Renzu, Jin Yun looked very happy, even Qiqi was not angry when he picked his woody magic fruit, and replied Qiqi cheerfully.

Liu Qianlang glanced sideways at Qiqi, then nodded and said:

"Well, it's fine to do what Jin Yun looks like, but it's really not good to offend the blood halo wood god Wuhuang like this. Ben Langyuan wants to meet the blood halo wood god Wuhuang, so I can know what he looks like , Second, I want to ask him if he agrees with us to do so."

Liu Qianlang took the opportunity to say this because he had never seen the blood halo wood god Wuhuang, and always had doubts about it.

"Of course there is no problem, but when the God Emperor Langyuan saw him, please forgive me if his speech and behavior are insignificant. He is haggard now, and he has already lost his ambition!"

Jin Yun Shenxiang readily agreed and reminded Liu Qianlang.

"Thank you Jin Yun for reminding me, can we now..."

Liu Qianlang couldn't wait.

"Okay! If Emperor Langyuan is willing, we can go to Muhua Shrine to meet him now, and tell him about our cooperation at last, so that he can be happy too."

Jin Yun said happily.

"Then I will have the three wooded gods and witches lead the way!"

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly and said seriously.

The three Wooden Gods and Witches looked at each other and nodded, flashing left and right, their bodies released a three-color rainbow of gold, silver and copper.

The three-colored rainbows intertwined and condensed to form a cylindrical passage, and then the three wooded witches signaled Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng, and Qiqi to enter.

Liu Qianlang took a look, and entered calmly. Afterwards, the three wooded gods and wizards also entered the Shenhong passage.


Seeing that everyone was in the Shenhong channel, Jin Yun gave a soft drink.

Not long after, they quietly appeared in the bedroom of the blood halo wood god Wuhuang.

What caught Liu Qianlang's eyes was a huge and empty apse of the shrine, but Liu Qianlang looked around, but he didn't see a shadow of a wooden witch.

Liu Qianlang felt that it was not good to use his powerful eyesight to peek secretly, so he asked the three wooden gods and witches beside him in surprise:

"This is the bedroom of the Bloody Wood God Emperor! Then he..."

The three Wooden Gods and Witches looked sad for a while when they heard the words, and then looked at a place far away in the apse of the great shrine, which was filled with ice-colored cold smoke.

"Let's go, he's in the Soul Devouring Ice Spring!"

With tears in Jin Yun's eyes, he choked up and said. Then, the three wooded gods and witches slowly floated towards that position.

Their movements are very slow, very difficult and painful!

"They are?"

Shenlong floated on the left side of Liu Qianlang's head, seeing the strange behavior of the three wooded gods and witches, he was very puzzled.

Liu Qianlang seemed to know something in his heart, waved his hands back, signaled to the dragon and the phoenix, Qiqi should not speak, and then he walked away slowly following the map of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

"Honorable Witch Emperor, we are here to see you!"

The three wood-turning gods and witches slowly came to the vicinity of the icy cold mist filled with the cold smoke of the Soul Devouring Ice Spring, looked at each other sadly, then silently bowed their heads and knelt down, saying softly in unison.

"Why do you bother to see me? I am the Sin Emperor of the Muhua God Wuzhou. I am unable to regain the Tyrant Power Disk and restore the divine power of our Manchu subjects, and I cannot avoid the fate of being divided and colonized by them!

Go ahead, just be the blood halo wood god Wuhuang has never been before! I'm not worthy to lead you guys. I have no face to sit on the top of the palace hall and face tens of thousands of shamans! "


A sluggish, weeping voice came from the Soul Devouring Ice Spring.

Liu Qianlang looked closer, and the scene in front of him made him burst into tears, recalling his experience of repentance in the human world.

I saw a huge bright red body of a woody witch curled up in the cold spring full of sharp ice holes, and countless ice thorns pierced his whole body.

And he didn't care about it at all, the bright red branch arms all over his body were still fanning his mouth by himself. He was covered in cuts and bruises, his face was bloody, trembling all over, and weeping bitterly.

"Our supreme Wooden God Wu Huang, please stop torturing yourself, we don't blame you for everything that we Wooden God Wu Zhou has faced.

You are already good enough, Mo Chen and Mo Min don't know what you have done for our Wooden God Wu Zhou. The situation we have now can only be said to be bad luck, and I can't blame you! "

Jin Yun Shenxiang couldn't bear to look up at his Wooden God Wuhuang, crying bitterly.


"The three loyal wood gods and witches, don't comfort me anymore! Why, is our wood god Wu Zhou colonized? You are here to tell me that I will be killed by them. Kill it!

No need, you tell them, the emperor himself will take care of himself, don't bother them! Ha ha……"

The blood-smeared wood god Wuhuang laughed miserably, his voice horrifying and mournful.

"No! Our great emperor! Our wooded god Wu Huangzhou will never perish. The sky has pity on us. The fairy gods of the infinite sun universe and the bright fairyland world that we hoped to befriend were finally picked up by us. And they promised Help us!"

The silver halo god cried out in a mess, and cried out in grief.

"What, it's so possible, why are they helping us!?"

The blood-smeared wood god Wuhuang raised his head slumped in the icy cold water in a daze, and looked out of the spring mist with his dark red eyes that seemed to be dripping blood.

"It's because our Wuji Yang Universe Guangming Immortal Realm pursues the ideal of a world of great goodness and great virtue. When the woody gods and witches are in danger, it is the time for our immortal gods in the Guangming Immortal Domain to perform this mission.

Dear Blood Halo Wood God Witch Emperor, you are an admirable wood God Witch Emperor. You shouldn't punish yourself! You have not missed, your subjects are brave.

You shouldn't give up on them, as long as we work hard, there is a chance of survival. If we give up ourselves, then there is no chance of survival.

Now we, Bright World, cooperate with you, which is a glimmer of hope. As long as we cooperate well, the Muhua Shenwu Zhou will be eternally strong, and no force can colonize us.

But the premise is that we need the blood halo wood god Wuhuang to stand up strong now! "

Liu Qianlang didn't wait for the introduction of the three wood gods and witches, and came up to him, his eyes fixed on the blood-smeared wood god and witch emperor in the ice fog, and said sonorously and without doubt.

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