Nine Heavens

Chapter 2504 natural friends

"Seven-scale God Witch Emperor bids farewell. I sincerely wish the Bi-body Gold-Winged Qilin Emperor and the Bird Transformation God Witch Zhou Erying King all wishes come true!"

During the whole funny anti-Ming meeting, the scaled god and witch emperor who also did not say a word was in the body of a divine fish, and the very prominent seven-color giant golden scales on his body flashed, but disappeared.

In the temple, only the Qilin Emperor with a green body and golden wings and Zhou Erying King, a bird-like witch, stood and looked at each other, thinking quickly in their minds.

"The king of the golden-winged unicorn, why didn't you order him to be killed? Could it be that we just let him go out of our beastly god Wu Zhou?"

Qinhua God Wu Zhou Erying King wanted to slap Liu Qianlang to death with one wing, when he found that Liu Qianlang had already flown out of the Beast Transformation God Witch Temple, he gritted his teeth and reminded the Bi-body Golden Winged Qilin Emperor.

"Since he dared to come, he must have enough ability and means to leave. We have lost face this time. Let them go back first, this revenge will be avenged by the golden-winged unicorn emperor sooner or later.

The most urgent task now is not to show off for a while, but we must first do a good job of protecting the universe.

What we see now is only a so-called Prodigal Ancestor of the Bright Immortal Realm, who knows how powerful they are in total and broke into our Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm world!

In the past, we said that dealing with the Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal World was just an excuse to bully the wood god Wu Zhou. But in the future, I'm afraid this excuse will become a slogan for the real fight against the immortal world of the infinite sun universe.

Hurry up and go back too, you add your Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, and I need to be nervous for a while. "

Suddenly seeing the Ancestor Lang Yuan from the Guangming Immortal Realm of the Promise Yang Universe appearing in his temple, the King of the Bi-body Golden Winged Unicorn was panicking, but at the same time he was still calm and rational, and said slowly.

"That's good! Take care of the golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body, and this eagle king will return to the universe for the time being, so farewell!"

At this point, Zhou Erying King, the Qinhua god and witch, realized that it was useless to talk too much, he let out a burst of anger, and spread his wings and flew away.

In the end, the only one left in the Temple of Beast Transformation God and Witch was the Qilin Emperor himself with a blue body and golden wings. He sat slumped, recalling every detail of the bloody anti-Ming conference that died at the beginning, very depressed.

According to his idea, as long as the Wooden God Wuzhou, no matter which Wooden God Wuzhou is present, he can discuss with the representative of the Qinhua God Wuzhou, and after the meeting, he can go to the colonial army to enter the Wooden God Wuzhou. .

Then, while continuously expanding his power in the Muhuashenwuzhou, the devil's claws further touched the Huahuashenwuzhou. When one's own power gradually encroached on Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou and Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou, Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou would become the greatest overlord of the Wuji Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm with absolute advantage.

The outside world must be settled first. Although the poisonous light in the Immortal Realm of Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming is frightening, the poisonous light does not kill. From the perspective of the Jade King Qilin King, the biggest threat to becoming the overlord of the Wuji Yin Yang Universe is not Wu Ji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal Realm, but all the witch clans in the world of Infinite Yin and Anti-Ming Immortal Realm where I am, especially the four great gods and witches other than myself.

It can be simply said that his powerful history is the history of eliminating the other four great gods and witches step by step.

However, the King of Qilin with the green body and golden wings knew very well that no matter how powerful he was, it was impossible to wipe out the other four gods and witches at once.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your wish, you must play some tricks. And none of the five gods and witches is a fool, so this road is easy to say, but it is not easy to realize it.

Because the King of Bi-Body and Golden-Winged Qilin had such calculations in his heart, every move he took was deliberate and carefully planned.

However, no matter how carefully he planned, he never took into account the fact that the Immortal God of the Immortal Realm of the Immortal Realm of the Promise Yang Universe broke into the Immortal Realm of the Anti-Ming Immortal Realm of the Promise Yin Universe.

Not thinking about it doesn't mean it won't happen. Now this mysterious prodigal ancestor suddenly appeared in the world of Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm, and got mixed up with Wu Zhou, the breakthrough wood god who dominated Wuji Yinzhou.

Such a sudden change made the always extremely confident King Qilin with blue body and golden wings a little dazed for a while, his thoughts were flying, but he had no clue at all.


Outside of the sky and the sky, Liu Qianlang is very happy and proud this time the beast-turning god and witch Zhou is on his own.

The first time I saw the four gods and witches Zhou Huang or their representatives, I let myself be teased, and successfully achieved the four purposes of coming here:

First, to re-establish the name of Zhou, the Wooden God and Witch!

Second, get back the sacred wood source energy sacred object Ba Younengpan, the wood god Wuzhou.

Third, disrupt the anti-Ming conference's plan to divide the colonial wood god Wu Zhou.

Fourth, let the other gods and witch emperors of the universe of gods and witches know that the Ancestor Lang Yuan from the Bright Immortal Realm of the Promise Yang Universe has entered the world of the Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm.

As the saying goes, people are refreshed on happy occasions, and Liu Qianlang rushed out of the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou fearlessly stepping on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, and began to move the altar and pour wine, as if in his own backyard. Take Zhou, the dark beast god and witch, seriously.


"The friends in the Immortal Realm of Wuji Yang Guangming are so unrestrained, and they dare to be so relaxed and comfortable in the face of danger!"

When Liu Qianlang was drinking happily, a towering giant flower suddenly flowed by his side, on which stood an anti-Ming flower girl who looked like a fairy in the Guangming Immortal Realm, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"It turns out that the Huihua God and Witch Emperor passed by. Today, Ben Langyuan Renzu is happy. The danger of the Beast Transformation God and Witch Palace is over. How can you not be happy?"

The waves danced on Liu Qianlang's face, and the light lit up the darkness around him.

Looking at him from a distance, white hair flutters, the white robes are shining with rainbows, the white wine jar is clean and white wine waves are falling, and the body rises and falls on the altar, so happy.

"Well, this Huahuashen Wuhuang has met friends from the Immortal Realm of Wuji Yang Guangming, you are right, the danger can be overcome, and it is a pity to be unhappy.

This Huahuashen Wuhuang has never seen a friend like you in the Bright Immortal Realm world, and this is the first time I have seen you. I don't know if I can show my face and have a taste of the altar of bright wine? "

The huahuashen Wuhuang laughed at the sky.

"Oh! It seems that Ben Langyuan Renzu has another like-minded friend who is anti-Ming Xianyu. Since we call Ben Langyuan Renzu a friend, it is more than a jar of bright wine. If the Huihua God Wuhuang likes it, please Just have fun."

Liu Qianlang smiled heartily, and in the next second, nine bright wine clouds were floating on the head of the Huihua God Wuhuang, and there was a huge white wine jar in his hand.


"Isn't it the bright wine with a clear and refreshing fragrance, so happy! Hehe..."

Huihuashen Wuhuang didn't ask, don't worry, Guangming Immortal Wine, moved the altar and looked up to drink it, and then praised it with a crisp smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Why does the Wuhuang, the God of Huihua, trust Ben Langyuan Renzu so much? Aren't you afraid that the Divine Wine of Light will hurt you?"

Liu Qianlang was flying, and asked with a smile.


"The friends of the Guangming Immortal Realm recognized by the Three Phases of the Wood Transformation God and Witch are absolutely unmissable. The most important thing is that the Huahua God Witch Emperor believes in his own feelings. It is definitely me to make friends with you, the Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal World The fortune of Huahua God Wu Zhou.

There is nothing to worry about drinking your friend's Guangming Shenjiu. If you must say you are worried, it is because you are afraid that you will not accept this friend of the Huashen Wuhuang. "

Huihua Shenwu is elegant and unrestrained, and her words are frank.

"Ha ha……"

"Well said, Ben Langyuan Renzu also believed in his own feelings when he saw you for the first time. The Huihua God Wuhuang is naturally Ben Langyuan Renzu's friend!"

Liu Qianlang was overjoyed to make new friends again.

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