Nine Heavens

Chapter 2506

"Stop, Qiqi, you are wrong. You were the one who was greedy and thought it was inconvenient, so you took off the Wuji Yinzhou Dimensional Goggle and forgot it on the banquet table of the Beast Transformation God and Witch Palace!

I kindly put it away for you, and prepared to give it to you when you come out. Think about it for yourself, is this the case? "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and a hint of confusion shot into Qiqi's bright red eyes.

Qiqi tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:

"Hey! It seems to be the case. Well, I've wronged you, give it to me quickly, it's dark outside, annoying.

Remember in the future, when you illusion me into your infinite yin and yang soul universe, you must illusion me into the infinite yang soul universe, so at least I can go back to our Tailing Luyuanzhou Lingming Tianlian for a while ! "

Qiqi was deceived by Liu Qianlang, thought he was wrong, and apologized reluctantly.

"Hehe, Qiqi. It's not that Papa Lang'er won't let you go back to our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou in Wuji Yangzhou. Because Papa Lang'er is currently sealing it.

We have adapted to this world of the infinite Yin universe anti-bright fairyland, and because we are all the infinite Yin-yang soul universe at the moment, this infinite Yin universe mirror can be used without using it. If you don’t believe me, try to activate the infinite Yin universe.

But our relatives in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou are not allowed. If we are not absolutely sure that they will not be harmed by contacting us, we must not contact them.

Otherwise we will kill them. That's not what we want. But don't worry Qiqi, you believe in Father Langer, we will be reunited with our relatives sooner or later.

What we need to do now is to do our best to let the light of our infinite universe fill every corner of the infinite universe. "

Talking about the relatives and friends in the Langyuan Xianzhou in the Lingming Tianlian, Liu Qianlang also misses it quite a lot, and his words can't help but feel a little more heavy.


As Qiqi said, he took off the Wuji Yinzhou rotating eyepiece, and then Wuji Yinhun moved, and sure enough, everything in the surrounding dark Wuji Yinzhou anti-bright fairyland world could be seen clearly, and his tail fluttered with joy in an instant If you fight, you will throw away the Promise Yin Universe Swivel Eyepiece.

However, its eyes flickered, and its claws that were about to be loosened were tightened again, and then it said with a look of nostalgia:

"No, I have to leave the Infinity Yin Universe Dimensional Goggle for Xiao Hong, or else she won't be able to see me when she suddenly comes out!"


"Can't you tell that Kiki is still a bird that values ​​love and righteousness?"

Shenfeng Youhu saw Liu Qianlang's mood suddenly depressed, and deliberately made a funny laugh.

"Cut! I'm not a bird, I'm a bright eagle!"

Kiki suddenly yelled.

"Ha ha……"

"What's wrong with the Bright Condor? Isn't that a kind of bird? It's also of the Qintian clan!"

Shenlong Zuohu burst out laughing after hearing Qiqi's words.

"Hmph! Don't just talk about me, you are still a bug!"

Qiqi doesn't like being called a bird by others, so he stares at Shenlong Zuohu, who is picking up jokes, and shouts.

"I'm not a bug. A bug has no claws, no forked horns, and no scales. Hehe! Look at me. Not only do I have forked horns, I have scales all over my body, and I have nine claws. Don't you think I'm angry!"

Shenlong Zuohu bowed his back, stretched all nine dragon claws to Qiqi's side, and said with a smirk.

"Hmph! Take your stinky feet away, and it will kill me!"

Qiqi Tulu flew to the sky above Shenfeng's right guard with a sound, and shouted angrily.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay, you guys, we will arrive at the Wooden God Wu Zhou soon. Everyone is familiar with the universes in the Anti-Ming Immortal Territory. For the time being, we don't have many chances to go out of the Wooden God Wu Zhou. Let's get acquainted with the situation outside the universe. ,Gives us an advantage."

Liu Qianlang felt better again when she heard Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi quarrel, and said with a smile.

"Didn't Papa Lang'er have the magic sound and shadow universe stone? Just record it and go back and watch it slowly. I like to chat with Uncle Shenlong Zuohu, isn't it Uncle Shenlong?"

Qiqi has not forgotten the matter of being dissatisfied with Liu Qianlang, when Liu Qianlang asked, a pair of enemies instantly became friends, Qiqi actually asked Shenlong Zuohu gently.

"That is, the two of us are like-minded, heroes cherish each other, and for the sake of the bright cause, we always have a good conversation. Qiqi, come here, old dragon, and I will leave you a few wood-turning magic and witch fruits?"

Shenlong Zuohu immediately sprayed golden mist, closed his eyes and spoke nonsense.

bald -

"That's good, Uncle Shenlong Zuohu, you are so kind, unlike some people who know the bad guys!"


No one understands the world of foodies, Shenlong Zuohu just used a few woody magic witch fruits to re-establish diplomatic relations with Qiqi.


Seeing that everyone was happy, Liu Qianlang just smiled, stopped talking, and devoted himself to analyzing the time and space of the infinite dark universe and anti-bright fairyland that he had experienced.

As Qiqi said, he recorded everything he passed through in time and space, including the layout of the Zhoushen Palace of the Beast God and Witch, without exception, with the upgraded Magic Sound Cosmic Stone, which will be of great use when going back.

Because Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi are all infinite Yin souls, and they will rebel against the magic formula of Dafa.

Therefore, the speed of flying in the Wuji Yinverse Anti-Ming Immortal Realm is already the same as or even surpassing the speed of the Wuji Yinverse Anti-Ming Ming Body.

It used to take tens of millions of years to come and go to the distance between the Wood God Wu Zhou and the Beast God Wu Zhou, but now it only takes one or two days equivalent to the human world.

Two days after Wuji Yinzhou rebelled against Ming Immortal Realm.

It is still Zhouli Zhoufeng, the wooded god and witch.

But at this moment, it is not Liu Qianlang who left the Muhua God Wuzhou, but the white-haired, majestic and towering dragon with bright and vast robes, stepping on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, with billions of miles of light on the left, moving around left guard.

On the right is the god Dongfeng, who is as big as the flames, and flies with flying wings.

Even Qiqi regained the dominance of the Bright Condor, squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulders, full of majesty and domineering.

On the farewell peak, all the billions of wood-like witches and witches in the universe looked up at the sky, cheering and admiring the arrival of Liu Qianlang's universe.

Gold halo, silver halo and copper halo are three phases in front.

On Li Zhou Peak, the blood-smeared wood god Wu Huang burst into tears.

"Thank you, Lao Mu, my god friend of the Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal Realm who I respect very much, Mu Hua Shen Wu Zhou!"

The blood-sicking wood god, the Witch Emperor, raised his old branches all over his body to summon Liu Qianlang, bowing down and prostrating, his voice trembling.

The blood halo wood god Wuhuang really didn't expect that the Langyuan Renzu from the Promise Yang Cosmic Light Immortal Realm who came back majestically from the sky would be so powerful.

I heard that the three wood gods and witches said that a farewell wine restored the old majesty and supernatural power of the Manzhou gods and wood gods and witches, and also transformed the souls of all compatriots into the supreme cosmic universe, turning them into yin and yang infinite souls!

I am afraid that I will never be able to match such a profound and unfathomable light and divine power.

The blood-smeared wood god Wuhuang recalled in his mind the scene when the three gods and witches went to Jufayuan to tell him such good news, and also served him wine to raise his soul.

Shame, gratitude, admiration, expectation...

All kinds of sentiments wash away the heart of the Wu Huang, the blood-smeared wood god, and there is no way to repay such a holy grace, only to burst into tears and shout friends.

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