Nine Heavens

Chapter 2510 God Ball

"Hehe, Shenlong Zuohu is here, didn't Qiqi just say that you are with him?"

When Liu Qianlang heard that it was the voice of Shenlong Zuohu, he stared at Zhou Yinshenqiu with a dark palm and asked with a smile.

"Tch, don't mention it, just now he fired me, he said that Shenfeng girl is more suitable to be his assistant!"

Shenlong stepped into the Castle of Trust in a human form, and approached Liu Qianlang with a bitter face.


"Kiki seems to be really famous now!"

"What's the matter? It's not going around talking about those things in our world of Wuji Yang Guangming Immortal Realm. Who doesn't know about those things. What kind of air is it? No matter how loud it is, it's just a broken bird."

Shenlong Zuohu was wearing a golden-scaled robe, and his divine splendor was flowing, very mysterious and domineering, but the expression on his long face was very sad.

"Okay, don't bother with him, I'm still looking for you to do something?"

Liu Qianlang simply comforted her.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Shenlong was very happy to hear that, because Renzu Langyuan had something to order, and it was better than doing nothing.

"Recently, it is estimated that the Huihua God Witch Zhou Huanghua Guild will come, but she has been late, I will give you the route, please go to the Huihua God Wu Zhou Zhouwai to investigate.

No need to go in, check the situation, come back and tell me right away. I'm guessing that something important might have happened to Huihua Shenwu Zhou, otherwise, with the character of Huahua Shenwu Zhouhuang's flower behavior, he shouldn't be dishonest.

What's more, I've asked Xueyun Muhuashen Wuhuang and the three Muhuashen Wuhuang, and they also praised her highly, and said that she often comes to Muhuashen Wuzhou as a guest.

It stands to reason that this time should have come to Muhuashenwu Zhouyi, at least there should be a flower from Zhouzhou to congratulate Muhuashen Wuzhou on his re-emergence.

But what is puzzling is that until now, there has not been any information from the Huahua God Witch or Zhou. "

Liu Qianlang said.

"Hey! It's not difficult to do, but it's just running errands. But I blame Lang Yuan Renzu for being partial!

You taught Shenfeng sister the anti-energy Dafa magic formula, but she didn't teach it to Qiqi and me. How does that make me capable of going? "

Shenlong Zuohu's face was extremely dark, and the huge Shenlong was wronged like a child.

"Ha ha……"

"You and Qiqi were both deceived by her, she didn't teach you how, and she also helped you with the ability of bathing and rebirth.

You couldn't show it at that time, it was because your soul gods in the infinite yin and yang soul universe hadn't furthered the tacit understanding of soul power.

If you don’t believe me, try it now, your energy-reversing magic formula can be applied freely. "

Liu Qianlang couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and deeply sympathized with Shenlong Zuohu being deceived by Shenfeng Righthu. After such a long time, he was still relying on consuming the little bit of divine energy in Shenyang Shenyue Wujihe and the flower of divine energy, no wonder he was bullied by Qiqi.

Thinking about that ghost Qiqi, he knew this a long time ago, and deliberately didn't tell Shenlong Zuohu.

"Whoa, what?"

Shenlong Zuohu was shocked for a moment, his soul moved, and his height was raised by more than half in an instant, and the golden scale god robe that was originally shining with golden light immediately became gorgeous and dazzling.

"Damn Qiqi, it turns out that he has been fooling me all this time, he said that he has recently successfully cultivated a kind of cosmic magic art, which is why he can fly around freely.

I thought it was the real thing, and emotion already knew that we can activate the anti-energy Dafa formula. Broken bird, wait for me to come back and see how I deal with him.

Thank you Renzu for the on-demand broadcast, please let Renzu tell you how to go to Huihua Shenwu Zhou, Shenlong Zuohu must go and return quickly, and upgrade to complete the task.

okay! When you hold this piece of magic sound universe, there is a route to and from it, you just need to fly around the Huahua god witch universe and come back. "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, raised his left palm, and a piece of irregular-shaped pure white magic sound shadow stone flickered out of it, and then used it to copy some information about the Huihua God Wu Zhou in the Zhou Yin God Ball , and then handed it to Shenlong Zuohu.

"Understood, Renzu Langyuan, let's go to Sheng'an, the old dragon has gone."

After Shenlong Zuohu said, he turned around and left.

"Hehe, wait a minute, Shenlong Zuohu, you came to see me just now, nothing will happen, right?"

Liu Qianlang hurriedly called to stop Shenlong Zuohu who was about to disappear as soon as he turned around.

"Oh! By the way, I'm here to tell Renzu Langyuan to be careful about the absurdity and woodiness of Tonghun's subordinates. Those two guys are always sneaky, and they get close to Qiqi intentionally or unintentionally." .

The Zhou Yin God Ball in the hands of Renzu Langyuan was sold to Qiqi by the two of them. Ben Shenlong Zuohu, I think the two of them are not good guys.

Sometimes they sneak out of the universe, and sometimes they secretly come to wander around the Castle of Trust.

But Qiqi, that headless guy, is still having fun with them, not only paying a lot of money for their crap, but also calling them brothers and sisters, I'm so angry! "

Liu Qianlang's question was a good one, which made Shenlong Zuohu furious instantly, and the human body involuntarily made three or four dragon claws, the dragon claws clenched their fists, and their knuckles creaked!

"Hehe, I got it, thank you Shenlong Zuohu for reminding me, this situation is really important! Don't worry, I will teach Qiqi a lesson after you leave."

In order to calm Shenlong Zuohu's anger, Liu Qianlang deliberately smiled like this.

"Well, Kiki's broken bird, Langyuan Renzu should have cleaned up a long time ago, and Shenfeng girl is too much..."

Shenlong is a hot-tempered master, and when he chatters, people disappear.

"I wish Shenlong Zuohu good luck, don't worry, when you come back, they will be the same as before—"

Liu Qianlang saw that the dragon Zuohu had stretched his teeth and claws and flew up to the sky of the woody god and witch, and his soul read aloud.

"Cut! What's the use of being like before, they weren't very good before."

Shenlong Zuohu muttered this last sentence, and suddenly became invisible and flew away from the wooded god witch Zhou Zhouwai.

Liu Qianlang waited for Shenlong Zuohu to disappear, retracted his thoughts, smiled slightly, continued to stare at the Zhou Yin God Ball in the palm of his right hand, and then thought about why Huang Yunmu Hua Shenwu tried every means to sell this object to Qiqi.

Liu Qianlang couldn't figure it out, and even couldn't figure out the strange behaviors of Huang Baiyun's strange rewards.

As far as Huang Baiyun's ability is concerned, he belongs to the foreign minister of the Muhua Temple outside the temple, which is equivalent to a position like a guard outside the city gate in the human world.

It stands to reason that they don't need to be so active. What they should do is to defend the safety of the Wooden God and Witch Zhou Shrine. How can they be so active.

This Cosmic Attraction God Ball is obviously not an ordinary thing, it can be called the treasure of the Wuji Yin Cosmic Anti-Ming Immortal Realm, how could it appear in the hands of these two ordinary wooded gods and witches.

What does it mean for them to transfer this object to their own hands through Qiqi's hand...

Liu Qianlang stared intently at the Zhou Yin God Ball, his eyes intertwined with its pitch-black color, and his thoughts were racing.

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