Nine Heavens

Chapter 2512 Save Another Universe

The sky above the dark Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm Hui Hua Shen Wu Zhou has always been an extremely peaceful night.

In such an eternal night, in addition to peace and tranquility, any exquisite flower witches floating in it will leave behind a fragrant breath.

But for visitors from other universes like Liu Qianlang, if they break in suddenly and don't have any anti-mythical powers, they won't be able to see anything.

However, at this moment, the peace and tranquility of the past has changed, and a tragic war against the Ming universe and fairyland is taking place in the sky.

There is no fairness or aura in this war, and it broke out suddenly.

When a war breaks out, one side is the very weak Huihua God Wu Zhou.

On the other hand, it is the combined army of the three biggest gods and witches in the Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Domain.

From anyone's point of view in this war, the only victor is the terrifying and powerful combined army of the three gods and witches. As for Huihua God Wu Zhou, he was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

While Huaxing was galloping into the sky on the beautiful divine Huaer chariot, the fallen army rained down in the sky, Huaxing didn't need to look at it, he knew that they were all his brothers and sisters.

And rushing up by himself, in addition to showing the spirit of seeing death as home, will also end in this way.

Hua Xingming knew that she would be like this, but she still went forward bravely, there were no more tears on her face, she was smiling. There is also no plan to slaughter any witches on the other side.

Because the Huihua Shenwu Zhou eternally adheres to the creed of delivering fragrance and beauty, in the history of the Huihua Shenwu Zhou, he has never eliminated the genes of any other gods and witches.

Huaxing is also resisting the enemy's attack while flying, but she is not counterattacking, but flying higher for herself.

All the witches and witches in Huihua Shenwu Zhou are obviously not powerful fighters, but their souls are absolutely holy and proud. Although the compatriots that Huaxing saw fell, every compatriot did their best to die at the highest point of the sky of Huahua Shenwu Zhou.

This is true for the compatriots, and it is even more so for Hua Xing, who is the God of Flowers and Wu Zhou. She ignores her physical injuries, except for the necessary to block the nearby attacks.

She was struggling to fly high, and the dead bodies of her compatriots fell like rain, and life and death intertwined, forming a huge and beautiful divine lotus in the dark sky.

The rows of flowers are tall and straight stamens, and the compatriots falling like rain are just like the petals of the flowers rolled down.

Such a beautiful lotus, the vicissitudes of life are sad!

"Manhui Huashen Wu listened to the order, Huaxing God Emperor entered the sky, and personally supervised the battle, we embraced the God Emperor, and swore to defend our homeland to the death!"

The flower row so abruptly ascended to the sky, just for the sake of the dignity of the Huahua God Wu Zhou's destruction.

However, her subjects knew this well, but their fighting spirit was still unabated, and they were floating in the sky, swarming towards Huahang from all directions.

Not long after, with the flowers as the center, a huge vortex of Hua Hua Shen Wu Xing was formed.

Then the huge vortex roared up as a whole, and the flower row was located at the highest point in the center of the vortex.

"Ha ha……"

"It's such a pity that we wiped out such a beautiful flower god and witch Zhou like this!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the light and evil beings coming from Zhou, the wood god and witch, we would really have to destroy them. Why did they fight us for something?"

"It's a waste of time for us to attack them with the combined army of the three universes. It's better to send a few anti-Ming dead soldiers to come and forget it!"

"Hey! The Qinhua God Wu Huang Da Xiao Wang, that's not what he said. We did this mainly to frighten the light demon of the Wood Transforming God Wu Zhou. I hope he is smart enough to get out of here quickly.

Otherwise, it will be the time for him to perish together with the wood god Wu Zhou. "

"Come on, don't talk so far, we can't do anything, these witches and witches of Huihua God Wuzhou are really beautiful, it's a pity to kill them all like this! From now on, there will be fewer of us in the Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm So much fragrance and beauty!"

"Whoever says no, let's enjoy it for a while before killing them. Whoever makes them unlucky, it's not good to get close to us, we must get close to the woody god Wu Zhou!"


At this moment, the army of Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, and Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou, each with their own strengths, formed a triangle and kept approaching this huge vortex.

If they want to eliminate this huge vortex in an instant, it will only take a moment.

The formation of such a huge vortex is something that the three major coalition forces of gods and witches can only wish for. Just now, it took a lot of trouble to attack the scattered Huahua witches.

Now the other party's centralized death is exactly what they expected.

However, the sudden formation of a huge vortex in Hui Hua Shen Wu Zhou shocked them so much that they even relaxed their pace of attack, and they all looked at the huge vortex and talked about it for a while.

"Hmph! As one of the three gods and witches of Wuji Yinzhou against the Ming Immortal Realm, it is really shameless for the coalition forces to bully Zhou Wu, the Huihua god who has no competition with Zhou!"

Just when the three gods, the witches, and the three emperors were full of ambition, laughing and discussing wildly, they suddenly heard a sneer.

They patrolled and watched, and saw a white-haired man flying wildly above the huge vortex, with infinitely bright and pure white robes swaying, trampling on the majestic destiny of the vast mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

"He is the light demon, everyone immediately urged the army of witches to kill him!"

Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor, Bird Transformation God Witch Emperor and Scale Transformation God Witch Emperor were all baffled when they saw Liu Qianlang suddenly appear.

They didn't know how powerful Liu Qianlang was. He had just come to the world of Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm, and he knew the location of the existence of Huihua God Wuzhou.

What made them even more incomprehensible was that Liu Qianlang's towering body actually glowed with anti-magic abilities that only they possessed.

Moreover, looking at Liu Qianlang's majestic and domineering aura, his power is simply unfathomable, which made the three gods and witch emperors frightened.

In their astonishment, no matter which of the three of them immediately realized that if the non-coalition forces killed the other party at this moment, the other party would definitely be an annoying obstacle in their future.

Therefore, the three gods and witch emperors roared loudly almost at the same time.

Such a tacit thought, followed by a swift action.

But their actions were still too late, and when they exclaimed, Liu Qianlang's huge sleeve flicked over the vortex formed by the Huihua witch, and the huge vortex disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang said in a loud voice:

"You guys are so shameless that you don't have the strength to attack the Immortal Realm of Wuji Yang Cosmic Light that makes you sleepless and restless, but here you bully your fellow citizens!

Ben Langyuan Renzu rescued them today, and has sealed and protected Huihua God Wu Zhou, so they are Ben Langyuan Renzu's friends!

No matter who of you wants to do harm to them again, Ben Langyuan Renzu will definitely not forgive, if you want to survive, get out! "


Liu Qianlang shook his head coldly, and when he waved his sleeve again, three beams of light and white rainbows suddenly shot out from his huge ocean-like palm, and at the same time, it shattered the Zhouzhan God Formation behind the three-party army of gods and witches.

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