Nine Heavens

Chapter 2517 Looking for Lost Enemies


The Emperor Huaxing and Cang Po exclaimed at the same time. Then they unanimously released their spiritual consciousness to sweep out of the universe, and then they showed unbelievable expressions.

"Langyuan Renzu should be a powerful alien god. It is an incredible thing to change the position of the universe. However, Langyuan Renzu did it so easily. The wandering five universes around us disappeared. We are Is it near the Wooden God Wuzhou?"

According to what Liu Qianlang said, the Emperor Huaxing immediately sealed the Shenteng Xingming Chart, and then asked Liu Qianlang in surprise.

"Hehe, the ability of Ben Langyuan Renzu is due to the same god called Mingyin Hunyuan Mountain.

This fetish is divided into three magical time-spaces: tomorrow, dark sky and chaotic sky, which can accommodate any size of time and space in the universe, and can also hold infinitely vast spiritual soul space.

Later, with the deepening of cultivating immortals, it became the head and soul universe of the ancestors of the waves, so the ancestors of the waves had such a unique magical ability.

Now we are indeed next to the Wooden God Wuzhou, and Ben Langyuan Renzu has used the power of the soul to create a time circle, we can enter the Wooden God Wuzhou in seconds at any time.

Of course, the premise of going in and out is that the consent of the Emperor Huaxing and Cang Po must be obtained. For the peace of mind of Huihua Shen Wuzhou, at this time the light magic circle Ben Langyuan Renzu specially set up the divine enlightenment method.

There are two methods of this method, one is controlled by the Emperor Huaxing, and the other is controlled by Cang Po. The specific method of mobilization is sealed by Ren Zu himself, and the two will know it after a little sensing. "

Liu Qianlang smiled and explained briefly. At the same time, he raised his fist and transformed into a palm, and two divine blue butterflies flew out from his palms.

The blue butterfly flew away from Liu Qianlang's palm, split into two paths, and flew towards Huahang and Cang Po.

Two blue butterflies flew close to Emperor Huaxing and Cang Po, circled them a few times, landed lightly on their artifacts, and then turned into a butterfly-shaped imprint and did not move.


"Unexpectedly, Renzu Langyuan is also a god of beauty. The Emperor of the Flower Line has never thought about how to adorn my Lingxiang Treasure Fan. Today, Renzu Langyuan bestowed butterflies and flower branches, so cute, thank you! "

The Emperor Huaxing saw the blue butterfly gifted by Liu Qianlang, which was graceful and clever, full of spirituality, recognized the master and breathed lightly, very happy, and smiled happily.

"Hehe, you girl is satisfied, which makes the old woman feel very embarrassed. If such a spirit butterfly lands on our divine staff, I am afraid that she has been wronged."

Another blue butterfly landed on the head of Cang Po's cane. Seeing the beauty of the Huanxi butterfly, Cang Po was even more happy with Liu Qianlang's thoughtfulness, and couldn't help laughing.


"Cang Po is not old. Seeing how happy you are smiling, the butterfly adds to Cang Po's kindness!"

The Emperor Huaxing regarded Cang Po as a cute girl, and praised Cang Po in a hurry.

"Hehe... You're the one with the sweet mouth. Don't let it go, it's just a revelation."

The nature of Emperor Huaxing made Cang Po feel useful, and said with a smile.


"Now the Huihua God Wuzhou is safe and sound. The Emperor Huaxing and Cang Po, as well as the friends of the Manchu Dynasty Huahua God Wuzhou are safe and sound. For the time being, the ancestors of Langyuan will go back to the Muhua God Wuzhou. The follow-up , we can contact Zhen at any time."

Liu Qianlang felt that there was no need to stay in Huihuashen Wuzhou for the time being, so he got up to leave.

"Well, that's fine. I think that Langyuan Renzu is busy with affairs, and our sincere friends will come to Japan for a long time. After we are ready, we will go to the Wooden God Wuzhou and trouble Langyuanren Zuke.

However, during this period of time, I hope that the ancestors of Langyuan will express our sincere alliance intention to the blood halo wood god witch emperor and the three wood god witches. "

The Emperor Huaxing saw Liu Qianlang's intention to leave, so he didn't want to stay any longer, and said frankly.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Huaxing, don't worry, Cang Po, you are always happy, and the younger generation will go first."

Liu Qianlang smiled heartily, and then the divine light surged in place for a moment, and the person disappeared.

"Congratulations to the Ancestor of the Waves!"

Facing the rainbow of light and divine light, all the officials in the hall of the Emperor Huaxing and the God of Huihua Wuzhou admired and thanked him for a long time, and said goodbye with gratitude.


It turns out that the infinite yin and yang universe of the Huihua God and Wu Zhou turned against the direction of the fairyland, the animal-turned God and Witch Emperor with a green body and a golden-winged unicorn beast, the bird-like God and Witch Emperor Xuanmo Owl, and the scale-turned God and Witch Emperor with seven scales Zhou Yu each controls his own witch. When the army was rushing towards Liu Qianlang and the huge vortex of Huihua Shenwu, the target suddenly disappeared.

The three great gods and witch emperors all have woolen hair, staring and depressed.

"Hey, where did they go!?"

Xuan Mo Daxiao, the god of bird transformation, led the trillions of ducks in the sky to advance from the right side of the army of beasts led by the god of beast transformation, the witch emperor, the blue-body golden-winged unicorn emperor, and just spotted Liu Qianlang, who wanted to bite wildly with his big feet. I don't want people to disappear inexplicably.

Can't help quacking, flapping its big black wings and screaming.

"What are you calling, this light demon is really amazing! He can be bewitched by magic! Don't panic, everyone, he is just pretending to be a fool, he must be hiding nearby, let me find it!"

When did the Beast Transformation God, Witch Emperor, Jade Body, and Golden Winged Qilin Beast be so embarrassing? If this paw didn't slap the opponent, it disappeared.

Just go back like this, can you fall asleep? How can you review the God and Witch Company in front of the three gods and witches in the future! So although he couldn't see Liu Qianlang and the huge vortex of Huihua God Witch no matter how he looked around, he still shouted.

"Damn, find it for me, find it for me inch by inch!"

The scaled god witch emperor with seven scales came up later, and the seven-colored god scales on his back kept flickering, shouting at the scaled god witch fish behind Wuyang Wuyang.



So countless scaled witch fish behind them sprayed out huge fish bubbles one by one at the same time, bathing the scaled god witch emperor seven-scaled cosmic fish with saliva, and echoed in unison.

Next, these scaled witch fish really spit bubbles all over the world, layered up and down, and searched for them with the spirit of not letting go of a needle.

"Hmm! The Witch Emperor, the Scaled Transformation God, is really good at training the army, and the Witch Emperor, the Bird Transformation God, let's take action too!"

The Beast Transformation God, Witch Emperor, Jade Body, Golden Winged Qilin Beast was very satisfied with the performance of the Bird Transformation God, Witch Emperor, Seven Scales Cosmic Fish, with a solemn expression, and praised.

"Okay! Let's act. I don't believe that I, the bird-turning god, the witch emperor, Xuanmo, can't even find a bird from the Immortal Realm of the Promise Sun, Universe, and Light in our own home.

The birds of Qinhuashen Wuzhou look for me, whoever finds them first will be rewarded with an extra worm after returning! "


After hearing this, the Manzhou ducks of Qinhuashen Wuzhou cheered, tears filled their eyes, and started working in an instant.

Afterwards, the divine beasts of the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou were naturally unambiguous, and even roared and barked to work.

"Qiuhuashen Wuhuang, take out your Shenteng Form and Fate Map to feel the orientation of Huihuashen Wuzhou, why can't we suddenly not feel the orientation of Huihuashen Wuzhou?"

During Manzhou's search for Liu Qianlang, the beast-turned god witch emperor Zhou Huang with a green body and golden wings, a unicorn beast suddenly asked the bird-turned god witch emperor Xuanmo Daxiao.

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