Nine Heavens

Chapter 252 The Last Level

There are three people behind Liu Qianlang who haven't been tested, but because the Colorful Shenmu was smashed by Liu Qianlang and lost the assessment tools, Xiao Ran reluctantly announced that these three were lucky to pass the test. Hearing this news, the three of them were so grateful that they didn't know what to say, so they almost knelt down to Liu Qianlang.

There are a total of more than 1,000 disciples from the New Territory. After this round of assessment, 300 people passed the assessment, and the remaining 700 to 800 people were all sent out of Xianxue City by the immortal teacher that night, and bid farewell to those who became inner disciples of Xuanlingmen forever. dream. But what is gratifying is that all the twenty-seven disciples from the New Territories of the Qingliu Kingdom passed the test, earning enough face for the Qingliu Kingdom back then.

According to the high-level requirements, the disciples who passed the level each received three hundred spirit stones and a magic weapon as rewards, and they were all very happy. Then he happily returned to his residence, preparing for the second day's assessment.

Of the next five assessments, the second one was the smoothest, and all 300 people passed the test. However, in the third item of the assessment, the topic was temporarily changed, and the examinee was required to enter a strange mysterious realm to kill monsters and seize treasures, which took a little time.

However, most of the candidates still passed the test, and then the fourth, fifth, and sixth assessments were carried out. In these three rounds of assessment, Liu Qianlang became the focus of everyone's eyes. He was dubbed a romantic talent, praised by the elegant world, especially the song "Nine Heavens Fate" became famous and passed on as a miracle.

Time passed quickly, and it was half a month after the first six assessments were completed.

On this day, in Cubingtan of Forging Bing Island, 124 New Territories disciples, after unremitting efforts to pass the test, were calmly preparing to accept the final round of tests, and forged a first-grade flat sword in the allotted afternoon. stage instrument.

One hundred and twenty-four disciples who participated in the assessment formed a large circle on the bank of Qubingbing Lake. In front of each of them was a raging fire forging furnace, and there was a corresponding workbench next to it. There is a giant hammer and a piece of black iron.

Song Zhen deliberately chose the position next to Liu Qianlang, fearing that he would have an accident. The previous assessment can be said to be impeccable, but if the last item is messed up, then everything will be zero. Of course Song Zhen didn't want this to happen to his brother.

A hale and hearty old man dressed in brocade clothes and blue shirt on Cubing Island gave an order: "Start!" Immediately, the sound of blowing bellows resounded from the entire Cubing Lake. Then there was the sound of clanging and smashing iron.

"Why don't you start yet?" Song Zhen waved the big hammer vigorously while looking anxiously at Liu Qianlang who was beside him with a relaxed expression. The master next to him, in the blink of an eye, a huge piece of black iron, after a few hammers from others, it became smaller by a large circle, but this brother himself has never intended to move the hammer.

Liu Qianlang glanced at Song Zhen, said with a smile, "I use this." As he said that, he flipped his palm, and a string of bright purple flames burst out of his palm. Then Liu Qianlang pointed to the black iron on the workbench, and the black iron immediately turned red, as if it had been cut from the dark red sun.

Then two bright white lights suddenly shot out from his eyes, quickly covering Xuan Tie under the white light. Because it was too glaring, Song Zhen couldn't see the changes inside, but seeing that his buddy still had this skill, he naturally let go of his heart, smiled, and concentrated on his forging task.

One hundred and twenty-four examinees, one hundred and twenty-four forging furnaces, the blazing fire formed a huge fire dragon on the bank of Quen Bingtan, winding into an irregular circle. Inside the circle, the old man in the blue shirt who was rumored to be a high-grade middle-level military forger chatted with Xiaoran while waiting for the results of the candidates.

Suddenly, this high-grade mid-level military forger suddenly felt a candidate who was closest to Quen Bingtan, behind the red furnace fire, there was a purple light shining, injecting real fire! Huo Yunzi, a well-reputed soldier forging master in the Xuanling Sect, how could he fail to sense the existence of the Spirit Infusion True Fire.

Although the real fire of infusion is still very weak, but it is a miracle for a disciple who has not stepped into the inner sect.

Huo Yunzi hissed in surprise, and when he looked again, he couldn't see the exciting blue flame anymore. But looking through the glowing red fire, he saw a handsome youthful face. The rare fortitude and composure on that face made Huo Yunzi silently sigh.

He thought to himself, for so many years, Xuanling Sect has always had two major regrets, one is the lack of top-level forging masters, and the other is that there are no alchemists at all. These two regrets have deeply bound the powerful Xuanling Sect, and they often swallow their breath and be ridiculed and slaughtered by other sects on some special occasions. It seems that from now on, maybe there will be changes.

"What's that young man's name?" Huo Yunzi looked at Liu Qianlang seemingly unintentionally and asked Xiaoran.

"He, his name is Liu Qianlang! He is simply a freak!" Xiao Ran looked at Liu Qianlang and said angrily.

"Hehe, how could the majestic Elder Xiao get angry so easily? Could it be because Liu Qianlang offended you?" Huo Yunzi laughed.

"That's not true, Brother Huoyun, you didn't see it. When this kid was testing his spiritual power, he smashed my treasure, the Seven-colored Shenmu, with his palm. You know that it is a treasure handed down from my family." , It’s just gone, if I knew this, I really shouldn’t use it to test their spiritual power! Xiao Ran said distressedly.

Huo Yunzi took another careful look at the Confucian-looking Liu Qianlang, took a deep breath, and said to himself, no way, seeing his handsome and slightly thin body, he actually has such powerful spiritual power , is unbelievable. However, Xiao Ran, a generation of elders, naturally wouldn't lie, so he nodded and said: "Although you have lost a treasure, you have discovered an even more precious treasure!"

"You mean?" Xiao Ran asked.

"That's right, don't you want to make friends with such a rare talent? Believe me, this person's future will be unimaginable. If you have a friend like him, don't you get the most precious treasure?" Huo Yunzi said enviously.

"Hmm! That makes sense, but the elder brother has a far-sighted vision, and the younger brother admires it."

"However, I'm not talking about you for my brother. In the future, you should change your habit of liking Xianbai. Now that you are a generation of elders, you are still showing off in front of those new disciples, leaving the spiritual power stone unused, and even taking out a family heirloom Go to test! Hi! You!" Huo Yunzi sighed. This Huo Yunzi and Xiaoran are disciples who entered the inner sect in the same class and came from the same country, so they have always had a good relationship and talked about everything.

When the two were chatting happily, they gradually saw people running to the edge of the tempering pool one after another, and then heard the sound of sharpening weapons, and then ran back to continue tempering. Soon, some fast disciples had already extinguished the stove, and then stood excitedly behind the workbench, and the once huge piece of black iron on the workbench turned into exquisite magic weapons, exuding an incomparably seductive magic weapon. The color of black and blue.

About two hours later, the red stoves were all extinguished. At this time, everyone was shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking extremely solemn and solemn.

Xiaoran and Huo Yunzi inspected the magical instruments on the workbench one by one, picking them up from time to time to savor them carefully. What is gratifying is that out of the 124 disciples present, 81 have successfully passed the test. Such a good result has never been seen among previous disciples. The two couldn't help feeling excited. Not to mention these disciples who passed the test, the rewards for the two of them are naturally indispensable.

When the two passed by Liu Qianlang's workbench, they deliberately picked up the magic weapon made by Liu Qianlang. It was a very attractive dark blue pear blossom boomerang with a very good style and sharpness. The son didn't see the unique swirl patterns left on the pear blossom boomerang due to the tempering of the spirit injection real fire, which surprised him a lot. She looked at Liu Qianlang very puzzled.

The two carefully inspected the magic weapon and the corresponding disciples who passed the level, and then announced the result on the spot. Then, according to the high-level order, each of them got a brocade box and the magic weapon they made. And there is a strange requirement, the reward in the brocade box that I get, I must open it myself without anyone else.

Although I am looking forward to the rewards in the brocade box, for the last remaining eighty-one New Territory disciples, the biggest reward is that from now on, I am a true and respected inner disciple of Xuanling Sect . In the future, as long as you work hard, you can become an elite disciple, a direct disciple, a house disciple, the first disciple, an elder, a Dharma protector, a government assistant, or even a peak master. It's exciting to think about it.

In fact, they don't know that those who have the highest status in the Xuanling Sect are not these, but a small number of peakers and venerables. These people do not participate in any internal affairs of the sect, but they receive very generous resources, so they can just focus on cultivation, but When a major disaster occurs at the mountain gate, it should still contribute.

The eighty-one disciples, after more than nine months of hard work, finally received everything they deserved. All of them embraced and cheered with excitement. On the side, there was a hint of a smile, and Yun Huan seemed to have matured a lot, standing side by side with his sister, and never saw the mighty Ouyang Langlong in the distance from the beginning to the end.

During this journey, the happiest thing is the twenty-seven disciples of Qingliu Kingdom. They once again cleared all the customs, so that they are still talked about by the immortal masters of Xianxue City after a long time.

Huo Yunzi and Xiaoran were also immersed in this kind of joy and excitement, but when the last rays of the sun had not yet set, Xiaoran suddenly shouted loudly: "All New Territory disciples, listen to the order and set off!"

Then everyone felt a puff of smoke suddenly rising from under their feet, and when they looked again, they had already floated into the void and climbed rapidly towards a high place. At this time, the disciples from the New Territory discovered one after another that what everyone was stepping on was a giant red turtle.

I saw the giant tortoise with its snake-like head held high, its dark blue eyes gleaming, its four claws grasping slowly, struggling to soar to a higher place. It was Xiao Ran's deliberate choice to choose this time to set off. He hoped that these disciples from the New Territories would rise in the red sunset and usher in the bright red sunrise tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, the Ziyan Seven Islands above the Crystal Sea became smaller and smaller in sight, and the Xianxue City above it gradually disappeared into a cloud of mist. And as they soared, the clouds above their heads became thicker and thicker, and soon the crowd got into the layers of clouds.

After flying for about seven days and seven nights, Liu Qianlang slowly felt that his head touched the edge of a very powerful barrier, and after more than ten days, Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and others stopped above a distant sea.

At this time, Xiaoran, who had been standing in front of the giant tortoise, glanced at Huo Yunzi beside him and said, "Here we are!" Then he saw him swipe towards the clouds under his feet with one hand, and suddenly saw a cloud about one foot square in the center of the sea of ​​clouds. There is a gap in it, and there are scenes of green mountains and clear waters everywhere.

Xiao Ran looked back and raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have finally stepped into the gate of Xuanlingmen!" Then the giant tortoise swooped down with everyone on its back. It was found that the gap that was getting higher and higher from the top of the head was slowly and automatically closed.

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