Nine Heavens

Chapter 2522 Sun and Moon Rise to the Universe

"Ah! So what, hehe..."

"You should have heard of the revered Blood Halo Wood Transformation God Witch Emperor and the three great gods and their strange personalities.

I'm funny, I'm witty, I'm funny, I'm funny, I'm kind, I'm beautiful, I'm likable...

Just now, Qiqi was just joking with you, don't take it to heart!

In fact, Qiqi hurried back because he heard that Lang'er's father was back, and you will definitely discuss the establishment of the Sun Moon Wood God Wu Zhou.

So Qiqicaocao came back after attending a party, because seeing you guys happy made me happy, so I kept quiet for a while, I didn't expect you to laugh so much, you didn't even laugh, hehe..."

Qiqi's face and words changed, there was no reason at all, after saying these ridiculous words, it was amused by itself.

"Hehe, that's what happened. Thank you Qiqi for your generosity, and thank you for your wholehearted devotion to the Muhua God Wuzhou. Not much else to say, drink with respect, come!"

The blood-smeared wood god Wuhuang watched everyone holding up the wine cloud for a long time, and the bright red eyes flashed, and a holy white god of wine flew out of the eyes, and suddenly floated towards Qiqi, which was naturally full of wine, laughing road.

At this time, the gods just drank the first wine, and then looked at each other and laughed

Afterwards, they drank and discussed the matter of the sun and the moon rising to the universe the next day. Naturally, there will be a lot of wonderful fun.

On the so-called next day of Wu Zhou, the wood god, Wu Huang, the wood god, set the first morning for the first time.

On this first morning, all the wooded gods and witches, Zhou Shenwu, floated into the sky at a height of billions of trillions of miles. After that, the sky fluttered, but it was orderly.

They all looked ecstatic, with joy in their eyes. Quietly watching Liu Qianlang, the patriarch of Langyuan, Jin Shenlong, the ancestor god of Kaiyang, Liehuo, the god of Mengyue, and Qiqi, who are on the Sun and Moon Resting Peak.

"Please wait and see the trillions of wood gods and witches in the wood god Wu Zhou. Our great sun, moon, wood god Wu Zhou will rise to the sky at the same time as the sun and moon soon, opening the first stage of our bright world. God.

From then on, what you have is not only the tranquility of the night, but also the infinite light of the day. Let your already beautiful side become more glamorous! All respected friends of the Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Domain Muhua God Wuzhou, do you agree? "

Liu Qianlang transformed the bright red Shenyang given to the left guard of Shenlong and the blue Shenyue given to the right guard of Shenfeng into huge sun and moon, and placed each of them on a Zhoufeng. Qi stood on top of another Zhou peak, and shouted loudly to Zhou Zhoumin, the wooded god and witch, who were distributed around the three peaks.

"Ha ha……"



The Bloody Wood God Witch King and the three Wood God Witches took the lead in shouting violently, and their voices resounded throughout the universe.

"The progenitor of the waves, the wooded god, the shaman, and all the subjects of the universe are here, Shenyang Liaoyao rises to the sun peak, Shenyue shines brightly to rise to the moon cliff, the ancestor of Yang Kaiyang, and the god of Kaiyuemeng can take their place, I am waiting for you , can begin!"

The blood-smeared wood god, the Witch Emperor, has a fluttering red beard, is tall and tall, looking at the dark sky in the distance, and said impatiently.

"Well! The auspicious time will come soon, but in order for us to always remember the great moment when our Wooden God Wu Zhou moved from the dark fairyland to the bright fairyland.

I would like to trouble all the gods and friends to temporarily seal the light divine power in the body, including Ben Langyuan Renzu, so how about letting us witness the arrival of the light fairyland world in the dark? "

Liu Qianlang nodded heavily, and then said in a loud voice through the sound transmission of his soul thoughts.

"Okay! The wooded god witch Zhou Zhaoyi's subjects listen to the decree, and immediately listen to the command of Lang Yuanren's ancestors, collect the divine power of light, keep silent in the dark, and look up at the new era of our wooded god witch Zhou Guangming's fairyland world!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Zhou Zhou, the blood-dizzy wood god witch, immediately transmitted his thoughts to all the subjects of the universe.

Man Zhou's convenient people immediately obeyed Zhou Hu's orders, and immediately the positions of all the wooden witches, the original gray color suddenly became pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

Liu Qianlang and Qiqi, who were high above Langyuan Peak, also suddenly absorbed the divine power of light, and they disappeared without a trace.

Then the entire Muhuashen Wuzhou fell into boundless darkness, and he couldn't see his fingers.

However, in the darkness, Kaiyang ancestor Shenlong and Kaiyue Mengshen Shenfeng did not darken their bodies.

On the contrary, because the surrounding environment became pitch black, they looked even more brilliant and magical.

They suddenly recovered the body of the dragon and the body of the phoenix, both of which became huge and covered the sky.

The dragon flashes a golden rainbow, roars and howls;

At the same time, the dragon and the phoenix circled up from the Langyuan Peak, circled the invisible Liu Qianlang for a long time, and then the dragon and the phoenix made auspicious appearances and moved forward in parallel.

Of course, the huge red sun on the Risheng Peak in the Eastern Zhouya and the blue Shenyue on the Moon-rising Cliff in the Western Zhouya are actually silent. But looking at them in the pitch-black Wooden God Wu Zhou, and the flying dragon and phoenix, it seems that they are also moving.

Because of the distance, it looks like the sun and the moon are flying, and they are chasing.

The whole process was incomparably miraculous and mysterious. All the wooded witches and witches of Zhou were watching quietly in the pitch black darkness. They could not see their shadows, but they could hear their excited heartbeats. Voice.

Liu Qianlang and Qiqi also stared at the magic of the dragon chasing the sun and the phoenix chasing the moon in the dark time and space.

This journey of chasing light in the dark is just like Liu Qianlang's road to immortality. The future is bright, but the process is suffering.

Liu Qianlang quietly observed the beauty of the dragon and the phoenix chasing the sun and the moon until they reached their respective goals.

The golden light of the dragon flashes and the red sun flashes, and the phoenix and blazing fire entrust the blue moon.

"The auspicious time has come! The first ancestor of Kaiyang Pan Risheng, the cute god of Kaiyue drags the moon, and the sun and the moon ascend to the universe!"

At this time, Liu Qianlang was on the Langyuan Peak, screaming in surprise.

"The ancestor of Kaiyang took the order!"

"Kaiyue Mengshen complies with the order!"


Will! Will!

The Shenlong let out a deep roar, and the Shenfeng sang crisply. They respectively protected the Shenyang and Shenyue, and at the same time they soared towards the sky of the wooded god and witch.

As they flew away from Rising Sun Peak and Rising Moon Cliff, the Wooden God and Witch Universe, which had been blacked out before, kept becoming brighter, clearer, more expansive and magical.

"The sun and the moon fly into the sky, and the bright universe is born!

From then on, the gods and witches will be able to distinguish day and night! "

Under the light of the rising sun and moon, Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered, her white robe was vast, her eyes were shining, she looked up at the sun in the east and the moon in the west, solemnly announcing that the wooded god Wu Zhou had entered the realm of light. new era.

"Glory to the ancestors of Langyuan for bestowing good luck!"

"Glory to the ancestor of Kaiyang to send the light!"

"Glory to Kaiyue Meng God for bestowing peace!"

Liu Qianlang presided over the ceremony of ascending the sun and the moon to the universe, and the ceremony was successfully completed. At this time, the blood halo wood god witch emperor began to lead trillions of wood gods and witches. Hu, worship the god of the moon and the god Feng Youhu.

Its voice of praise is endless.


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