Nine Heavens

Chapter 2528 Four Dynasty Kings

However, Liu Qianlang had a faint feeling in his heart that there must be some places in the three Shenteng shape and life diagrams that he did not see through, and these places must also be related to the appearance of the entire Wuji Yinzhou.

Where are these places?

Liu Qianlang repeatedly looked at the three life charts of the gods, and looked at the three life charts one by one with concentration.

Each Shenteng Form and Life Map has the information of the complete universe map, as well as the cosmic paths between different gods and witches.

However, what does this have to do with the entire infinite universe?

Liu Qianlang thought deeply along this line of thought. Because of his concentration, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but grab the three divine balls floating in his palm together.

Suddenly, the combined light of the three balls came into Liu Qianlang's eyes, and Liu Qianlang's heart suddenly lit up, and he was ecstatic in his heart. He refocused his energy and looked at the three divine balls lined up.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing for a while, and then he kept spinning the three god-shaped life charts, concentrating on the commutation path of the three god-shaped life charts connected to each other.

Following the observation, Liu Qianlang finally knew how to obtain the appearance of the entire Wuji Yin universe.


"Ben Langyuan Renzu went to Guangming Muhui God Wu Zhou beforehand. The gods don't need to worry about it, and they don't need to say goodbye. Everyone just settles down."

After Liu Qianlang bid farewell to Hui Hua Shen Wu Zhou, his white hair was flying, and his white god robe Li Lie's body was already flying in the sky of infinite Yin Zhou outside Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou with the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world .

The goals of Liu Qianlang's trip are Beast Transformation God and Sorcerer Zhou and Scale Transformation God and Sorcerer Zhou respectively.

Today's Liu Qianlang, stepping on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, urges the magic skill of Shun Dun, and has three divine spheres in the shape of life map to guide him. It is not difficult to think of any of the two universes.

Liu Qianlang flew freely on the Great Realm of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers, and it didn't take much time before he shot into the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, and went straight into the Great Palace of Beast Transformation Divine Art with a green body and golden wings.

At this moment, above the main hall of the Beast Transformation God Witch Palace, a meeting is being held to search for the lost Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou and Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou, who have hunted and killed the prodigal ancestor Liu Qianlang.

The beast-turned-god, witch-king, green-body, gold-winged unicorn naturally sits high on the throne of the god-emperor, and there are two love beasts turning into gods and witches sitting on the left and right sides of the hall below.

The two on the right are a lion and a tiger, and the two on the left are a wolf and a leopard.

They are all the Beast Kings, His Royal Highness of Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, one is more cruel than the other, more vicious than the other, more cunning than the other, and more selfish than the other.

"Kirin Emperor! Why should we bother to find the Wooden God Wu Zhou, the Flower God Wu Zhou, and the white-haired Langyuan Renzu! We force the Qinhua God Wu Zhou to work for us, and it's over!"

On the upper right side of His Highness, the Red Lion King gave a strange roar and roared.

"Hmph! To put it bluntly, now that the alliance of the three gods and witches has been disbanded, why should they obey us?"

The White Tiger King also let out a roar, then stared sideways at the Red Lion King and shouted.

"Of course it depends on the strength of our Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou. Strength is an order! If they don't listen to us, they will do it!"

The Red Lion King flicked the golden hair on his head, and said disdainfully.

"By strength? Haha..."

"The Red Lion King is so narcissistic, do you think that the Qinhua God Wu Zhou is weaker than us?

You should not have forgotten who came up with the idea of ​​disbanding the alliance of the three gods, witches and Zhou armies! It's Zhou Yu, the bird-turned-god-shaman!

What does this explain? It shows that their strength is already unpredictable, so they don't care about the protection of the alliance army at all!

Do you think that today's Qinhua God Wu Zhou is still the former Qinhua God Wu Zhou? Don't just attack people if you open your mouth and shut your mouth. If you really want to force people, you don't know who will suffer! "

The White Tiger King was not polite, and he hated the Red Lion King to death.

"Bah! White Tiger King, what do you mean, every time the Red Lion King speaks, you object!

Are you the god witch of Zhou, the beast god witch? Why do you always turn your elbows outward! "

The Red Lion King was furious, he flicked the huge lion's head, opened his mouth and poohed the white tiger's face.


The White Tiger King was not easy to bully, he immediately returned his saliva, raised his front legs, and slapped the red lion twice. Then roared:

"Precisely because the White Tiger King is the second king of His Royal Highness the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, he can comment on the current situation objectively, unlike some self-righteous long-haired one-liners."

Bang! Bang! The Red Lion King was also furious, and jumped up and kicked the White Tiger King's ass!

Then, the Red Lion King and the White Tiger King actually fought in court. The red lion fan lost the white tiger king's teeth, and the white tiger king tore off the hair on the red lion king's head.


"Look at what you look like, you don't go to the palace once in 80,000 years, you quarrel and fight when you go to the palace, and you don't pay attention to the golden-winged unicorn emperor, the three kings, the blue wolf, and the dead leopard at all.

Since you guys like bickering and fighting so much, then go out and come back when you finish fighting! "

The bi-body golden-winged unicorn was really disappointed with the performance of the red lion king and white tiger king in the hall, and also roared.

"Okay! Let's go, I am the king of the jungle, who is afraid of you, a prairie cat!"

"Cut, let's go, this Red Lion King is the tyrant of the grassland, who is afraid of you as a forest mouse!"


The original intention of the Bi-body and Golden-winged Qilin Emperor was to restrain the Red Lion King and the White Tiger King, and let them calm down, so that the four kings could discuss together. Who would have thought that the Red Lion King and the White Tiger King were too involved in the drama, they responded in unison, pulled each other's ears, and rushed out of the palace of the Beast Transformation God and Witch.

They could be heard scolding each other as they left the palace from far away in the Beast Transformation God Witch Palace.

The golden-winged unicorn emperor in the palace sighed and shook his head, knowing that these two beasts had failed in court again this time, so he ignored them and continued to discuss court affairs with Qinglang and Huabao.


"Let's go! Go to my Red Lion Mansion for a drink, let them toss about it, and whoever you love will go out to find the Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou, the Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou and the Langyuan Renzu.

Anyway, the Red Lion King doesn't have such leisure time. The income from the Red Lion King's daily work can buy a place in the woodland of the woodland god Wu Xiaozhou. "

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! Let those fools love the universe and the universe. Benbai Tiger King believes that as a witch, the most important thing is to satisfy one's own happiness!

The White Tiger King hadn't been to the Red Lion Mansion for a long time. I wonder if it's okay to call all the family? "

After leaving the Beast Transformation God and Witch Palace, the Red Lion King and White Tiger King went from fighting and swearing to laughing, then walked away with their arms around each other's waists.

"The Qilin Emperor, what is the meaning of such a dynasty to me, the beast god Wu Zhou, it is better to win the championship and demote him to the common people.

How majestic is the hall of my Beast Transformation God and Witch Palace, and how majestic the Qilin Emperor is, how can I tolerate them making mistakes! "

Qinglang glanced sideways at the Red Lion King and White Tiger King coming out of the palace, knowing their bitter tricks, but they didn't want to get involved in finding the Muhua God Wu Zhou, Huihua God Wu and Langyuan Renzu, and deliberately deceived the Qilin Emperor.

But it didn't tell the truth, and took the opportunity to make trouble.

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