Nine Heavens

Chapter 2545 Dark Boundary

"Fourth brother, it is a good thing and a bad thing for these Wuji Yuanming to appear in the sky above us.

On the one hand, it shows that the light divine energy of our infinite sun universe has become stronger and stronger, and their dark evil energy foundation has been shaken.

On the other hand, they have begun to pay attention to us, and even deliberately spy on us, preparing to kill us.

If Ben Langyuan Xianmen's guess is correct, they will definitely continue to bewitch the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, the Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou, and the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou.

Then we will really be in danger next time, we don't want to kill the evil, but the Youwei Wuguan Yuanming in the Wuji Yuanming world don't think so.

Therefore, we have to do two major things in the next step. One is to do a good job in the safety of the universe seal for us and Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou.

Second, we must try our best to persuade the three great gods and witches to let them realize that the real enemy of the Wuji Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm is the Wuji Yuanjie, not our Wuji Yang Universe Bright World. "

Liu Qianlang looked at his beloved daughter Xiao Lian'er with great satisfaction for a while, then raised his head and said solemnly.

"Unexpectedly, they couldn't hold back anymore. This is good, so that we don't have to look for the real source of evil in the world of Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm!

According to Qianlang's speculation, it means that they will soon confuse the three great gods and witches to attack us, but is that so? "

Strange Fragrance Zhoujun Liujuan was surrounded by green rainbows, bright divine stones were shining, and she looked like a shining star, concentrating on the middle way.

"Yes, the scaled god, the witch emperor, the seven-scaled cosmic fish and the bird, the witch emperor, Xuanmo Daxiao, may not, but the animalized god, the witch emperor, the blue-body golden-winged unicorn emperor will definitely.

Moreover, Zhou, the beast god, would be happy to cooperate with Wuji Yuanmingjie.

The reason is very simple, because the beast-turned god, the witch emperor, the green body and golden-winged unicorn emperor is full of resentment.

He not only hates our Promise Sun Universe Bright Immortal Realm World, but at the same time he is dissatisfied with the Scale God Wu Zhou, Bird God Wu Zhou, Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou and Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou.

If he wants to maintain his dominance in the Immortal Realm of the Infinity Netherworld and Anti-Ming Immortals, the Infinity Yuanjie is the powerful backing it has to accept! "

Because Liu Qianlang had just "visited" the three major gods and witches recently, he thought for a moment and analyzed rationally.

"With regard to the issue of the protection seals of our Infinity Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Map God Zhou and Mu Hui God Wu Zhou, there is no need to worry about the third brother. Brother Yuan Fang, Brother Xun An, and Lang Long Yanghuang have already made arrangements.

However, our own defense problem is easy to solve, but we don't know what to do if we want to master more information about Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou and Wuji Yuanjie? "

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows for a moment, and then said.

"Well, brother Zhen is very good at divination, isn't it enough to do the math?"

Yue Hou Yue Meng Cheng Shifeng said with some disapproval.

"Hehe, after a month, things are not as simple as you said. If Brother Zhen can easily calculate it, then the Wuji Yuanjie will not be so mysterious.

However, Brother Zhen, with your supernatural power, although it is not easy to completely grasp the location of the Wuji Yuanjie, wouldn't it be impossible to follow their divine aura? Isn't there also the help of the Qizheng Zhanwang? "

Yangshen Yanghuang Ouyang Langlong smiled.

"To be honest with Empress Yang, the evil energy contained in the Wuji Yuanming stone is really weird. The light soul breath I released can't track it at all.

If this is the case with me, the same is true of the Qizheng Zhanwang. I think those places where Wuji Yuanming stays must be full of anti-ming evil energy. Otherwise, it would be impossible to completely swallow up my divine aura of tracking them, without a trace of reflection. "

Song Zhen smiled wryly.

"This is exactly the legend of the infinite dark energy in the legend. In the Immortal Realm of the Immortal Universe, it is rumored that the divine energy of the infinite yang universe and the divine energy of the infinite yin universe have been circulated in ancient times. It is not groundless that they meet and destroy each other. wind.

In the book of Muhuashen and Huihuashen recently browsed by Renzu Langyuan, it is mentioned that after the immortals of the ancient Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm and the fairy gods of the Wuji Yang Universe Guangming Immortal Realm met, their soul energy would cancel each other out. And the matter of both falling.

Anti-Ming Divine Energy is different from Guangming Divine Energy. In the world of Guangming Divine Energy, there are immortals and gods shuttling back and forth all the time. Therefore, in the time and space of the Bright World, everything is alive and flourishing.

Therefore, the gods in the time and space of the infinite sun universe light fairyland world are flexible and flexible, and can be light or sparse.

But in the time and space of the infinite Yin universe anti-brightness, especially in the depths of the extreme center area of ​​the infinite Yin universe anti-brightness fairyland where the beast-like god Wuzhou is located, there must be an entrance to the infinite yuan world in a certain area.

As a result, the Beast God Wu Zhou is the most evil among the five great God Wu Zhou, and is also the most thorough opponent of the Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal Realm World.

Without exception, all the gods and gods of the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou were all trapped in the depths of the Anti-Ming Immortal Realm. It is said that the evil energy called Absolute Darkness has invaded their souls for a long time, thus forming a self-improving monster body.

They themselves suffered a lot of pain, but they didn't know it, so they blamed the pain that Wuji Yuanming brought to you on the fairy gods and universes in the world of Guangming Immortal Realm.

This method of imputation has existed since ancient times, and it is even worse today. "

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and reasoned.

"It makes sense, so we may still have a chance to persuade the three great gods and witch emperors.

However, now we need to find a way to let the beast-like witches know the real source of the evil poison in the Immortal Realm of Promise Yin Zhou Anti-Ming. "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang calmly analyzed for a while, then said decisively.

"That's true, but we are newcomers to Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou, and it is impossible to go too fast.

We need to gradually get closer to the Beast Transformation God and Wu Zhou, explore the reality, and then slowly grasp the characteristics of the Wuji Yin Universe and the Anti-Ming Immortal Realm Beast Transformation God and Wu Zhou. "

Liu Juan answered.

"Well, what everyone said makes sense. However, whether the real source of evil in the Promise Yin Universe lies in the depths of the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, we are still just speculating.

So while we are defending the whole universe, we still don't forget to capture any weird breath around the picture of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers in the Infinite Yin and Yang Great Realm.

Until we finally fully determine the true source of evil in the infinite Yin universe.

As for the task of going to persuade the three great gods and witch emperors, it is best for Ben Langyuan Renzu to go.

One is that Ben Langyuan Xianmen has met them all, and I have a little understanding of the temperament, strengths and weaknesses of the three great gods and witch emperors, so I went to persuade them.

The second is that Ben Langyuan Renzu's magical skills have reached the Wuji Yin and Yang Mirror, no matter whether he enters or exits the Wuji Yang Universe Bright Immortal World or the Wuji Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal World, it will not cause any harm to Ben Lang Yuan Ren Zu. "

Liu Qianlang thought for a moment and suggested to himself.

"Well, Daddy, you're going to the Three Gods and Witches, how about taking little Lian'er with you. Little Lian'er won't cause trouble for you."

Little Lian'er felt the meaning in Liu Qianlang's words, looked up at Liu Qianlang, and begged.

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