Nine Heavens

Chapter 2555

Qinhuashen Wuzhou, Dead Bird Abyss, also known as Law Enforcement Abyss, Wuya God Abyss, Soul Refining Pool.

"Hey! Mother Eagle King, it turns out that you are also the bird-turned-sorcerer of this bird-turned-sorcerer Zhou! It's really unexpected that we are a family, and you are our uncle!"

"The Wuji Yinyang Universe is really amazing, Mother Eagle King, then why didn't you become the Qinhua God Wuhuang back then, and go to the Wuji Yangzhou Bright World?"


Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei suddenly saw Qi Qi suddenly appearing in Qinhua God Wu Zhou after a long absence, and they were very happy. After a burst of joy, they calmed down one after another, asking this and that.

Qiqi heard the words, his expression was very sad, and after a long silence, he still truthfully told the reason why he left Qinhuashen Wuzhou in the first place.


Listening to Qiqi's narration and seeing Qiqi's painful expression, the three eagle princes couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't believe what Qiqi said could be true!

The three eagle princes looked at each other for a long time, Da Wu asked tentatively:

"Uncle Xuanmo Daxiao treats you and the dazzling empress like that, do you hate him?"

"Hate! Don't hate!"

Hearing these words, Qiqi recalled the scene of love queen's tragic death in the ancient wood god capital of Wuji Yangzhou Chaos Universe in his mind, and he couldn't help crying with regret, and sighed.

"Hate? Don't hate?"

The three eagle princes looked confused for a while, not knowing how to understand Qiqi's words.

Qiqi naturally knew what they meant, and after stabilizing his emotions, he explained:

"Your Great Empress was forced to death by the Infinity Yin Universe Anti-Ming Dragon sent by him, why don't I feel sorry for your Great Empress, how can I not hate him!

However, everything is not that simple, and he cannot be blamed for what happened back then. In terms of responsibility, I am also at fault.

Today, your uncle Xuanmo is still the same as I was back then, still obeying the precepts of the ancestors, and hating the Immortal World of Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming.

Back then, when I passed on the position of Qinhua God and Witch Emperor to him, I resolutely wanted to go undercover in the Immortal Realm of the Immortal Universe of the Immortal Sun with your empress, just as his purpose was to completely destroy the Immortal World of the Immortal Sun Universe.

However, due to my ignorance and ignorance, I did not judge the true source of evil in the Wuji Yinyang Universe, and blamed all the crimes in the Wuji Yinyang Universe's anti-bright fairyland world on the Wuji Yang Universe Bright World.

As a result, not only did your Great Empress lose her life, but it also plunged our world into deeper mistakes.

Until now, in our Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm, except for the Wooden God Wu Zhou and the Flower Hua Shen Wu Zhou, all the witches and god witches are still the enemy of the Wuji Yang Universe Bright Immortal Realm world!

Falling into such a mistake is largely my responsibility, so the loss of your Great Empress is also my fault. I can't blame all of you Xuanmo Daxiao Huangshu.

When I left, I still led him to pay respects to the ancestors of the witches and gods in the previous life, and told him to remember the teachings of the gods and witches in every possible way. ..."

Qiqi, that is, the red-eyed owl weeps and chokes, full of nostalgia for the sorrow of the red-eyed love queen, and infinitely hates the wrong strategy of leading the universe.

"It turns out that's how it happened! However, even if Uncle Xuanmo sacrificed the life of the Empress for the sake of our bird-turning god-shaman Zhou Yaotian Shen Zhou Yongyong, this is too..."

The three eagle princes saw the red-eyed owl weeping sadly, they couldn't help but also looked sad, with a bitterness in their throats, Dawu sighed.

"Alas! At that time, in order to destroy the Immortal Realm of Promise Yang Universe, the gods and witches who were sacrificed, and even willing to sacrifice for it, could be said to have followed suit.

If you want to compare them, your Great Empress just doesn't know it. If she knew the truth, she would certainly be willing.

Back when we abandoned our positions and planned to enter the Immortal Realm of the Promise Sun Universe, we had already prepared ourselves to be ready to sacrifice at any time if we failed undercover. "

The red-eyed owl, Yin Hong, with red eyes and tears falling behind, his emotions gradually calmed down, his eyes were long looking at the bird-like gods and witches all over the world, and he recalled in his mind the self who was so steadfast and insisted on his mistakes, as if he was by his side after love, and his heart was even stronger It is pain.

"Uncle Scarlet-Eyed Owl, it seems that we are very complicated now! Uncle Xuanmo Owl and Daddy Green-eyed Owl insist on continuing to be enemies of Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming Immortal Realm, and how can we manage?"

The three eagle princes thought about the strange words of the red-eyed owl, and the shrewd Xiao Hei glanced at Da Wu and Er Ya, and then asked the red-eyed owl.

"What do you mean, and what do Bai Xiao and Huang Xiao think?"

The red-eyed owl didn't answer Xiao Hei's question directly, but asked back.

"Uncle Scarlet Eyed Owl, in fact, before you came back, the two younger brothers came to visit us many times.

Because they are princes, they naturally dare not directly oppose Xuan Mo's lord uncle's position. However, from their words, we can clearly feel that they agree with the idea of ​​​​creating the bright fairyland world of the ancestors of Langyuan.

They also hope that the current dim and obscure world of Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm can become as beautiful as Muhui Shenwuzhou. However, they have not made a clear statement.

As for us, we have been following Uncle Scarlet Eyed Owl for a long time, and have been deeply taught by you. We are no longer bathed in the beauty of the infinite sun, the universe, and the fairyland world. , I hope that the ancestors of Langyuan will become our ancestors of light!

I think that the emperor must have the same idea. The reason why we are concentrating on soul refining in this soul refining pool is not to deepen the ancient resentment of our bird-like witches. Zu suddenly brought infinite light to us.

Uncle Xuanmo, the great lord, has never experienced the beauty of the Immortal Realm of Promise, Sunshine, Universe, and Light, so he can be forgiven for insisting on ancient teachings.

We believe that as long as he has the opportunity to hear the beauty like Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou, and after confirming that Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming is not a threat from our bird-like god Wu Zhou Yao Tian Shenzhou, he will also like Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming!

However, in the heart of our green-eyed owl daddy, we always seem to be unable to figure it out.

He wants to bring us to this abyss of law enforcement very severely. After a period of enlightenment with hatred for the Immortal Realm of Promise Sunshine Universe, he never came again, and he did not seal to restrict our freedom! "

The three eagle princes did not hide their true thoughts at all. After looking at each other, Xiao Hei confessed frankly.

"Don't think about your father, I am very happy to hear that you can tell right from wrong!

As long as we first recognize the beauty of the world of Wuji Yang Guangming Immortal Domain, then we will have the opportunity to persuade and guide them to appreciate the beauty of the world of Wuji Yang Guangming Immortal Domain.

Don't worry, everyone, the bright world and the dark world are absolutely unprecedented feats. As long as we have a clear goal, no matter how difficult the process is, we will always have a chance.

You have done a good job, you continue to practice here, we will work hard slowly, and believe that the bright future we desire will come sooner or later! "

The scarlet-eyed owl's expression became more and more calm, his eyes were far away, firm and sacred!

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