Nine Heavens

Chapter 2557 An Zhou Conference

"Emperor's Sister-in-Law couldn't let you go after all. After she gave you one eye to make your Yin God Eye, her other God Eye still protected you and went away. It is a pity to return!"

The Xuanmu Daxiao blindfolded and looked at the place where the venerable Huang's wife was scattered, and choked up.

"It's ridiculous that I, as the emperor with the red eyes in charge of the universe, can't discern the source of good and evil, not only harming your sister-in-law, but also leading you on the wrong path of hatred.

How ridiculous it is to undercover the bright world of the infinite yang universe for the eternity of the immortal domain of the infinite yin universe.

We wrongly hated the infinite years of the infinite sun, the universe, the bright fairyland, and the result was such pain for us!

How on earth did our ancestors conclude that the Immortal Realm of the Bright Universe of the Promise Yang Universe is the source of evil in our Immortal Realm World of the Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Universe? ? "

The red-eyed owl looked at the even more majestic mausoleum, thinking back to the time when his father and mother returned from the An Zhou Evil Detective Conference held by the Scaled God Wu Zhou, both souls collapsed soon after, and he told himself in pain We must do our best to eliminate the scene of the Immortal Realm of the Promise Sun Universe...

The faces of the once respectable father, queen and mother clearly emerged in his mind, especially the painful look before their parting, which made the red-eyed owl unforgettable forever!

In the memory, Chimu Daxiao asked again the same question he asked Xuanmu Daxiao back then.

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang was speechless for a long time, and then said:

"It seems that we were really wrong, and our father, queen, and queen were also wrong! What did the elder gods and witches say at the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference held by the scaled god and witch Zhou, and why did they die one after another after returning to Zhou?" collapsed?"

"There must be something in it that we cannot know or understand. If our father, queen and queen are wrong, then Zhou, the beast-turned god, Zhou, the scale-turned god, Zhou, the wood-turned god, Zhou, the flower-turned god, There is also the very powerful Rattan God Wu Zhou and so on.

Don't they all think in unison that the source of the horror and evil thoughts in our infinite Yin universe anti-bright fairyland world is the light from the infinite Yang universe? "

The red-eyed owl turned from grief to deep thinking, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't explain the mystery in his heart clearly.

"If it is true as we hated back then, the Immortal Realm of the Bright Universe of the Promise Yang Universe is the source of evil in our Immortal Realm of the Anti-Ming Universe of the Promise Yin Universe, on the contrary, everything is reasonable.

But in fact, even if Brother Huang didn't say anything, the third brother has experienced countless years of observation, analysis and experience, and the third brother also felt that we were wrong back then.

The reason why the third brother had a paradox with the emperor's brother before was that he couldn't let go of the pain of losing his relatives.

However, at this very moment, the third brother is the Emperor of the Universe, so how can he lead the Immortals and Gods of the Universe to make mistakes again and again! "

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang knelt down, looked at the mausoleum of his father, queen, mother, and emperor's wife, and spoke out what had been in his heart for countless epochs.

"Xuanmu you!"

The red-eyed owl didn't expect the mysterious-eyed owl to say this, his heart surged violently in an instant, and after calling out deeply, his whole body trembled because of the excitement.

He originally wanted to say that he really did not misjudge the third brother back then, that he really lived up to everyone's expectations, and would become the most wise and powerful owl in Qinhua Shenzhou.

But when the words came to his lips, the lips of the Scarlet Eyed Owl Emperor trembled for a while, but he didn't say it out of excitement and excitement.

"Brother Huang, what the third younger brother said back then, no matter how difficult it was for the emperor to turn into the god Wu Zhou after he left, the third brother will definitely let the returning emperor see the ever-growing Qinhua god Wu Zhou.

Moreover, the third brother also said that he must lead the immortal gods of the whole universe on the supreme and correct path of immortal gods!

The former third brother never spoke nonsense, and the latter third brother didn't want to talk empty words either. When the emperor's brother returned, the third brother had actually seen in his heart that the light was the hope for the future of the Qinhua God Wu Zhou.

It's just that the position cannot be firm for a while, because the entire Wuji Yin Universe anti-Ming Immortal World, especially our three great gods and witches, the overall ideological tendency is still hostile to the Wuji Yang Universe Bright Immortal World.

Now that the emperor is back, what you said before, coupled with my recent observations of the three eagle king nephews, and the changes in Huanghua and Baihua's journey of light, have completely strengthened my determination to walk the path of light. "

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang knew what the emperor's brother Chimu Daxiao was excited about. He got up and held his hands, and confided his true feelings in front of the mausoleum of his father, mother, and sister-in-law.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The red-eyed owl's eyes filled with tears, he held the hand of the Xuan-eyed owl emperor vigorously, and sighed repeatedly.

"Father, mother, Chimu, have you heard that our bird-like god Wu Zhou has finally found the real future direction.

Don't worry, we will definitely find out the reason for our wrongful hatred back then, and we will definitely find out who is the real source of evil in the Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Domain, and then we will tell you.

You must bless me and Xuanmo Daxiaohuang, as well as the green-eyed Daxiao and our three brothers, as well as the princes and nephews, to find the source of the evil as soon as possible, so that the scaled god and witch Zhou will be eternally safe, majestic and brilliant! "

After the red-eyed owl repeatedly sighed, he looked up at the mausoleum to express his determination.

"Brother Huang, Xuan Mo has a strange feeling about An Zhoutan's meeting back then, and it lingers in his heart, but he never said it out..."

"You mean, the An Zhou Evil Detective Conference back then might have been a conspiracy!?"

Before the Emperor Xuanmu could finish speaking, the Chi-eyed owl continued with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Chimu thinks so too?"

Xuanmu Daxiao asked in surprise.

"That's right, I didn't have such an idea back then, but as I got to know the Immortal Realm of Wuji Yang Universe, especially after the memory of the anti-mythical gods was restored, this idea became stronger day by day!

The third brother knows that in the original era of the universe, the two really powerful gods and witches in our world of Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm are not our three great gods and witches today, but the two great dragons and phoenixes. family.

It stands to reason that they are virtuous and upright, and will continue to grow stronger, and eventually unify the world of the Wuji Yinverse Anti-Ming Immortal Realm, and even the entire Wuji Yinyang Universe.

However, just after the God Witch Dragon Emperor and God Witch Phoenix Emperor participated in the An Zhou Evil Detective Conference hosted by the scaled God Wu Zhou, they were the first to die after returning to Zhou as the host of the grand event, and then the two majestic The gods and witches began to decline inexplicably, and disappeared in just a few zhouji.

Today, there are only sporadic witch dragons and phoenix wandering in the Wuji Yin-Yang universe, scattered and not gathered, and they have long lost their former power!

Such a drastic change is really puzzling to all gods. Thinking about it now, the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference really had factors that made countless Wuji Yinzhou immortals and gods evil.

It’s just that countless epochs have passed, and the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference was held in the scaled god and witch universe at the junction of the central boundary of the Wuji Yinyang universe, where Yin and Yang are mysterious, mysterious and majestic, dark and terrifying, and we can’t get all the inside information Known.

As far as I know, none of the witch gods who participated in the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference survived, including the scaled god Wuhuang himself! "

The red-eyed owl's eyes were deep, like waves of blood. He raised his eyes, and his eyes shot out of the dragon's realm. He looked at the position of the scaled God Wu Zhou in the center of the Wuji Yin-Yang Universe, and said.

"No! Brother Huang didn't know something. By chance, I went to the Linhua God Witch Zhou to participate in the scale viewing event. I watched the scale magic witch Zhou Wanlin leap over the dragon gate. I picked up a piece of God Witch Book, which mentioned the scale of the God Witch. The Witch Emperor, the scaled god who participated in the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference, was imprisoned!"

After the scarlet-eyed owl finished speaking, the mysterious-eyed owl's dark eyes chased the emperor's brother's rainbow, and also looked in the direction of the scaled god Wu Zhou, and said.

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