Nine Heavens

Chapter 2564 Beast Universe Divine Transformation

"Oh! In this way, the debate about the origin of the dragon and the ancestor of the phoenix and the existence of the insignificant being mentioned in "Dragon Gate of the Gods" is definitely not groundless!"

Song Zhen couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.

"Master, what do you mean by what you said? Why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen to it? One moment it was from the Heavenly God Longmen, and another moment it was ascended to the Heavenly Phoenix Household. What are you talking about now?"

At this moment, the Xingchen Shenlong finally got used to the violent waves and wind below, tried to maintain a steady descent, and asked Song Zhen puzzled.

"Hehe, forget it, don't talk about you, I'm also full of wool, don't talk about these, we finally reached the boundary of the scaled god and witch universe again, and entered the universe invisibly!"

At this moment, Song Zhen, the Supreme God of Divination, felt that the power of Chongqiong God below was getting stronger, so he couldn't be distracted anymore, so he smiled.

Afterwards, the group of them finally gradually faded away and disappeared into the world of scaled gods and witches.


On the edge of the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, the infinite yin and yang world, the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers, the Lang Yuan Shrine in the Zhou, when Liu Qianlang was discussing with the gods in the universe about the meeting between the Mu Hui God Wu Zhou and the seven-scaled Yu Zhou, Liu Qianlang Suddenly received an urgent report from Song Zhen.

"What happened, but Supreme Divination?"

All the holy gods saw a wave of divine breath and divine energy suddenly entering Liu Qianlang's head, and then their faces were a little strange, so they all stopped talking, and stared at Liu Qianlang, the ancestor of Langyuan who was sitting high in the hall.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God pondered for a moment and asked.

"Sky Wolf Zhou God's guess is right. The Supreme Divination God said that the scaled god Wu Zhou suddenly tossed the whole universe, and the scaled God Wu Hai Lingqiong was spinning backwards. I don't know what kind of heresy happened. I hope I will go and see one or two."

Liu Qianlang didn't hide anything, and truthfully told the holy gods about Song Zhen's soul reading remote audio message.

"Since that's the case, it's okay for Ren Zu to go. As for the beast-turning god and witch Zhou, we are already outside the universe. It's okay for any of us to go, so you can rest assured."

Qixiang Zhoushen Liujuan felt that the situation was very serious, otherwise it would be impossible to summon her younger brother Langyuan Renzu with the strength of the supreme god Song Zhen, so she said.

"Hmm! That's fine, I'm going to trouble everyone about the beast emperor Zhou Bi's golden-winged unicorn beast king being killed, the wolf, the white tiger, and the leopard launching the divine transformation, so let's go to the book Langyuan Renzu!"

Liu Qianlang didn't delay, and simply explained that the bright red and red rainbow under his body burst into a rage, and he had already stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, which is the Langyuan Chilong transformed from the Holy Sword of Fuling, and shot towards the sky of trillions of gods. .

"Prodigal God Cheng Sheng'an!"

Below, the sky wolf Zhoushen Chengyuan, the strange fragrance Zhoushen Liujuan, the spirit demon Zhoushen Cheng Shifeng, the Yangshen Yanghuang Ouyang Langlong, the dark-seeking emperor, and Dongluoyuan in the universe. Afterwards, the dragons around the peak all looked up at the sky, and respectfully sent the ancestor of Lang Yuanren away.

"Sister Juan, what's going on here, the Scaled Transformation God Wu Zhou, the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou and the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou are not clamoring to join forces to deal with the Muhui God Wu Zhou, their respective interiors are quite lively.

What makes me even more puzzled is, how domineering and domineering is the beast-turned-god, witch-king, blue-body, golden-winged unicorn, why did they ask for help from Brother Qianlang after they had undergone a transformation? "

After Liu Qianlang left, the expressions of His Highness and the saints were a little more relaxed, and their speech became more casual. After Yuemengyue, that is, the spirit demon Zhoushen Cheng Shifeng, on the white orchid skirt, the fragrance of orchids wafted, Wang Sighed with twinkling eyes.

"Yeah, this is indeed somewhat contrary to common sense, could it be their trick to murder Ren Zu.

According to the view of the Yangshen Yanghuang, we should not go there in a hurry, we should analyze and prepare before going, so as not to suffer losses. "

Yang God Yang Huang Ouyang Langlong, Yin Hong and red eyes are as deep as the sun, after slightly nodding his head, he looked deeply at the moon queen spirit demon Zhou God, reminding the gods.

" husband and wife have become more and more calm as you sing together, no wonder Ren Zu always praises you.

You are now the model gods and couples who envy the dead in our infinite yin and yang world, sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe. Even your sisters-in-law, including me, are so envious!

You are right, I also have the same concern as Yangshen Yanghuang. No matter how you think about it, that abominable green-body gold-winged unicorn beast emperor shouldn't ask Ren Zu for help.

The original gods even doubted whether their supernatural transformation is real, don't be some bitter trick! "

The other nine divine wives of Dongluo and Liu Qianlang were conferred the titles of Yuanshen Yuanshen, who are in charge of all matters related to the coincidence of divine fate in the universe. You can go to the court or send a message to Dongluo, and if it is a critical moment, you can go to the court together with the ten queens.

When Dong Luo heard the words of Yangshen Yanghuang Ouyang Langlong and Yuemeng Yuehou Cheng Shifeng, he deeply agreed and said a little funny.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with the transformation of the gods. Qianlang can definitely judge this point clearly. But what you said is also reasonable. Their motives are really a bit mysterious.

In the situation where we are facing each other, at the time when we are fighting against each other, even if the blue-bodied gold-winged unicorn is asking for help, it should ask for help from the scaled god, the witch emperor, the seven-scaled cosmic fish, or the bird-like god, the witch emperor, Xuanmo Daxiao. How could it ask for help from us? Woolen cloth.

From what standpoint did he think that Langyuan Renzu would help him? Could it be that his green body and golden-winged unicorn also supported Renzu in carrying out the great cause of infinite darkness and light? "

Although God Qixiang Zhou is under the ancestor of Langyuan, in fact, because she is the sister of Liu Qianlang, she is a god and has won the hearts of gods, so her words are no less majestic than Renzu of Langyuan.

When she said this, all the holy gods around couldn't help but nodded, expressing that they made sense.

"There is a feeling in the distance that I don't know if it is right or not. Suddenly, heresy appeared in both the scaled god witch Zhou and the beast transformed god witch Zhou. Maybe it is not a coincidence, maybe they are related.

Under normal circumstances, since the three major gods and witches all hated Ren Zu's great cause of the infinite Yin universe, they should most unite to deal with Mu Hui god and witch Zhou.

However, they haven't so far, at least we haven't seen their blatant military activities. Or they will step up their alliance with each other and plan to deal with Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou and us.

In fact, not only did they fail to do so, but they fell apart and looked very disunited, which is so abnormal, maybe this is an illusion they deliberately planned!

Yuan Fang means that it seems that they are secretly brewing some bigger and terrifying conspiracy with each other! "

Heavenly Wolf God, with his pitch-black robe drumming without wind, and the bright red chaotic eyes on his forehead, shining with infinite and mysterious aura, analyzed.

"Hiss, Xun An also seems to have the feeling that Brother Sirius said in his heart, but besides dealing with Mu Hui God Wu Zhou and us, what other conspiracy will they have?

Just now we heard Ren Zu talking about the scaled God Wuzhou, didn't it mean that the mysterious-eyed owl Huang and the red-eyed owl of Qinhua God Wuzhou, or Qiqi was with him.

This shows that Zhou, the Qinhua god and witch, seems to have surrendered to Ren Zu. In this way, of the three major gods and shamans, only the scaled god and beast Zhou and the beast god are left.

Now they have heresies in their respective universes, and it seems that they have no reason to collude with each other! "

Emperor Xun An contacted back and forth, and felt that the words of Sirius Zhoushen made sense, but it was difficult to justify himself, so he said it very convolutedly.

"No! Brother Xun An ignored a god owl of Qinhua God Wu Zhou, that is the second brother of Qiqi Chimu Daxiao, the second brother of Xuanmu Daxiaohuang, Lumu Daxiao, who also returned to the three Eagle Princes Xiao father.

Maybe this green-eyed owl is not as simple as we thought before. "

Sirius Zhoushen thought about his own understanding of the situation of the three great gods and witches, and always felt that the green-eyed owl of the bird-like god Wuzhou was not simple, so he said.

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