Nine Heavens

Chapter 257: Fate Dragon Pill

Daoist Ice Soul of Tai Cang Peak and the other ten peak masters of Jing Tian Peak were sleeping in their own territories, when suddenly there was a burst of bangs in their ears, and then they sensed a powerful aura coming from them all of a sudden. .

They were all surprised for a while, and they couldn't help but shot out of the palace one after another, and climbed to the top of the peak.

Immediately released a powerful spiritual sense to analyze the source of this powerful aura, the result was unexpected, this powerful aura actually came from Xiaotian Peak in the north.

Immortal Bing Po stared in the direction of Xiao Tianfeng with piercing eyes, seeing the scene of the sky glowing red and shining with golden light, he felt excited in his heart, and said to himself:

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Fufeng, who broke through the Heavenly Thunder Jue's Earth Fire and Thunder Chapter and reached the realm of Hundred Horror after only missing him for three months! What a blessing.

It seems that you have another chance to participate in this year's Yibao Conference! Previous mistakes can also be written off from now on! "

The other peak masters, Huolong Zhenren and other peak masters, could not believe their eyes when they discovered that above the Xiaotian Peak, there were actually all kinds of scenes in the realm of hundreds of horrors, such as Tianlei Jue, Earth Huo Lei, and Huo Lei.

Because in the current situation of the real Fufeng, apart from the disabled Liu Qianlang who was collected today, the big little Tianfeng has been struggling by himself for more than a hundred years. He wants resources but no resources, wealth but no wealth, qualifications Not too high, how did he break through the realm of horror?

This is simply unbelievable, but no matter how unwilling to believe it, the facts are still facts after all. The peak masters couldn't help feeling a huge pressure in their hearts, and regretted the contempt for Fufeng a few months ago.

The quiet valley, curling mist, surrounded by mountains, should be the midwinter season, but here it is as warm as spring.

The spring water is tinkling, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the bamboo forests are covered with the hillsides far and near.

In a huge open space, the huge corpse of the lava fire dragon was winding there, as if it was still moving in the mist.

Liu Qianlang suddenly floated onto the huge head of the lava fire dragon, just as he was about to dispose of his spoils.

But suddenly found a pink figure, shuttling over the huge body of the lava fire dragon, moving extremely fast, quickly pulling out the scales of the lava fire dragon.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's arrival, he not only ignored him, but also accelerated his speed. In a blink of an eye, he took off one-third of the lava fire dragon scales.

Liu Qianlang couldn't help asking angrily and funnyly:

"Hey! Who are you? How did you snatch my things?"

However, the other party did not answer after hearing Liu Qianlang's voice, but shrugged his shoulders, stopped suddenly, and looked back at Liu Qianlang silently.

With the help of Baiguang Cuizuan, Liu Qianlang discovered through the curling mist that the other party turned out to be a slender woman with a white veil covering her face.

Through the veil, Liu Qianlang vaguely saw a face with a moving outline, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashed with complicated eye movements, as if he was looking at Liu Qianlang in surprise.

After staring at it for a while, the woman in pink suddenly asked coldly:

"What's your name, why did you come to Xiaotian Peak?"

Hearing the cold voice of the woman in pink, Liu Qianlang asked in surprise:

"Then why did you come here?"

The woman in pink heard the words, looked up at the quiet valley, said nothing, but looked at Liu Qianlang again, stepped on the huge corpse of the lava fire dragon under her feet angrily, snorted coldly, and then suddenly Floating into the morning mist.

Looking at that slender figure and feeling the resentful eyes, Liu Qianlang felt an inexplicable familiarity.

Who will she be? Why did she seem to know herself, Liu Qianlang was thinking, and suddenly, Miao Yan, the person who once suffered from the collapse of the body just like herself, appeared in Liu Qianlang's mind.

Could it be her? Liu Qianlang thought of Miao Yan, and chased into the mist like lightning, but the pink figure had long been lost.

Liu Qianlang regretted it for a while. It has been more than four months since she returned to Xianxue City and came to Xiaoshanfeng. .

But if it was Miao Yan, why would she pretend not to know her and run away after seeing her?

This shouldn't be, Liu Qianlang denied his guess again, maybe it wasn't her.

Liu Qianlang didn't see the pink figure again, feeling a bit puzzled, then turned back to the place where the corpse of the lava fire dragon was, and began to deal with the huge corpse of the lava fire dragon. appearance, and then pulled out the remaining two-thirds of the dragon scales, and put them into the Qiankun bag.

He threw in the shining dragon claws and dragon horn antler, then carefully dug out two bright dragon eyes, put them in a hidden place in the realm of the sky, and finally reached out to grab a goose egg A dragon pill of about half size appeared above the palm.

Liu Qianlang learned from the elixir chapter and pill fire chapter of the thirteen dragon armor alchemy secrets that the lava fire dragon is covered with scarce materials needed for alchemy, but the most precious ones are the lava fire dragon pill and two dragon pills. eye.

The powerful ground fire, magma fire and hellfire of the entire lava fire dragon are wrapped in the dragon pill. With the dragon pill, you also have the most precious hellfire for refining pills.

And the two dragon eyes, in addition to being the scarce material of the elixir, also have magical and magical effects. Those who own them can practice day and night, absorbing the energy of the sun and moon essence contained in them to make themselves incomparable powerful.

At the same time, you can also experience various magical celestial phenomena and changes in the three realms and nine realms through the changes of the dragon eye, and predict the location of some magical things.

After a long period of practice, the dragon eye can slowly petrify, jade, crystallize, and finally transform into a dragon ball with powerful spiritual power. Once the dragon ball is formed, it will have many little-known powers.

Liu Qianlang stared at the dragon pill floating on the palm of his hand, and saw that in the dark blue package, groups of explosive flames kept jumping and spraying in the dragon pill.

Below the flames was gurgling lava, and between the flames and the lava, a small pitch-black lava fire dragon hovered non-stop.

As the lava fire dragon tossed and moved restlessly, the dragon pill floating on Liu Qianlang's palm was also trembling and shaking, and at the same time, it was bursting with blue and red divine light.

According to the Thirteen Dragon Armor Alchemy Secret Art, for ordinary medicines, you only need to process and configure them according to the conventional methods of alchemy, but for magical existences like Xianglongyan and Longdan, you must go through refining and connect with your own mind After that, it can be manipulated and used.

At present, although Liu Qianlang has obtained the Dragon Eye and Dragon Pill, they have not yet been refined, if the strength is not strong enough, they may escape at any time.

Naturally, Liu Qianlang didn't want such a thing to happen. Liu Qianlang carefully put away the dragon pill, glanced sideways at the corpse of the lava fire dragon left underground, and suddenly crushed it with a palm, turning it into powder, and then floated into the morning. in the fog.

Behind him, after Liu Qianlang left, pairs of cold eyes suddenly appeared in the misty morning mist, looking at Liu Qianlang's gone figure, showing infinite anger and helplessness.

How did Liu Qianlang know that for the body of the lava fire dragon, which has been formed for hundreds of millions of years, and all the treasures on its body, even countless spirits and monsters are extremely greedy.

As soon as the lava fire dragon's body fell into the valley, countless mountain monsters followed the powerful demon spirit all the way to find it. When they saw the lava fire dragon's body, their eyes burst into flames, and they opened their mouths wide open. Greedy saliva kept flowing.

But due to the existence of the powerful dragon clan in front of him, he has never dared to approach easily, so he hides around, closely watching the changes of the lava fire dragon, looking for opportunities to attack.

Suddenly saw the appearance of two human races, and quickly snatched away the most precious part of the lava fire dragon. He couldn't help but see a fierce look, and the strange claws slashed wildly, but the aura of this human race was so powerful that it surpassed the lava fire dragon. .

So these monsters stared blankly, didn't dare to go forward, and whimpered, hoping to be satisfied by picking up some stumps and broken bodies. Bubbles.

After a while of wailing, these monsters disappeared one after another.

When the warm rays of the morning sun shone red on the earth, Liu Qianlang pierced through the package of the gorgeous clouds in the eastern sky, and dexterously floated in front of the cave that Master Fufeng gave him.

Walking in, Liu Qianlang frowned when he saw the mess in front of him, and suddenly shot into the training room. He couldn't help but regret to see that the Tianlei Jue on the stone wall had long since ceased to exist.

However, this is also expected. Under the melting of such a powerful lava fire from the lava fire dragon, it is already good that the cave was not burned. As for the melting of some rocks on the cave wall and the cave roof, it is extremely normal.

Regardless of being tired, Liu Qianlang hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power and used the illusion technique to transform into countless sharp ice blades. After a while of busy work, he widened and cleaned the cave, then rushed into the training room, and bang A sound closed the hole from the inside out.

There was only one reason for his haste, and that was to immediately refine the dragon eyes and dragon pills he got, to ensure that they would always be under his control.

One month later, on a dark night, on the side of a big mountain in Xiaotian Peak, after a sudden noise, a white figure with powerful spiritual power suddenly flew out from the mountain.

I saw three mysterious dark blue light spheres wrapped around his front and back, three light spheres, two big ones and one small one, the two big ones were as big as a fist, and the inside was extremely clear.

The small one is as small as a goose egg, with flames dancing inside, and a small black dragon swimming faintly.

Then I saw clusters of colorful lights suddenly rising from the mountains, and quickly spreading to the sky and the surrounding fields.

In the blink of an eye, the originally dark night, the sky was full of colorful clouds, and at the same time, a magical huge beam of light reached the sky, and it was connected with the four strange stars of the Seven Stars in the North Tiangang.

Among them, the starlight from the white alien star merged into one place, and the white star instantly expanded several times, bursting out the same huge beam of light.

At the same time, with the sudden appearance of the white figure, the mountain behind him collapsed in an instant, turning into countless rocks and flying in all directions, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the sky and the earth.

The white figure slowly ascended into the void, eyes bursting with bright white lights, ignoring the existence of the strange and magical scene of flying sand and rocks all over the sky, standing there intently, examining the three light spheres, with a smile on his face.

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