Nine Heavens

Chapter 2581 Far Phantom Body

"Brother Dahuang, we are brothers after all, even if he has made thousands of mistakes and evils, how can I have the heart to pronounce the sentence on the third brother and let him die in front of our eyes!

Ancestor Langyuan, Xuanmu Daxiao, I beg you, this god Wuhuang is really hard-hearted, I hope you will sentence him with Lun Changde of your bright fairyland world! "

Xuanmu Daxiao's heart was pierced by a knife, and he was in extreme pain. He thought of his father and emperor who died from the evil poison of the dark Yuan Realm, his mother who died of depression, and the hundred thousand virtuous and virtuous red-eyed emperor's wife. They left one after another.

What a happy and good thing that the elder brother whom I missed so much is back.

However, the second elder brother who has been with him has become a betrayer, and he is about to watch him die. There are not many relatives, and he will leave another one.

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang burst into tears and kept shaking his head, not daring to look at his brother in the waves under the Yuetianlongmen anymore, kneeling in front of Liu Qianlang and begging with grief.

"Well, good! The Ancestor of Waves comes from the chaotic world of Qianyuan Zhou. If you talk about the pain of brotherhood, joys and sorrows, you can definitely empathize with him! Just leave his sentencing to me."

When Liu Qianlang passed by Shenhong, he saw not only the Xuan-eyed Owl Emperor bursting into tears, but also the red-eyed Owl Qiqi, who was also in pain with blood and tears. After a while, he agreed.

This is the Scarlet Eyed Owl and Xuanmu Owl Huang's side. From another angle, I am behind Liu Qianlang, and the golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body slowly walks to the highest point of Yuetianlongmen, below Liu Qianlang.

The golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body and emerald green body is actually bursting with a bright rainbow.

He was not in a hurry to say anything, but the golden eyes and golden rainbow were quite deep, full of regret, and looked down at the astonished gray wolf, white tiger and leopard in the waves.

"He, he, he can't really be resurrected, it's impossible! It must be the ancestor of Langyuan who is making trouble again.

No matter how powerful the blue-body golden-winged unicorn emperor is, he will not escape from Shenhunyuan, let alone we sink into Shenhunyuan with such a large amount of soul-killing sand! "

"But he doesn't look like a fake. If it were fake, how could the emerald rainbow star scales all over his body be so realistic? The eleven-swirling golden rainbow shining in his golden eyes is not bad at all!"

"It's fake, it must be fake, no matter what, he won't be with this prodigal ancestor.

Calm down everyone, don't be afraid, the three gods and beasts of Tang and Tang are afraid that the prodigal ancestors and gods of a bright world will fail! "

The golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body, with star dragons and three edge dragons cheering on his left and right, looked very domineering. When he looked down, the gray wolf, white tiger and leopard were also staring at him. talking.

"It's been so many epochs, I don't even remember the Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor. But the memory engraved in my heart is especially in front of my eyes.

The Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor knows that you have long since discovered that the Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor knows that you have colluded with the Seven-scale Eternal Fish, and has been devising various methods to kill the Eternal Emperor.

However, you have never found a suitable opportunity and reason. You are afraid that if you kill me suddenly, the army of beasts all over the universe will doubt you.

So since the An Zhou Evil Detective Conference, we have been deliberately pretending to be confused with each other. I pretended to be crazy and stupid, and you continued to collude with the seven-scaled cosmic fish.

I know that as long as the seven-scaled cosmic fish doesn't order to start your covenant of jumping over the dragon's gate, the golden-winged unicorn emperor with his green body is safe.

Therefore, using this time and time domain, the King Benbi with golden wings is trying to find ways to keep looking for immortal gods like the Scarlet-eyed Owl Emperor or the Longyuan Renzu. I hope we can help each other and get rid of your sinister intentions.

It can be said that the infinite sky pays off! Just in the last tens of millions of years, the King of the Golden Winged Qilin with a green body finally knew that the ancestors of Langyuan appeared in our Wuji Yinverse Anti-Ming Immortal Realm.

After the emperor knew about it, he was extremely excited. Because the ancient and benevolent emperor who was poisoned to death by the evil spirits of the dark metaworld by your An Zhou Evil Detective Conference finally has an avenger, and at the same time, he has found a bright future for our beast-like god Wu Zhou.

Then, the god, Wuhuang, began to try everything to get close to Langyuan Renzu and test the methods of Langyuan Renzu.

When I, the Beast Transformation God Wuhuang, fully confirmed that Longyuan Renzu is the god of great goodness and light, I secretly sneaked into Longyuan Renzu's infinite yin and yang world, the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe, and formulated the infinite Yin universe with Longyuan Renzu Alliance of Light.

The purpose of this beast-turned-god-witch emperor is to help Langyuan Renzu accelerate the process of realizing the lightening process of the infinite Yin universe and anti-bright fairyland.

But the secret alliance between us was carried out with great care. On the surface, the Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor continues to be the sinister, cunning, and infinitely vicious Qilin Emperor with a green body and golden wings, and clamors everywhere to destroy the world of light.

This is done, on the one hand, to stabilize the anti-Ming Universe state of the Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm World, so that Langyuan Renzu can speed up the deployment of the Immortal Realm forces in the Bright World.

On the other hand, it is also to paralyze you, we always pay attention to your movements in the dark, because before we can only guess that there are gods who rebelled against the universe, but who is it? We've never been sure.

What we have been looking forward to seeing is your actions. As long as you move, such as this covenant of jumping over the dragon's gate, we will naturally be able to identify you.

You may not believe that the Qilin Emperor with a green body and golden wings in front of you is real. Now Benbi Body Golden Winged Qilin Emperor clearly tells you that Ben Bi Body Golden Winged Qilin Emperor is indeed your real Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor.

As for me who was sunk into Shen Hunyuan by you, that is just a phantom body created for me by the ancestors of Langyuan long ago, the real me has long been in the fairy gate of Langyuan.

Of course, all the behaviors of the distant phantom are also the manipulation behaviors of the golden-winged unicorn emperor's true inner thoughts.

Therefore, all along, you have never seen through my distant phantom. "

After looking down at the three rebel gods of this universe for a long time, the golden-winged unicorn with a green body said.

"Hmph! You are talking nonsense, you are the Promise Yin God of our Promise Yin Universe Anti-Ming Immortal Realm. How could you find the picture of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers of the Promising Yin and Yang Great Realm of the Wave Yuan Renzu!

Taking a step back, even if you found it, how could you get in by yourself. Taking a step back, even if you go in, how could the countless bright gods there let you exist and not kill you! ? "

Regarding the words of the Bi-body and Golden-winged Qilin Emperor, Cang Lang, Bai Hu and Hua Leopard, after clearing their minds, shouted that it was impossible.

"Do you still remember the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou God Ball? It is precisely because of it that I deliberately dedicated it to the ancestors of Langyuan, and because our Universe God Ball is also a part of the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe in the infinite yin and yang world. factor.

Therefore, I searched for breath and asked the way, and naturally found the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe in the infinite yin and yang world, and the enlightened ancestors of the waves knew my heart and sincerely received me..."

The Emperor Qilin with a green body and golden wings was not angry, which perfectly explained the reason.

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