Nine Heavens

Chapter 2587 Golden Soul Arowana

"Okay! Thank you, master, for your encouragement, and thank you, dad, for your support!"

Yaya followed Liu Qianlang and foster father Song Zhen all the way, and now her family is well-established, with honor and status, but she still receives attention and encouragement from the ancestors of Langyuan from time to time, which makes Yaya feel endless gratitude and warmth .

Generally speaking, like Yaya's current position in Langyuan Shenmen, it should be an extremely high position.

However, Yaya is an exception. Her success and progress along the way has always been lived in the warm care of the seniors around her and the respect of her peers and juniors.

Yaya is in such a happy state that even Liu Qianlang's biological daughters are very envious. In Tianling's words:

"Daddy is a legend of humanity in the Bright World, and Senior Sister Yaya is a model of humanity!"

Yaya's eyes were suddenly moist with gratitude, and she saluted Liu Qianlang and foster father Song Zhen again, and then did the same to the Scarlet Eyed Owl Emperor and Xuanmu Owl Emperor, and then stepped on the universe of time and leaped into the sky Shoot above the dragon gate.

Not long after, Yaya finished worshiping the golden dragon body of the Golden Scale Emperor of Yuetianlongmen, with a valiant and heroic posture, still floating on the time boat, the position was much higher than Yuetianlongmen, looking down under the billions of gods, The five little goldfish stayed in the sea of ​​scaled gods and witches for a long time, and then solemnly said:

"Five Golden Scale Divine Fishes of the Golden Scale Royal Family of the Scale Transformation God Wuzhou, you are the natural born golden scale royal family of the Scale Transformation God Wuzhou, and you should be the future guardian gods of the Scale Transformation God Wuzhou.

Now you are washed in the waves of the sea of ​​scaled gods and witches, above you is the Yuetianlongmen that you have to jump over today! Then you will turn into the gods and dragons, and you will become the invincible patron saints of the scaled god Wu Zhou.

But before that, I would like to ask you to worship the God of the Golden Dragon Door Guard of the Yuetianlongmen as the supreme principle of the immortal god. He is the golden scale emperor grandfather who you said disappeared.

He is extremely great, he is the eternal pride of your scaled gods and witches, and he will also be your guardian god and light guide for your future progress! "

"That's our Grandpa Jinlin Huang, really, with his kind smile, tolerant eyes, and big warm hands, we used to always revolve around him. Grandpa Huang is so great. He leaped onto the Dragon Gate of Yuetian, and Become the patron saint of Yuetianlongmen!"

"I really miss Grandpa Huang. Why does he just look at us with a smile and doesn't speak?"

"Four younger brothers, stop arguing. Our grandfather has already rested in peace forever, but he will always guard us and Yuetianlongmen just like what Elder Sister Yaya said. We are his descendants, we cannot let him Disappointed, let's worship grandpa!"

The five golden-scale grandchildren looked up at the golden Yuetianlongmen and the undulating crouching dragonmen in the golden mist in the waves, and bent down to look at the huge head of the Jinlinhuang. They talked softly for a long time, and finally the dragon said.

"yes, Sir!"

With Dalong's last reminder, the other four grandchildren of the Golden Scale Emperor immediately fell silent.

Next is the five golden scale fish in the waves, kneeling on the waves, prostrating ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times.

"Okay! Five little goldfish, now Master Yaya is telling you something, the seven-scale emperor of your scaled God Wu Zhou is actually an evil demon of the dark metaworld, and now he has been discovered by the bright gods above you. And beat it away!

That's why Master Yaya issued an order to all the gods of light to bring you here. One is to leap over the dragon gate to transform into a dragon, and the other is to choose a new Emperor Zhou to protect and lead the scaled god and witch Zhou. .

The supernatural powers of the dark metaworld outside of you on the scene no longer exist. If you recall everything from the past, you will recognize the seven-scale cosmic fish clearly! "

Yaya saw the four little goldfish standing on the waves admiringly after they had finished buckling their heads. Their dragon heads were golden and their foreheads were shining.

After waiting for a while, Yaya said.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Yaya, for teaching me, and thank you Holy Spirits of Light for your help. We have clearly perceived everything.

Grandpa Jinlinhuang actually didn’t die after the Anzhou Evil Detective Conference. He must have been imprisoned by the Sevenscale Cosmic Fish somewhere. His old god family just passed away, right? "

The big dragon's golden eyes were filled with tears, and golden tears fell into the sea of ​​scaled gods and witches. He circled his body and saluted the surrounding Langyuan Renzu and others in the sky, and asked sadly.

"Yes! Five Golden Soul Arowanas, your grandfather..."

Liu Qianlang was worried that the five Golden Soul Arowanas would be sad, and deliberately asked Yaya to erase the tragic death of the Golden Scale Emperor. He didn't want the great dragon to be extremely intelligent. Speak the truth in pain.



Hearing the words, the four Golden Soul Dragon Brothers were grateful for the kindness of Grandpa Jinlin Huang, and couldn't help but lose their voices in pain.

But Dalong didn't cry, he looked deeply at the extremely tall golden soul body of the Golden Scale Emperor and the incomparably majestic Yuetianlongmen for a long time, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Four brothers, don't cry, we are the Jinlin royal family, we can only bleed, but we can't shed tears. What grandpa wants to see is not our tears, but our successful posture of leaping to the Dragon Gate!

Everyone is ready, we will leap over the dragon gate, remember that we can only succeed but not fail, we can only bleed but not cry, remember no! "

"Remember, big brother!"

The four little goldfish hurriedly raised their paws to wipe away their tears, calmed down and concentrated their divine energy, just like the big dragon, they waited for the order from Yaya above the Dragon Gate.

"Hmm! The Golden Scale Emperor can finally rest assured!"


Seeing the five little goldfish at this moment, Langyuan Renzu, Supreme Occupation God, Scarlet-eyed Owl, and Xuan-eyed Owl Huang all nodded in approval.

Even the little Lian'er and the little dragon girl on the back of the Sanyuan Shenlong began to regret the disrespect to them.

"You all think it over, after Leaping into the Dragon Gate, the Dragon Emperor will be born in the universe, brothers will never be perfect!"

For countless years, Yaya has experienced too many joys and sorrows, and she has taken too much light on it. No matter how sad things are, she seldom sheds tears, but right now, his blue eyes are full of tears.

"The golden soul is the life of the universe, and the emperor is full of family affection. There is light in the universe. Smile and accompany the emperor to be quiet! Master Yaya, all saints, little sisters of light, Lian'er and Xiaolongnv, take care! , Sister Yaya!"

The five little goldfish looked at each other deeply for a long time, engraved the appearance of each other in their hearts, then smiled and bid farewell to the gods, and finally the dragon shouted decisively.

"The five golden soul dragon fish brothers listen to the order and jump!"

Yaya burst into tears, and suddenly shouted crisply.


After this loud cry, the bodies of the five little goldfishes suddenly flashed with a golden rainbow, and with a loud roar, they all jumped up and flew high towards the Yuetianlongmen, which is a trillion high altitude, with waves.

"Ha ha……"

"Grandpa Huang, look at us, we will also be the pride of the Jinlin royal family, and we will not let you down!"

As the five little goldfish took off, their fighting spirit was high, and they smiled generously as they jetted into the air.

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