Nine Heavens

Chapter 2595 Mysterious Treasure

The three eagle princes were extremely excited, they looked around at each other, sighed at the surprise that the red-eyed big owl emperor and the mysterious-eyed big owl emperor uncle were not dead, and at the same time they were ashamed.

"However, my father is king..."

When it comes to rebelling against God's own father, the green-eyed owl, the three eagle princes are all embarrassed. After all, the green-eyed owl is his own father, so it can be said that he has complicated feelings for him, and it is difficult to comment.

"It's all over, your royal father has already got his due home in the Scaled God Witch Zhou Yuetian Dragon Gate.

There are also the three traitorous wolves of Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, and the same is true for the White Tiger and the Flower Leopard. However, it is a pity that the seven-scale cosmic fish was rescued by the dark Juesha of the dark metaworld. "

Huanfeng Dragon God understood the feelings of the three eagle princes at this moment, and tried to mention the green-eyed owl in terms that were not embarrassing to them.

"Can you let us see him, after all, he is our Xiao father!"

Dawu hesitated again and again, with complicated eyes, he begged to Huanfeng Dragon God and Xun Andi God.

"Langyuan Renzu told us everything about him just now, but now he has lost both body and spirit, and he no longer exists in the entire infinite universe.

Your red-eyed big owl emperor uncle and mysterious-eyed big owl emperor uncle sent divine breaths, and they will return to the universe immediately. Let him pass everything in the past, and soon the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou and the Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou will all become a world of light. "

Emperor Xun An and Dragon God Huanfeng looked at each other, both shook their heads with regret, and Emperor Xun An said so.

The three eagle princes couldn't help being silent.

"Dare to ask the three young masters of the Eagle King, what happened to the mysterious Ming Kong that you just talked about with the three-winged Lan Xiao?"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Emperor Xun An deliberately changed the topic.

"Oh! We don't know about this either, it's the first time we've heard him talk about the mysterious Ming Kong.

Just now we were just thinking about protecting our divine life, and we talked nonsense according to his words.

However, we have legends about mysterious treasures since ancient times, and we don’t know if there is a connection between them.

These things, if the two holy gods of light want to know, they can ask the emperor uncle of the red-eyed owl and the uncle of the mysterious-eyed owl, they must know more. "

Dawu sighed slightly, and replied.

"Well, okay, we got it. Let's go back to your Qinhuashen Wugong Palace, where you can see Qinhuashenwu Zhou from a distance, and we will help you three to purify this filthy emptiness and rebuild the palace how?"

The two holy gods of light nodded slightly, Huanfeng Dragon God suggested.

"I can't ask for it. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Let's go back to the Palace of Gods and Witches and fix everything as soon as possible, so that when the ancestors of Langyuan, the emperor of the red-eyed lord, and the uncle of the mysterious-eyed lord return, there will be fewer sights." pain."

The three Eagle King young masters nodded deeply, and then, Sanying and the two holy gods of light stopped talking and walked all the way to the Qinhua God Witch Palace, the highest position of Qinhua God Wu Zhou Zhouxin.


More than ten thousand years later, the Chi-eyed Owl and the Xuan-eyed Owl Huang flew side by side into the mother universe that he left not long ago.

"It seems that the wind has calmed down and the waves have passed. The dark forces of the green-eyed three-winged blue owl have also been wiped out with the help of the two gods of light. The catastrophe of our bird-like god Wu Zhou is finally over. "

What Xuanmu Daxiaohuang entered the universe saw was the sky condensed and clear, and the situation in the deep universe was peaceful, he said somewhat fortunately.

"It's just that he's gone, and Huang Xiao and Bai Xiao's two nephews are also in trouble!"

The red-eyed owl sighed regretfully.

"Fortunately, the three young masters of the Eagle King are still there. Their father has rebelled against the universe and caused endless harm. Let the three of them be superior to make up for their father's regret."

The Emperor Xuanmu was in danger and accepted the throne of the Scarlet Eyed Owl. He never cared about the power of a high position, only for the brotherhood and the witch Zhou'an.

Now in a catastrophe, the two beloved sons are dead, the emperor's elder brother no longer has green eyes, he has no intention of being a magician, and only wants to live a peaceful life, so he said.

"That's fine, a new generation replaces the old ones, so let's be the backing of their three young masters, let's have nothing to worry about, and go to court if there is a war."

The red-eyed owl also said with emotion.

"Well, Big Brother, in your opinion, which of the three is more suitable to be the Emperor of the Universe?"

The two god owls slowly landed in the direction of Qinhua Shenwu Palace, chatting while flying.

"Da Wu is calm, Er Ya is straightforward, and Xiao Hei is quick-witted. If you want to sit in a big position, Da Wu is the best.

Let Er Ya sit on the prime minister and Xiao Hei be the head of the god of war. I believe they have experienced a catastrophe and must know a better way to govern the universe. "

After pondering for a while, the red-eyed owl said.

"The hero sees the same thing, and the third brother also thinks the same way.

But the mysterious open space of the eternal seal, do you think we need to pass it on to them to open the magic formula for the time being? "

Since the two god owls intend to abdicate, they will naturally talk about the content of the imperial edict.

Because the secret of Qinhua Shenwuzhou's mysterious open space is too important, it is the existence of Qinhua Shenwuzhou that is not publicized, so Xuanmu Daxiaohuang asked Chimu Daxiao for his opinion.

"Since you let go, why bother about anything, just tell them. It's the secret in the hearts of the Xiaohuangs of all generations. Da Wu should tell him."

The red-eyed owl looked down at the vast and dark world around Wu Zhou, and said in relief.

"Then listen to Brother Dahuang. Dare I ask Brother Dahuang, have you ever heard what father and mother mentioned about what is there, and why it is so mysterious.

Out of curiosity, I once went to have a look. After probing and analyzing, I found that it was a space sealed by the God of Light, and our anti-Ming God can't be opened at all!

If it must be opened, it will definitely activate the divine revelation of light, but unfortunately, until today, Xuanmu has not been able to activate the divine revelation of light. "

Xuanmu Daxiao Huang recalled what happened not long after Chimu Daxiao left Qinhuashen Wuzhou, and said.

The red-eyed owl heard the words, shook his head slightly, and sighed:

"Naturally, my brother has never entered, nor has he successfully cultivated the Divine Palace of Light.

But after hearing about the father and mother, it seems that they have gone in. But when I asked them what was in the mysterious clear space, they seemed very solemn and refused to tell me.

They just said, as long as I, as a generation of Xiaohuang, swear to the death to defend it, the mysterious open space will be opened by the God of Fate sooner or later.

However, when I asked where the predestined god was, they shook their heads and said, there is no way of knowing, let us pass it down from generation to generation and wait. "

The scarlet-eyed owl's red eyes faintly revealed the image of his father, queen, mother, and beloved wife Chimu, and he said complicatedly.

"This time I'm really worried, the mysterious Ming Kong was destroyed by the second brother or the three-winged blue owl God of War, now Man Zhou is safe, and my hanging heart is relieved.

Otherwise, the third brother really can't face the big emperor brother and his father, queen mother and queen! "

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang nodded fortunately, and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I'm as worried as you are about it. But everything is fine. Brother Wei has a feeling, I don't know if it's right, I feel that the ancestor of Langyuan may be the god we have to wait for!"

The red-eyed owl nodded slightly, quite emotional, trying to figure it out.

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