Nine Heavens

Chapter 2600 intelligent detection of double evil spirits

In the dark, because the light of divine power could not spread, the Heavenly Wolf Zhoushen and Qixiang Zhoushen who came to look at the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou couldn't understand everything about the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou.

They had no choice but to communicate with each other's soul thoughts or feel the conversation between Hei Jue Sha and the Seven-scale Cosmic Fish that suddenly appeared in the dark, trying to learn something about the situation of the animal-turned god Wu Zhou.

"Hmph! You really have no shame. One is a demon from the Dark Yuan Realm, and the other is an abandoned demon from the Scaled God Sorcerer Zhou. What kind of skill is it to get into the dark heart of the Beast Sorcerer Sorcerer!"

Tianlang Zhoushen and Qixiang Zhoushen have been trying to get in touch with Langyuan Renzu. However, they tried again and again, because the dark power near the heart of darkness is too strong and powerful, and it is still impossible to pass in and out of the divine breath. Had to give up.

They are now in a state of breaking away from the infinite yin and yang world, the sun, the moon, the mountains, the rivers and the universe, so they are very careful in their actions.

On the one hand, they are always alert to the attacks of countless strange beasts from the inexplicable beast-like gods and witches around them. On the other hand, they are much more cautious about the darkest areas they suddenly intrude into.

Since they came here, they couldn't speak at all, and they didn't see any beast-turned gods and witches. Just when they were walking in the beast-turned gods and witches universe, they suddenly heard the voice of darkness.

Darkness Juesha even opened his mouth and called out their god names, which made them even more vigilant.

The Heavenly Wolf God thought over and over again, and judged that they should have come here from the scaled god Wu Zhou, otherwise the seven-scaled universe would have no reason to be with Dark Juesha, so he decided to answer the question and inquire.

"Hey, you two soul-shattering souls that are about to be annihilated, if it weren't for the dark beasts that were so dark and obtrusive to the universe just now, they would have wiped them out, and you would have been swallowed alive by them at this moment. Chance babbled.

You know what a fish, this is the heart of darkness, one of the three ancient magical lands of the three ancient gods, the gods Linzhou, the gods Longzhou, and the gods Fengzhou.

As long as we detonate the heart of darkness, hum! What is the infinite universe, the heavenly shaman god universe, it will turn into nothingness in an instant! "

Darkness Juesha said coldly in the Heart of Darkness area inside and outside the billions of gods.

"Well, if that's the case, then why didn't you detonate it immediately? Are you reluctant to die yourself, or are you waiting for us to approach you and kill you!"

Liu Juan, God of Wonderful Fragrance, in the darkness, stepped on the pure white blood refinement handkerchief, and held the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal with one hand, her brittle eyes sparkled with green rainbows, and she also sneered.


Hearing the words, the darkness was absolutely terrible, and there was some murmuring for a while.

"Cut! Don't be too proud of yourself. If we had the lost "The Complete Book of Extermination" and "The Book of Dark Smoke", we would have detonated the Heart of Darkness long ago. Would it be your turn to call out?

Uncle Darkness Juesha, let's ignore them, they are about to be swallowed by the dark heart energy.

What we have to deal with is Liu Qianlang, the ancestor of Guangming Hui. As long as we stay within the vicinity of the Heart of Darkness, as long as his two sons and daughters of light, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, let us catch the divine breath, we can grab the divine revelation immediately. "

"Shut up your mentally retarded mouth, who made you talk nonsense about the "Complete Book of Destruction" and "Book of Dark Smoke"!

Thanks to the fact that you have experienced so many universes in Wuji Breaking Universe, you don't have a long-term mind at all. How can such an important thing as the revelation of the Heart of Darkness be said?

In the future, you will remember for me that you must stop talking nonsense about the Nine Great Divine Scrolls, otherwise the Black Mandrill World God will not drink your fish soup, and I will eat your sweet and sour fish too! "

"Yes! Uncle Darkness Juesha is angry, Qilin Yisha is doing it for your own good. If it weren't for Qilin's child, Uncle Darkness Juesha would not know where the two great hearts of darkness are.

Now that we have reached the final stage of completion, are we afraid that they know something about birds?

Besides, they were about to die, two gods of light who were about to die, what was the difference between knowing and not knowing.

We're just here to rest assured and wait for them to take the bait. As long as Langyuan Renzu dies, those so-called gods of light from Langyuan Shenmen will be bird droppings, not worth mentioning. "


Near the Heart of Darkness, Darkness Juesha and Seven-scaled Eternal Fish chatted with each other, waiting for the death of Sirius Eternal God and Qixiang Eternal God.

"Oh! It turns out that you didn't have the revelation to detonate the heart of darkness. This is really interesting, the revelation you want is actually in our Langyuan Shenmen!

You don't seem to know it yet, our Waves and Fate Divine Sect is not wandering in the world of the infinite Yin universe and the anti-bright fairyland world, but we are in the infinite world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Wuji Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Tu Zhou is the primordial mother Zhou of the God Witch Long Zhou, the God Witch Feng Zhou and the God Witch Lin Zhou.

The two divine scroll protectors, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, fell into it. The divine power they cultivated is vast and powerful. It is obviously beyond the divine power of any sub-universe of the three major gods and witches. Do you think they will throw themselves into the trap, Did you catch me when I came here? "

Liu Juan sneered when she heard the discussion between Darkness Juesha and Seven-scale Cosmic Fish.

"Oh sneeze..."

"You two ridiculous gods of light, you have fun! Don't you know that the original patron saint of the heart of darkness is Hei Ji, the emperor of our dark metaverse.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't escape the bewildering snails of the emperor of the Black Demon Realm. What are we waiting for? We are waiting for the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm. Once the Black Mandrill arrives, they just don't want to appear here, okay! "

Seven-scaled Zhou Yu took Liu Juan's words, spit bubbles, sneezed and laughed wildly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

"Shut up! You idiot, how could Darkness Alien and Qianlan Liniang give birth to such a stupid fish like you.

What did I tell you just now, don't talk nonsense about the secrets of our dark metaverse, you are a bird, and his grandfather forgot!

What a dark magic treasure the black mandrill god, the Confused Earth Snail, is something you can talk about with your stinky fish mouth open and shut! "

Darkness Juesha was furious, and gave the seven-scaled colossus a slap in the face.

"Woooo... I, I..."

The seven-scaled cosmic fish was probably confused by the fan, and after a shock, it squeaked and became silent again.

"Ha ha……"

"Congratulations to the Emperor Sevenscales. The laws of your Dark Yuan Realm are strict. If you talk about the top secrets of the universe, how can you do it if you don't fight? According to me, it's fine if you kill him, otherwise you won't know what to tell us in a while.

But then again, don't take your things that made our God of Light a joke seriously.

Do you think we are willing to listen? You are wrong. What we want is to see you die, preferably immediately. That is what we are happy about.

Don't worry about us, we're fine, and if our light gods can't spread, it doesn't mean we're about to fall. Don't make a mistake in judgment, we may not know who will die! "

In the darkness, God of Heavenly Wolf stood on top of the pitch-black Wolf Castle, stroking the head of the wolf king Mancang with his hands down, and laughed.

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